The Card Couters Guide to Casino Surveillance


Active Member
aslan said:
He definitely was not ridiculed. I just don't feel free to talk with him until I know whose side he's on. Just having insider information does not tell me whose side he's on, plus I wonder why someone who spent a good portion of his life persecuting card counters, should suddenly want to help the very same card counters? Did he get struck off his horse on the way to Damascus? And if it wasn't something so dramatic, what's to stop him from playing it both ways if a profitable, or more enjoyable, opportunity arises? Sorry for being so skeptical, but that's just the way I am, and it has served me well over the years.
If Aslan would do research by reading my introduction to this board he will answer his own I Zacchaeus the tax collector who was instantly converted when he saw Jesus?? No, Oh yeah I havent rode in a while but I think I was on my way down the Chisum Trail when I fell off...not struck. :laugh:



Well-Known Member
EXGM, you said in your intro "I am responsible for evaluating many card counters and in a lot of cases, making them famous." Possibly I missed it but I don't recall your ever saying you no longer work in surveillance. Can we take this to mean you are still in casino employment.


Active Member
ohbehave said:
EXGM, you said in your intro "I am responsible for evaluating many card counters and in a lot of cases, making them famous." Possibly I missed it but I don't recall your ever saying you no longer work in surveillance. Can we take this to mean you are still in casino employment.
Retired from the business in 2004 and moved to a state that does not have gaming, I know I mentioned that on the chat and thought I said that on the intro...



Well-Known Member
exgriffinman said:
If Aslan would do research by reading my introduction to this board he will answer his own I Zacchaeus the tax collector who was instantly converted when he saw Jesus?? No, Oh yeah I havent rode in a while but I think I was on my way down the Chisum Trail when I fell off...not struck. :laugh:



Well-Known Member
Dear Exgriffinman

With due respect, even if you are who you say you are, we cannot be sure (1) which side you are now on, and (2) whether, if given an opportunity to make a name or a dollar, you might turn back to the dark side. After all, you spent many years persecuting us. I feel I have nothing to gain by confiding in you. However, any inside knowledge you may want to share with us, I'm sure will be gratefully appreciated, as well as, heavily scrutinized, which goes without saying. Thanks for being here. Nothing personal is intended by my natural skepticism. You are as welcome as any and all others who come here.


Well-Known Member
Double agents?

So we are down to the spy vs spy conundrum. I would be at a loss as to why the EXGM would go into the lair unless he is just trying to gain knowledge for his own game. I guess the cat has curiosity about how to survive as a mouse? It doesn't really matter because no one would expose themselves to possibly being known as an ap in public. If I was pro I would never meet him for any reason nor would I drop my defenses and risk exposure. So anyways Mr.EXGM this is how the mice feel. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
So we are down to the spy vs spy conundrum. I would be at a loss as to why the EXGM would go into the lair unless he is just trying to gain knowledge for his own game. I guess the cat has curiosity about how to survive as a mouse? It doesn't really matter because no one would expose themselves to possibly being known as an ap in public. If I was pro I would never meet him for any reason nor would I drop my defenses and risk exposure. So anyways Mr.EXGM this is how the mice feel. :laugh:
:laugh: Point taken.

Which ones are the mice and which ones the cats, may be seen differently by different folks. Eh, CP?