The worst excess of the ENHC game.


Well-Known Member
newb99 said:
I've tended to develop my game around taking the more aggresive option of doubling against tens, but after this example of fate sticking it's cold icy finger up my behind, I think it's probably best to call off the doubling when there are more than two units in the box - as with some others that leave the window too wide open for fate to step in.

If you want to carry on with this aggressive tactic, you would be wise to keep an ace side count. If there were 50% less aces left in a positive count, I would imagine this would properly be a good double - does any one know the math for this?


Well-Known Member
Since, I changed hard drives in my computer a few months ago, Im unable to retrieve a few of my programs, which would tell you the effect of removal, for the ace. My guess is, is the removal of a single ace in a 52 card pack, would make 11vsX +ev, in a ENHC game. Canceler and sagefrog, have these programs, and if you guys are listening maybe you guys could check for me.:p

Your welcome newbie.
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Well-Known Member
jack said:
My guess is, is the removal of a single ace in a 52 card pack, would make 11vsX +ev, in a ENHC game.
You are truly amazing. Yes, removing an ace makes doubling +EV and the better play.


Well-Known Member
So, the consensus is that with an average of only three aces left per deck in play, doubling 11 v 10 is a goer ? So get the additional clay onto the felt where, for example, three decks are left and fifteen aces are in the discard tray?

A secondary question - going off subject somewhat - recommendations for how to keep a sidecount. I've played with using a pile of chips and adding to them at the end of a round where "x" number of aces have popped up. But is this too much of a giveaway? I have read of people playing footsie with a table leg?
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Well-Known Member
newb99 said:
So, the consensus is that with an average of only three aces left per deck in play, doubling 11 v 10 is a goer ? So get the additional clay onto the felt where, for example, three decks are left and fifteen aces are in the discard tray?

A secondary question - going off subject somewhat - recommendations for how to keep a sidecount. I've played with using a pile of chips and adding to them at the end of a round where "x" number of aces have popped up. But is this too much of a giveaway? I have read of people playing footsie with a table leg?

Well the good news is that, I just got my "effects of removal programs" back from K_c which i'm very happy about. :) So, here shortly Ill be able to tell you exactly the magnitude of an ace, for each count your using. For example, using the Zen-Count, this becomes +ev(verses hitting) @+4, which is equal to the removal of one ace. Therefore, the SC of aces are worth +4 each for every xtra ace. Note that TWO removed in DD=TC+4

Forget about the foot, hand& chip counts. Just side-counts the aces in your mind if your serious about it. Start with 4 aces/single deck, if you've never done it before. I guess 2decks/8aces, is fine too, if your comfortable with it.

Visualize the RC in front/left and SC on right. Like -7/3a


Before calculating the surplus or shortage of aces, learn how to identify shortages or surplus'es. The Discard Tray is your friend here. Pre-memorize it.

2 deck game:

1/2 deck in discard tray=2Ace's

So in other words, if your playing a 2Deck game and theres 3/4 deck(=3Aces) in the discard tray, and your RC is +7/1; your two ace's short/rich.

In this case, you would ADD for betting, while SUBTRACT for 11 vs X.
Note, that since this is ENHC, the Magnitude of the Ace will be worth alot more.

Also Depending on which count your using, will also depend on the Magnitude of the Ace.
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Well-Known Member
Ace side count idea

newb99 said:
A secondary question - going off subject somewhat - recommendations for how to keep a sidecount. I've played with using a pile of chips and adding to them at the end of a round where "x" number of aces have popped up. But is this too much of a giveaway? I have read of people playing footsie with a table leg?
If your using a simple counting system, how about incrementing your RC in 100's instead of 1's and for aces subtracting 99 in positive counts and -101 in negative counts.

For example:-

a RC of +7 would be +700 if you remove an ace (-99) you would have a RC of +601 or +6 and 1 ace.
a RC of -3 would be -300 if you remove an ace (-101) you would have a RC of -401 or -4 and 1 ace.

With a bit of practise, I don't think this would be too complicated using an unbalanced or a simple balanced count like Hi/Lo. It would properly be easier than having a separate Ace count.

Any thoughts anyone?
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Well-Known Member
Going back to keeping an ace count (in the UK game). It accomplishes two things?:

Shows when there is less than expected Aces in a shoe (1 per deck left to play), thereby pointing towards when it's advantageous to double against a dealer 10.

Shows when there is more than expected Aces in a shoe (again 1 per deck), thereby indicating when it's more likely that a BJ will pop out.

Question is for the second one, how do you incorporate or build in the ace count to the overall count as an indication of the degree of advantage?

Sorry if this is a bit of a noooooby question . . .
