The Winners System


New Member
standard toaster said:
oh no thats fine i wasent trying to say anything negative i was just wondering how you came across it
its seems like a scam to me. Its more than likely a progressive betting system that is just waiting to hit disaster

I don't know what kind of system it is that's why I wanted to know if anybody used it..Why pass judgement before the facts..??


I love voodoo!

The system, although I know nothing about it is likely garbage but that does not mean that this is not a valuable thread! Not for any critical information such as pointing out the uselessness of systems that do not work to novices that would be duped by such scams but because it's HILARIOUS!

I have not laughed so hard in a long time! I think I will locate that ACDC song entitled,"Whole Lotta Rosie" and listen to it in the background while I read back through it. Who says professional blackjack players have no sense of humour?


New Member
It's winter time so who wouldn't enjoy a whole lotta woman, especially at night when it gets cold. I purchased this system and I'll post it here in my own words as soon as i get the chance. :cool2:


New Member
The winners system includes 2 non counter systems and an advanced point count system.

The basic non counter system -

you must play BS with a few changes depending on the circumstances.

The player has the advantage when there are more 10 cards left in the shoe and the disadvantage when there are more low cards left in the shoe so......

we count rounds

If there are more 2-7 cards on the table then this is a minus round but if there are more 10 value cards on the table this is a plus round. If it looks like there is an even amount of 2-7 value and 10 value cards then its an even round.

ok for the betting, bet minimum until you are at plus 2 rounds ahead or at +2. when you get to +2 in your rounds count then you increase your bets to 3-4 units and then if you go up another plus round you add 1 unit for each plus round you go up. if your ever at or below 4 minus rounds leave the table.

Thats basically it in a nutshell, he also explains how to wong in and out using this strategy.


Well-Known Member
dalexis said:
The winners system includes 2 non counter systems and an advanced point count system.

The basic non counter system -

you must play BS with a few changes depending on the circumstances.

The player has the advantage when there are more 10 cards left in the shoe and the disadvantage when there are more low cards left in the shoe so......

we count rounds

If there are more 2-7 cards on the table then this is a minus round but if there are more 10 value cards on the table this is a plus round. If it looks like there is an even amount of 2-7 value and 10 value cards then its an even round.

ok for the betting, bet minimum until you are at plus 2 rounds ahead or at +2. when you get to +2 in your rounds count then you increase your bets to 3-4 units and then if you go up another plus round you add 1 unit for each plus round you go up. if your ever at or below 4 minus rounds leave the table.

Thats basically it in a nutshell, he also explains how to wong in and out using this strategy.
sounds like my fuzzy voodoo stuff!:eek:
can you provide more detailed info?


New Member
I cant very well post it word for word on here, i tried to condense 2 type written pages into a few paragraphs. Also there is an advanced non counter system and also what he calls The point count system in which you are actually counting cards with all the indice plays, side count of aces etc. There is absolutely no mention of a progression anywhere in this material, just raising your bet when you have the advantage, or betting minimum when the count is negative.

To be honest i have tried the basic non counter system in a casino a few times and i did win some money with it wonging in like he describes. I don't like when people get nasty if you join mid shoe so i quit doing it.


Well-Known Member
It sounds very similar to the Speed Count/Golden Touch/OPP systems. It's not really a winning system and it definitely does not live up to the claims made on the website. His advanced counting system sounds better, but it still won't give you anywhere near a 90% advantage.
