The Hi-Rollers vs The Weekend Warriors...


Mimosine said:
OR we could have a TEAM bankroll, and allow each team to determine how to bet off it, since we are all playing at different tables! A $6k roll for 4 players with all max betting $60 - or the team captain could issue the marching orders and the min/max bets..... just me thinking out loud. - i really like this last idea b.t.w. since it is a team competition.
YES. I second THAT motion, all in favor say AYE. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
YES. I second THAT motion, all in favor say AYE. zg

each team member has $3,600.00 at his disposal. if team members want to swap it around that's ok but each starts with $3,600.00.
that would be a $14,400.00 total roll per team.
at least that's how i understand jj's write up on the official rules.


sagefr0g said:

each team member has $3,600.00 at his disposal. if team members want to swap it around that's ok but each starts with $3,600.00.
that would be a $14,400.00 total roll per team.
at least that's how i understand jj's write up on the official rules.
You, Sir are out of order, NAYs vote AFTER AYEs (((gavel)))

This is a TEAM vs TEAM effort, right? Yes, 14,400 per TEAM.

Look back through numerous posts universally (as well as the ZGI) and you will find that a TEAM by definition combines members' BRs and bets accordingly, right?

Team Challenge 2008!

All in favor say AYE! zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
You, Sir are out of order, NAYs vote AFTER AYEs (((gavel)))

This is a TEAM vs TEAM effort, right? Yes, 14,400 per TEAM.

Look back through numerous posts universally (as well as the ZGI) and you will find that a TEAM by definition combines members' BRs and bets accordingly, right?

Team Challenge 2008!

All in favor say AYE! zg
AYE! :p


Well-Known Member

In the rules, I take it I can only split aces one time and then receive only one hit per ace. Right?

Under "Conditions:," what does 10u mean? $10 units?

Surrender was not mentioned. I assume no surrender.

PS--Dang! the software I used last time doesn't have 70% pen, 66% and 75% are the closest. Is there a similar program I can use?
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Well-Known Member
aslan said:

In the rules, I take it I can only split aces one time and then receive only one hit per ace. Right?

Under "Conditions:," what does 10u mean? $10 units?

Surrender was not mentioned. I assume no surrender.

PS--Dang! the software I used last time doesn't have 70% pen, 66% and 75% are the closest. Is there a similar program I can use?
Ya, that does suck! Well:confused:

You could go with 66% but allow HSA for you only. That should compensate very close in relation to the short pen.

Then agian, maybe not.
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jack said:
Ya, that does suck! Well:confused:

You could go with 66% but allow HSA for you only. That should compensate very close in relation to the short pen.

Then agian, maybe not.
No no - same rules and pene for everyone. If he only had 66% and 75%, I say we all go to 75%. Anyone second my motion? zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
No no - same rules and pene for everyone. If he only had 66% and 75%, I say we all go to 75%. Anyone second my motion? zg
Objection your Majesty!

Lets just keep it, as is. No reason to put any more twists in it, than there already is. Besides, some of us have already played a few hundred hands or more.

Im sure Aslan will find the appropriate software. Ill help him search and we'll get'em set-up. No worrys, mate. Carry-on.


Well-Known Member
jack said:
Objection your Majesty!

Lets just keep it, as is. No reason to put any more twists in it, than there already is. Besides, some of us have already played a few hundred hands or more.

Im sure Aslan will find the appropriate software. Ill help him search and we'll get'em set-up. No worrys, mate. Carry-on.
OK with me jj. I hope we can find an easy to use software. OTOH, I wonder how many real life teams find the same pen for all their members? Does that sound realistic? But since we are competing, I guess it is necessary to fake it by using the same pen for all.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Unusual betting style. From now on my fellow teammates
will be simming my bets, so there is no conflict of interests. zg
I was wondering, if you noticed, that I stole your betting strategy,or not ha,ha,ha,ha,ha :devil:
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Well-Known Member
Making a maxbet approx 1n every 10 hands. (anything over min, in my case)

Has came a personal challenge, to beat the game with a flat-bet.

61 maxbets up.


Plus the odd-ball bet, put's me at -50 for flat-betting.

Note: If everyone has lost interest, I will turn this into a personal challenge of reaching 1Million, by hand 100,000. Will probably parlay, @10K$,(25$u) exposing myself with a high RoR, for a chance to reach my personal goal. Perhaps I'll wait until 15K, so im less vulnerable to RoR. The # of hands, will dictate my risk.



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