I have a friend that owns a few trotters. They are nothing great, but he's been able to pull a small profit out of his stable. So tonite, he has a horse running at Yonkers and a bunch of us head up to the racino to watch him run. The horse comes in 5th out of 8, and we hit the downstairs lounge for some drinks and to listen to the house band- a kickass Motown revue.
I go to play some slots and a friend of a friend comes along. I find a promising machine and put in $100 bill. He asks if he can go partners and hands me $50. Says he knows nothing and can I explain winning combos and the like.
Its a game I've never seen before- Mayan Princes, although most of the characters are females, so maybe somebody stole the last S.
Its a nickle machine and its $2.70 a spin.
After about 15 minutes, I hit the bonus round. Having never played this machine, its all new to me. first screen pops up with eight eggs and it says pick one- I do and it says 3 times pay. Next screen is the same and I choose one- 50 free spins. So far so good. The bonus spins start and we quickly realize every spin is a winner- if you hit nothing, you still get $7.20 a spin.
times 50 spins and we are getting excited. After about ten spins, we are awarded another 50 spins, I don't know why. We are about halfway thru- 45 spins done and nothing too big, but we have banked over $400, when another screen pops up and asks us if we want to trade in our winnings for another 100 spins. It's a no brainer so we reset the bank to zero but now have 155 spins.
After what seemed like an hour, we finish and have almost $1400 in total winnings, and $1450 in credits in the machine. I'm expecting the machine to lock up, but we hit the cash out button, get a slip and cash it in one of the machines. No 1099, no nothing. Of course, I have to split it with my "partner"