The Paper Trip book question??does it work


New Member
I read on another site about a book called the paper trip.I need a different players card and would like a picture id so i can get the comps.has anyone read it and does it work? is it legal to attempt to get a fake id as long as im not using it for any serious purposes.thanks


Well-Known Member
Fake ID

I have not read the paper trip. So I can't discuss that. However concerning a fake ID, I have heard that it is illegal to possess an ID that is intentionally made to replicate an official government issue ID.

Couple ways around this:
Carry both ID's and if ever questioned by the authorities, present the real ID. If you don't get caught with the fake, you are okay.

Have the fake ID made such that it does not "replicate" an official government issue ID. This may work if you just make up your own type of drivers license from some state that isn't the typical clientele of your gambling destination. As an example: Maybe you go to Tunica a lot, I'll bet not many people from Alaska go to Tunica. If you make some ID that says you are from Alaska, I don't think anyone in the casino will know its fake. Specifically the ladies at the player's club booth.


New Member
make one?

I dont have a clue how to make an id. Im not worried about getting caught with a fake would be used to get the players card and once in awhile getting comps.I would always have my real id.


Well-Known Member
Fake ID

I really don't know how to make one either, I was more or less referring to having one made.

If you are not concerned with getting caught with the ID, what is your concern? Once you get the player's card, the only time you will need it is when you check into your room and maybe to use other comps. You may want to have your real address on the fake ID, that way any mailings will still come to you. An alternative is to have a fake address on the ID, but when you sign up for the player's card you tell them that you recently moved. Give them your real address or a PO box at the booth. This way the mail offers still get to you.

As far as obtaining a fake ID... that is the real trick isn't it. My only suggestion is ask around. Talk to some co-workers who may be invloved in the more seedy areas of society. If you happen to be a college student, you may have an easier time of obtaining one. If you happen to know any degenerate high school students, then you may have your source.


Well-Known Member
The Answers You (WE) Seek will not be found on the Public Boards.....

I have asked this question multiple times on this and other BJ sites, i.e., "Where can I get a "realistic" FAKE I.D.?"

The closest I ever got to a real answer was to: "Drive through east LA, and look for a Hispanic man standing outside a Pharmacy (sic) wearing a sign reading "Realistic Fake I.D.'s Inside".

I have easily got "Fake" Credit Cards....just tell your CC-company that "phantom007" is now on your account....problem = No valid ID to back it!

I have checked out (BUT NEVER PURCHASED) various sites on the internet that offer same....they LOOK GOOD....will they pass scrutiny.....I DO NOT KNOW. Also, since most, if not all, are OFFSHORE...difficult to get refund if you are not satisfied.

With that said:

1. There are GOOD FAKE I.D.'s out there...age 19-20 College Students are likely a good source! But, where my own age 19-20 son goes to College, a bunch of kids just got arrested for doing same off of their in-room computers! DAMN! Maybe I should suggest that my son transfer!

2. "I am just a tourist, and will only be here for another 1/2 hour" good when true!

3. ONE of the BEST I have ever heard!..."Hell No! If I give you my ID, you will send mailers to my House. My wife will just SH#T if she knows that I have been back in the casinos again!"

Other ideas include:

A. "Borrow" abandoned Player's Cards from the Slots.....certainly risky, such as a middle-age Caucasian trying to play BJ as "Wong Hung Lo", or along the same line, an Oriental trying to pass off as "Jim Winston Smith".

B. BUY Player's Cards from obvious One-time tourists....walk up to the North Little Rock Village group, as they are checking out, and offer $5 each for their Player's Cards.....good for them (they won't likely be back) and good for you!

Just some thoughts.



New Member
good ideas

but i want to get my own id so i can redeem comps.i can use a friends id, but number 1, i dont want them involved with my counting ,and number 2, all the offers will be in their name.I was hoping someone read the book and can tell me if its worth thinking is, if it did work, it no longer does, because of 9/11.


Well-Known Member
u can get id that says no govt id

when it says this is not a govt doucument id on it, that it is not
illegal,but good
enough to use for cards..etc.
You chose the stats you want on it..A gal I know makes some
for around 30 bucks..
or there are a few sites online that make really good ids.
one is out of Sweden but its 200 bucks.


New Member
not a goverment id??

I bought a couple of those in high school.I didnt know you can use those for players cards.I thought it had to be a state issued id or passport.Have you actually used that id for Players cards.


Well-Known Member
YES, for many years

the real small print says not a govt document..
most are identical to the state license colors so
at first glance they look similar.


Yes, I had some made... *PIC*

... that said "Motor Services Vehicle" (instead of motor-vehicle-services) and on the back restricted me to a 1-20 spread at 2D games. Not illegal at all and work fine. zg

Ps - However - (Dead link: