The psychic bettor


Well-Known Member
read on gutz

I remember that a fellow poster awhile back posted a thread on going with your gut feeling. Lucky Ned and going with your gutz feelings was the gist of the thread. If you think this has anything to do with feelings located in your gut you both misinformed and overly skeptical.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
Hey Maz lighten up on the powers of thing I never would even want the power to do that. Seeking such power is not only dangerous it is not somehthing a person should want. The ability to read things before they happen is in no way the ability to change it's outcome.
If you were in tune with what was happening at the table you could realize that even though the counts were high your're sitting in the seat of doom. Tell me Maz if that never happened to you playing.
I am always in tune with what is going on at the table, thats why I have reason and evidence backing my experience at the table. Its what seems to be your lack of understanding that allows for your voodoo thinking. It is similar as to the belief in the bible. The bible being written with only the knowledge had by 1st century man offers mysticism and super natural explanations to occurences unexplainable at the time, while now with current knowledge much can be explained away without the need for magic. Likewise your "feelings" are easily predicted and can be avoided and or exploited at will with actual knowledge of shoe makeup and card mechanics. So yes I can say I have good and bad feelings at the table, but its based on information gathered and I can explain and account for them and most times control them as well.


Well-Known Member
daddybo said:
Wisdom is knowing the limits of your knowledge.
well said imho. falls right in line with this stuff, it seems:

not knowing probability maths but being interested in it and using it in a pragmatic way, lol, the area of wisdom and knowing the limits of your knowledge seems as if it has it's place for those of us who want to use probability stuff pragmatically.
at least i think i know that probability stuff in the short term is gonna present us with a range of limits of our knowledge, even long term the limits of our knowledge are in play.

so good to have worst case scenario plan x or what ever to deal with those unknowns i guess. things like have an understanding or risk of ruin, utility of your bets risk and reward, and what the range of expectations are. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
beyond counting

There are many tools that a person can use at bj table to his advantage. Most of the tools are available to all and some to only a few.


Active Member
blackchipjim said:
There are many tools that a person can use at bj table to his advantage. Most of the tools are available to all and some to only a few.
One of the more important tools is knowing which blackjack goddess to invoke for certain situations. For example;
Decimus... when doubling an eleven,
Nonus.......when hitting a 12,
Quimus......when you have to hit a 16


Well-Known Member
bj gods

There are a few more that you don't want to smile on your table. #1 Crapicuss... the one that shows up when you draw an ace on a double down. #2 Dumbassacus....when you wong into high count only to find yourself in the middle of superstious people playing crazy. Shitheadiatus.... the one that changes normally good players into blithering idiots doing just the opposite of what they should.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
bad feelings

So we all have our moments of clarity in our lives some come to us at the most unusual places. One of the places that it may happen is at the casino. Clarity may come in different forms of senses like even though you know you the correct play or bet it just doesn't feel right. Your counts are high but up til now you have not been making yours hands. Then it starts turning around you do start making your hands and you ask yourself is my mood changing or is luck starting to smile once again on this hapless ap? How many of us go in with blah atitudes only to start to win your butts off and come home quite accomplished.



The best way to use your psychic abilities is to practice telekinesis at the craps table.

Everyone who believes in telekinesis raise my hand.


Well-Known Member

Well did your hand feel like it got lighter just now? Seriously though you need to be more attune to your surroundings even if it is just to prevent you from being made as a counter. When you start getting dog tossed out of joints and asked not to come back you are oblivious to your enviroment.


Well-Known Member
Card callers

I was playing the other day at my regular haunt and sitting at a table with a fellow that had the uncanny ability to call a great percentage of the next card out of the shoe. I was studying him for quite awhile but never got a glint of how he was doing it. It did attract attention from the pit after awhile but they wrote him off when he called wrong on a few hands in front of them. I suspected him of tracking the deck but his percentage was way past a normal tracker's ability in my oppinion. Has anyone seen anyone able to do this with great accuracy.


Well-Known Member
I was in Vegas a couple of weeks ago. After my first three days of playing I was $1,300 up having started with a meager br of $160 (replenishible of course). The house closed down my table at 2am where I was $500 up and moved us to another table. This table had a crazy player who seemed both to be counting and to be quite superstitious. She bet around $65 on each of two hands, then usually in positive counts she would move in large amounts like two hands of $500 each. She would go crazy if I doubled down on an A-7 against a dealer 4, 5, or 6, pointing to her bet stacks and saying "big money is playing. Don't hit!" I ignored her and I lost each and every time. Also, she went ballistic each time, as if I were the biggest idiot on the planet. She would blame me if she lost.

Another quirk was she went bonkers if I began playing two hands. She would immediately go to playing a single hand instead of two until I went back to playing one hand, like I was disrupting the sacred flow. The vibes were so bad at that table and I started losing for the first time that week. I went from $1,300 up to $300 down (had to go to an ATM machine).

The next day I decided to change to basic strategy, augmenting it with modest spreads in positive counts, since I did not wish to risk another roller coaster ride, and would rather lose a little than risk another bad run of negative variance. The first game I got into, DD at Planet Hollywood, the dealer cut 50% pen. I loudly brought it to her and the table's attention. She said that's what they tell us to do. I complained to the PB, saying, everyone knows that if you don't deal half the cards the good cards won't get much chance of coming out. He nodded and said sorry, but that's what they do.

So I went to a 6 deck game. The pen was good so I settled down to a long session using basic strategy only. I had a great time, talking to the dealer and all the players, counting, too, out of sheer habit, but relaxed because it didn't matter if I lost count. The vibes were great. And I couldn't stop winning. I had a great time and I won back my losses and left.

Was it the vibes that made the difference? I know when the vibes are bad I am distracted, impatient, and emotional. I am apt to make some plays against my better judgment. I am also apt to delay wonging out at the appropriate time. But when the vibes are good and my mind is fresh, I feel on top of it all. Even if I start losing, I am patient, and generally able to hang in without much effort until it turns around.

Another factor with me can be a dealer. Some dealers seem to get under my skin. If I can avoid letting their attitude or sarcastic remarks from getting to me, I can generally do well. But if I let it get to me, I am toast. The dealer who throws your hits down like he knows they will bust you or wants them to bust you is one kind of dealer that used to grate on my nerves. Now I strike up a friendly converstation with them, discussing their hometown or something, and soon they seem to be wishing me the best of luck. It doesn't change the cards, but it does change the atmosphere in which I must play, and seems to be conducive to a winning attitude.


Well-Known Member
bad feelings

That is a point well taken and should be a part of a players list of things he should watch out for. Obnoxious players can throw off a counters game in the worst way. They cause the counter a serious distraction in concentration which in turn may hurt your overall ev. Call me a sissy but I move when I encounter conditions like you described. I don't allow idiots to disrupt my game.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
That is a point well taken and should be a part of a players list of things he should watch out for. Obnoxious players can throw off a counters game in the worst way. They cause the counter a serious distraction in concentration which in turn may hurt your overall ev. Call me a sissy but I move when I encounter conditions like you described. I don't allow idiots to disrupt my game.
Which brings up another point--don't let convenience dictate your decisions. This was the only DD table open for the rest of the wee morning hours. I should have gone home or visited another casino. :whip: