The peril of partnerships, or how I gave away $725


Well-Known Member
I disagree.
I'm well aware of your point about the video poker, but so what.
All it means is that a player who knows VP has no advantage over a player who does not know the 3,000or so indices. As most people don't know all the indices, its actually a good thing.
For the type of machine I was playing- a reel slot its makes no difference if it is a class 1 machine with its own RNG or if its a VLT. None.
shadroch said:
For the type of machine I was playing- a reel slot its makes no difference if it is a class 1 machine with its own RNG or if its a VLT. None.
I don't want to start an argument here, but it does make a difference if its a VLT or RNG. If it's a RNG, the odds of you winning a prize or bonus or whatever slots have going is the same at any time. So you could sit down the second after a jackpot hit and win yet another.

But if it is a VLT, you can't do this. I read a second hand report that VLTs function like bingo machines with pull-tabs. They start with 4 million tabs and when that dwindles to 2 million tabs left, they add another 4 million and so on...But hypothetically if someone has one a jackpot previously, you have a 0% chance of winning it (or just a lower chance if there is more than 1 tab corresponding to a jackpot) until the virtual tabs are replaced. I do see how this could go the other way too, but I mean I find VLTs to be false advertising.

Also VLTs tend to be set to a lower payoff percentage (more like lottery games) than Class III machines. But whatever. I do agree with you in that a slot machine be it a Class II or Class III is a bad play.


Well-Known Member
I think having VLTs that resemble video poker games might be false advertising, but to me, a reel game is a reel game. Its not advantage play, but thankfully my life is good enogh that I don't need to spend every minute trying to push a profit. Sometimes the Entertainment Value is worth more to me than the Expected Value.
shadroch said:
Sometimes the Entertainment Value is worth more to me than the Expected Value.
Haha yeah. My weakness is craps though. I just make sure to keep my bankrolls separate and orders of magnitude different in size. :p


Well-Known Member
I myself find it boring to play the slots. Even when I'm freerolling off a casino promotion, I still find it boring. There's no thinking involved.

If it's a video lottery terminal, the results are fixed. If a machine hasn't hit a jackpot, it is more likely to hit a jackpot on the next spin since it's programmed to pay out exactly x amount of money in y spins. So it would be worth it to observe the interval between jackpots, and if a jackpot doesn't hit after the average interval, it really is "due" to hit soon.


Well-Known Member
As I understand it, VLTs in NY are linked in banks. The machine you are playing is part of a bank of 32 or 64 machines, and the server flashs the results to various machines in its bank. There is no way to know which machines are in the same bank as they are randomly situated thru out the casino.
As far as slots being boring, thats a personal thing. I know quite a few people who feel that way about BJ. The lack of extra payouts bores people.In slots, you are one spin away from a potential jackpot, in BJ you are one hand away from an extra 1/2 a payout.
What thinking is involved in BJ after you learn BS and a count. It is all rote.
Any good counter can carry on a conversation while playing, so thinking is minimum at best.


Well-Known Member
Were you considering stealing his 725$?

shadroch said:
I have a friend that owns a few trotters. They are nothing great, but he's been able to pull a small profit out of his stable. So tonite, he has a horse running at Yonkers and a bunch of us head up to the racino to watch him run. The horse comes in 5th out of 8, and we hit the downstairs lounge for some drinks and to listen to the house band- a kickass Motown revue.
I go to play some slots and a friend of a friend comes along. I find a promising machine and put in $100 bill. He asks if he can go partners and hands me $50. Says he knows nothing and can I explain winning combos and the like.
Its a game I've never seen before- Mayan Princes, although most of the characters are females, so maybe somebody stole the last S.
Its a nickle machine and its $2.70 a spin.
After about 15 minutes, I hit the bonus round. Having never played this machine, its all new to me. first screen pops up with eight eggs and it says pick one- I do and it says 3 times pay. Next screen is the same and I choose one- 50 free spins. So far so good. The bonus spins start and we quickly realize every spin is a winner- if you hit nothing, you still get $7.20 a spin.
times 50 spins and we are getting excited. After about ten spins, we are awarded another 50 spins, I don't know why. We are about halfway thru- 45 spins done and nothing too big, but we have banked over $400, when another screen pops up and asks us if we want to trade in our winnings for another 100 spins. It's a no brainer so we reset the bank to zero but now have 155 spins.
After what seemed like an hour, we finish and have almost $1400 in total winnings, and $1450 in credits in the machine. I'm expecting the machine to lock up, but we hit the cash out button, get a slip and cash it in one of the machines. No 1099, no nothing. Of course, I have to split it with my "partner"
how/where/when you give 725$?