The casinos have nothing to worry about


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
"Every time I hit a 16 I bust."
I say that with a 12 v 2 or 3 when the index calls for it.

With 12 v 2, I always get a kick out of someone saying "a dealer 2 is like an Ace," to which I respond," I'll take even money."

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
I can't believe the amount of explaining that you guys have to do for frequently misplayed hands (eg. 12 v 2 and 3, 16 v T)! My usual response to these is a shrug and, "eh."

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
16 vs 10 is an easy play. It is a very marginal play. I surrender if possible and stand on other times. Never had any problems with the other players.
It is hitting 16 vs 7, doubling soft 18 vs 3 to 6 and hitting soft 18 vs 9 and 10 that is a different matter. It makes the other player mad as hell.

beating vegas

Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
A guy called me and said my software says it is wrong to late surrender A2vA. I tried for seven minutes to explain how bad a play this is. Unbelievably bad. Strip rules, hitting has a -10.043% EV according to Blackjack Attack. Surrender has, of course, a -50% EV. An amazing five times as bad. He continued to claim that he has been playing for 40 years, and he knows that hitting is stupid. At the end of the conversation, he said “Well, I hope you’ve learned something today.”:)

I may have learned something -- but not what he thinks.
some people never learn may be in another 40 years he will catch on
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I think it's prudent to just surrender ALL my hands. This accomplishes two things:

a) I get to the buffet line quicker;

b) I get lots of room comps.