The biggest taboo


Hey guys, just joined the forum and am very interested in learning from those who have succeeded for the most part in the casinos. Anyway i had an experience the other day playing at showboat in AC at about 10AM. Playing with four other guys and through play its obvious three of them are counting, not sure what system but whatever because they are spreading very conspicuously. Halfway through a shoe, the guy at first base leans to his friend and clearly says "plus 18". I was taken back since i feel its basically taboo to mention CCing in a casino let alone midshoe but the dealer made no indication that she would even motion a PB over.

Am I wrong or is that like a normal activity of counters? I couldve sworn the idea is to not be caught.


Well-Known Member
Nvrlose37 said:
Hey guys, just joined the forum and am very interested in learning from those who have succeeded for the most part in the casinos. Anyway i had an experience the other day playing at showboat in AC at about 10AM. Playing with four other guys and through play its obvious three of them are counting, not sure what system but whatever because they are spreading very conspicuously. Halfway through a shoe, the guy at first base leans to his friend and clearly says "plus 18". I was taken back since i feel its basically taboo to mention CCing in a casino let alone midshoe but the dealer made no indication that she would even motion a PB over.

Am I wrong or is that like a normal activity of counters? I couldve sworn the idea is to not be caught.
This is NOT normal activity, and the thing for you to do in such a situation is leave immediately.


Well-Known Member
Shoofly said:
This is NOT normal activity, and the thing for you to do in such a situation is leave immediately.
...lest you be guilty by association.

But I didn't increase MY bet!

Yes, you must have been the one doing the counting and signaling your friends! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Actually, if they are bad at it, and they probably are, you might stick around as your bets will be different and the focus will be on them. If the casino knows you, they'll know you're not part of it. Tough call, although Aslan's advice may be the better part of valor.


Thanks guys. Thats exactly what I thought was the case I just couldn't believe that the dealer did nothing about it whatsoever.


gatorcounter said:
if the count was +18, you should've be betting your max every hand ages ago

Well it was a very heavy deck from what could tell and I play Basic Omega II. Not sure what this guy was using but I'd say there were about 3-3.5 decks left. In essence, I should've been betting big, you're right


Well-Known Member
Nvrlose37 said:
Well it was a very heavy deck from what could tell and I play Basic Omega II. Not sure what this guy was using but I'd say there were about 3-3.5 decks left. In essence, I should've been betting big, you're right
Was the TC actually 18? I have heard of ploppies going into a casino having read half a blackjack book (not up to the chapter on TC yet) and try to vary their bets according to the RC!


Well-Known Member
AussiePlayer said:
Was the TC actually 18? I have heard of ploppies going into a casino having read half a blackjack book (not up to the chapter on TC yet) and try to vary their bets according to the RC!
Yeah . . . didn't explain that in the movie "21" did they?


AussiePlayer said:
Was the TC actually 18? I have heard of ploppies going into a casino having read half a blackjack book (not up to the chapter on TC yet) and try to vary their bets according to the RC!
Ha no way, whatever system that dude was using the +18 was the RC so the TC was around +5. What's better about this guy is that his BS was off, he told one of his friends to stay on 12 v 3 with the count not high yet. So he really couldve been a ploppy.
Nvrlose37 said:
...Am I wrong or is that like a normal activity of counters? I couldve sworn the idea is to not be caught.
The behavior is both taboo, and common. Many AP's utilize what is in my opinion a sub-standard level of guile within casinos.

On the other hand, they probably picked the safest store in the world to act that way in.


Well-Known Member
Nvrlose37 said:
...Halfway through a shoe, the guy at first base leans to his friend and clearly says "plus 18". ..
plus 18 halfway thru a shoe you STAY AND PLAY....if you would even consider leaving in this situation....then leave and don't EVER return as you just don't get it

got it?


Well-Known Member
Sharky said:
plus 18 halfway thru a shoe you STAY AND PLAY....if you would even consider leaving in this situation....then leave and don't EVER return as you just don't get it
I have done it a couple times. It is very painful. :eek: Both times the troops were gathering and a backoff was inevitible before the end of the shoe. I am not talking about heat starting to build, dirty looks or the pit guy on the phone and looking at you. I am talking troops amassing. Full scale assult only moments away. Sometimes you make the sacrifice in the name of longevity, especially if it is a regular store on your rotation. It is painful to do though.


Well-Known Member
Sharky said:
plus 18 halfway thru a shoe you STAY AND PLAY....if you would even consider leaving in this situation....then leave and don't EVER return as you just don't get it

got it?
If it really was plus 18.... And if it was, he should have had max bet out since +4. If detection was imminent because of vocalizing the count, I still say it would be better to leave than to possibly become embroiled in what was to follow, as in, "All of you seem to be working together. You all raised your bet at the same time. etc." I don't need this kind of exposure for a few max bets at plus 18, which I may or may not win.


Well-Known Member
Nvrlose37 said:
Hey guys, just joined the forum and am very interested in learning from those who have succeeded for the most part in the casinos. Anyway i had an experience the other day playing at showboat in AC at about 10AM. Playing with four other guys and through play its obvious three of them are counting, not sure what system but whatever because they are spreading very conspicuously. Halfway through a shoe, the guy at first base leans to his friend and clearly says "plus 18". I was taken back since i feel its basically taboo to mention CCing in a casino let alone midshoe but the dealer made no indication that she would even motion a PB over.

Am I wrong or is that like a normal activity of counters? I couldve sworn the idea is to not be caught.
In Atlantic City, you cannot get thrown for counting. Instead, they'll shuffle up on you, restrict your bet spread, mid shoe entry, etc... These amateurs probably liked the notoriety for being known as APs, so getting caught doesn't really mean shiesse when they can wait for another shift to start with another pit crew and start all over and try again if things don't go well the first time. Different environment, definately!


Well-Known Member
gothic said:
In Atlantic City, you cannot get thrown for counting. Instead, they'll shuffle up on you, restrict your bet spread, mid shoe entry, etc... These amateurs probably liked the notoriety for being known as APs, so getting caught doesn't really mean shiesse when they can wait for another shift to start with another pit crew and start all over and try again if things don't go well the first time. Different environment, definately!
Still, appropriate guile should be used in AC, no?


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
If you like to play more than half a shoe.:grin:
Or if you like to spread more than $5 to $50? :laugh:

The two times it happened to me I was playing $25 table spreading to whatever, I think to $300 back then and I was bet restricted $5 to $50. This really confused the other players. :laugh: One woman kept saying why is he betting $5 at a $25 table? I just said "that's what the man told me? :confused: Was pretty funny for a minute, but if you stay more than one shoe then the cut the deck which confuses the other players even more. I don't know what they do next. Didn't stay after that. Should have just to see.