in the book "ken uston - million dollar blackjack".. (i'm not promoting its just the best blackjack literture that i've read so far)
it talks about the efficiency of professional level blackjack systems.
it says that ustons advanced point count is the best: playing .69 betting .99 composite .87.
i use advanced plus/minus and it is playing .55 betting .95 and composite is .79.
kens book was published in 1981.
after 24 years is there somthing newer, better, and maybe even easier to learn then ustons advanced point count?
it says that ustons advanced point count is the best: playing .69 betting .99 composite .87.
i use advanced plus/minus and it is playing .55 betting .95 and composite is .79.
kens book was published in 1981.
after 24 years is there somthing newer, better, and maybe even easier to learn then ustons advanced point count?