newb99 said:
So, the consensus is that with an average of only three aces left per deck in play, doubling 11 v 10 is a goer ? So get the additional clay onto the felt where, for example, three decks are left and fifteen aces are in the discard tray?
A secondary question - going off subject somewhat - recommendations for how to keep a sidecount. I've played with using a pile of chips and adding to them at the end of a round where "x" number of aces have popped up. But is this too much of a giveaway? I have read of people playing footsie with a table leg?
Well the good news is that, I just got my "effects of removal programs" back from K_c which i'm very happy about.
So, here shortly Ill be able to tell you exactly the magnitude of an ace, for each count your using. For example, using the Zen-Count, this becomes +ev(verses hitting) @+4, which is equal to the removal of one ace. Therefore, the SC of aces are worth +4 each for every xtra ace. Note that TWO removed in DD=TC+4
Forget about the foot, hand& chip counts. Just side-counts the aces in your mind if your serious about it. Start with 4 aces/single deck, if you've never done it before. I guess 2decks/8aces, is fine too, if your comfortable with it.
Visualize the RC in front/left and SC on right. Like -7/3a
Before calculating the surplus or shortage of aces, learn how to
identify shortages or surplus'es. The Discard Tray is your friend here. Pre-memorize it.
2 deck game:
1/2 deck in discard tray=2Ace's
So in other words, if your playing a 2Deck game and theres 3/4 deck(=3Aces) in the discard tray, and your RC is +7/1; your two ace's short/rich.
In this case, you would ADD for betting, while SUBTRACT for 11 vs X.
Note, that since this is ENHC, the Magnitude of the Ace will be worth alot more.
Also Depending on which count your using, will also depend on the Magnitude of the Ace.