The skinny on False I.D.


Well-Known Member
Nearly all purveyors of "novelty I.D. cards" are crooked.

They will accept your payment in advance and send you absolutely nothing.

Note that they all demand a money order, cash, teller's check, or some other form of payment where you have NO RECOURSE once swindled.

A considerable number of these crooks operate out of Canada and some use P.O. Boxes along the Canadian Border in Northern New York.

In Southern California - where there is a brisk trade for those from Mexico and Central America;
it is my understanding, based upon a reliable source, that the right person in the Latino community can get you false I.D. for $100-$200, depending on how complete a set you want.

CRUCIAL FOOTNOTES: Some casinos (especially in New Jersey) will NOT give you a player's card based on this sort of false I.D.

They know it is false because it will NOT scan.

Most states issue driver's licenses and I.D. cards that are scannable for your D.O.B., etc.

Just being found with false I.D. on your person in an airport or a train station is cause for arrest and detention by the T.S.A.



Well-Known Member
If you want a fake ID, you go to Young Street in Toronto, Ontario. They make great IDs. My friends and I used them for 2 years without problem.

However, they don't scan and I would never use one in a casino.

Neither am I reccomending you buy a fake ID!


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
CRUCIAL FOOTNOTES: Some casinos (especially in New Jersey) will NOT give you a player's card based on this sort of false I.D.
Not true. I've gotten multiple players' cards in AC without ever being scanned. In my experience, the most persistent about the scan is Borgata, but it can be bypassed.


Well-Known Member
False ID risk!

If you are playing with a false ID and go to cash out they could ask to check your ID when you cash out especially if you win big! If they find that you used a false ID they could confiscate your winnings refusing to pay you! If you are underage wait a few years before you go and gamble otherwise you will have one more way to lose!


Well-Known Member

Normally, simple possession of false identification is not something thatyou can be prosecuted for; unless you can be shown to be engaged in using false documentation in an attempt to commit larceny, fraud, impersonation, forgery, etc.

One important thing to understand though, is that, pursuant to the promulgation of the so-called "Patriot Act" you do not want to be caught with false I.D. by the T. S. A. at an airport or by a Customs Officer at a border, etc. - unless you enjoy being detained that is.
FLASH1296 said:
Normally, simple possession of false identification is not something thatyou can be prosecuted for; unless you can be shown to be engaged in using false documentation in an attempt to commit larceny, fraud, impersonation, forgery, etc.

One important thing to understand though, is that, pursuant to the promulgation of the so-called "Patriot Act" you do not want to be caught with false I.D. by the T. S. A. at an airport or by a Customs Officer at a border, etc. - unless you enjoy being detained that is.
Yes you do not want any contact with law enforcement with a fake ID either. Plan on spending the night in jail if a cop catches you with one, even if you are not doing anything illegal.

If you use fake ID, get a separate wallet that you could not confuse with your normal wallet and put everything that pertaineth to the fake ID in there. Leave it home or in the trunk of your car at all times you are not actively using it.


Active Member
FLASH1296 said:

In Southern California - where there is a brisk trade for those from Mexico and Central America;
it is my understanding, based upon a reliable source, that the right person in the Latino community can get you false I.D. for $100-$200, depending on how complete a set you want

The same can be had in NYC. Many of the Tshirt shops that sell the novelty IDs also have more authentic, illegal options.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Nearly all purveyors of "novelty I.D. cards" are crooked.
Yeah, no ****, they're selling fake ID's. That's crooked. It's like saying, "oh, you know those hit men that you hire to kill your wife? They're bad people."

FLASH1296 said:
A considerable number of these crooks operate out of Canada and some use P.O. Boxes along the Canadian Border in Northern New York.

In Southern California - where there is a brisk trade for those from Mexico and Central America;
it is my understanding, based upon a reliable source, that the right person in the Latino community can get you false I.D. for $100-$200, depending on how complete a set you want.
No offense, but this is just xenophobic crap. Why are you insinuating that Canadians and Mexicans are responsible for the fake ID's in the United States? There's hundreds, perhaps thousands, of these joints operating in just about every city and major town in the United States, and I'll bet the majority of them are owned and operated by Americans of every race and ethnicity.

Did nobody in this thread have a fake ID in high school or college, or know people who did?

Yes, fake ID's are stupid. Yes, using them is stupid. Yes, you can get into pretty big trouble if you do it. But this phenomenon is horrendously ubiquitous, and there's no point in pointing it out like it's something new or special, or that there's some small group of people responsible for it.

Here are some more news: People go to bars and drink alcohol imported from Mexico and Canada and Europe and then drive on the roads drunk and kill people! And bars don't cut off patrons when they've had too much to drink!


Well-Known Member

You said ... " ... drive on the roads drunk and kill people! And bars don't cut off patrons when they've had too much to drink!

I do not know where you reside, but in my state bartenders are held responsible for failure to 86' drunks
[without some assurance that they are not about to operate a motor vehicle.]
if someone leaves their tavern, drives drunk, and causes a fatal accident.


FLASH1296 said:
One important thing to understand though, is that, pursuant to the promulgation of the so-called "Patriot Act" you do not want to be caught with false I.D. by the T. S. A. at an airport or by a Customs Officer at a border, etc. - unless you enjoy being detained that is. :eek:
Or sent to an offshore prison where you can be tortured and never released.



FLASH1296 said:

You said ... " ... drive on the roads drunk and kill people! And bars don't cut off patrons when they've had too much to drink!

I do not know where you reside, but in my state bartenders are held responsible for failure to 86' drunks
[without some assurance that they are not about to operate a motor vehicle.]
if someone leaves their tavern, drives drunk, and causes a fatal accident.
A casino in a city I lived in for a time allowed a guy who was insanely drunk to keep playing. The other patrons were giving the casino hell for it, yelling at the pitbosses and dealer. He spilled beer on the table and squandered at least $1300 before he finally left.
Licentia said:
A casino in a city I lived in for a time allowed a guy who was insanely drunk to keep playing. The other patrons were giving the casino hell for it, yelling at the pitbosses and dealer. He spilled beer on the table and squandered at least $1300 before he finally left.
Pretty good act, wasn't it? Cleared out the table, and spilling beer on the cards is a good way to make the dealer shuffle away a bad count. Too bad I didn't have better luck. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Pretty good act, wasn't it? Cleared out the table, and spilling beer on the cards is a good way to make the dealer shuffle away a bad count. Too bad I didn't have better luck. :cool:
You are killing me, funny monkey!! This board does not even have an icon for this!

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
Licentia said:
Or sent to an offshore prison where you can be tortured and never released.

That can't happen to American citizens--unless you're posing as a captured Taliban fighter, perhaps (and have a pretty good act).

Furthermore, as enemies of the United States during a war, those Bastards deserved everything they got.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Nearly all purveyors of "novelty I.D. cards" are crooked.

Note that they all demand a money order, cash, teller's check, or some other form of payment where you have NO RECOURSE once swindled.

They know it is false because it will NOT scan.

Key word NEARLY all. Not all are crooked.

It is not true that ALL demand (?) those forms of payment.

This is also false. Many novelty ID's can scan.

Source: Personal experience.