The iPhone App is up and running!


Well-Known Member
Read the rest at:

You’ve been waiting for it and now you can take your practice game with you everywhere.

Blackjack Trainer Pro helps you keep the Running count, shows you the True Count and guides you if you make a Basic Strategy or Deviation mistake. We want you to be on top of your game when you go into the casino. Practice at home, then run through a few shoes in your hotel room before hitting the tables to freshen up.
Has anyone used this BTW?

P.S. I don't mean to keep posting links to another site but just thought it might be of interest. (Also, I couldn't see that this iPhone news had been posted.)


I have 21 pro, and 21 sim, both are aggravating as both are h e an odd tendency to have 10s as hole cards more times than not etc etc the list goes on but my basic strategy is and has become pristine from playing them constantly. Both have card counting, 21 sim is better as it has interchangeable systems to use and tracks everything and can be looked up and retrace every play you have made