THE WORST ploppy ever last night


Well-Known Member
Skin thickness

I think a person has to develop a callous attitude to both the jerks at the tables and the jerks here sometimes. I will admit that a few players have gotten to me and I just needed a time out to collect myself.
I don't go to a low rent district and expect to see nice homes. If the morons that you encounter piss you off you should sit at a green chip min table. I will add that you will encounter some idiots at the tables but not as many. If your bankroll won't let you go to a higher min table your're SOL.
Shad wrong

shadroch said:
It's strange that all these great APs claim they can keep control when confronted in person,yet fly off the handle so easily when someone makes a comment on the internet they object to.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion that there are two or three true APs here, and the rest are just blowing smoke out of their asses.

You are mistaken. I have played with 10 members of this site at The "BJ BASH" and they are true AP's, so I know it is alot more than 2 or 3.

I will also tell you that I can keep control when "confronted in person", for only a very short time, and then it will get very ugly.

shadroch said:
It's strange that all these great APs claim they can keep control when confronted in person,yet fly off the handle so easily when someone makes a comment on the internet they object to.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion that there are two or three true APs here, and the rest are just blowing smoke out of their asses.
You can "keep control" at the table and still bark back at someone who is insulting you. I've exchanged plenty of FU's with ploppies. As long as it doesn't interfere with your advantage, it doesn't matter, and if it helps you blend into the lowbrow environment of the casino by talking like a lowbrow, all the better.

In general, you do not want to present yourself as a disciplined and intelligent person at the table.
jimbob said:
Let's see, you have spent a great deal of time accumulating knowledge and expertise that you know the rest of the population does not have. Then you go to play in a place where the vast majority of other players fit that category of not knowing. Then you get upset when they question your advantage plays or when they make un-educated plays.

Seems to me that the problem may not lie with the other players.

Other players are going to groan when we make advantage plays that they are unaware of. That is a fact of our life. Insulting other players and calling them names like "ploppy" will not change that. have me dead to rights. I was pretty much one of the "uneducated" for the past several months, albeit one who still followed basic strategy and trusted the odds (even knowing that they were not in my favor in the long run). It's only recently that I decided that I'm an intelligent enough person that I don't have to lose, at least not all the time. As I said in my first post here, I am a novice and stick to low-stakes games for the time being.

As would be expected, this experience did cause me to lose the count big time, and I had to resort to just BS and the "eyeball" method several times. I know now to be better prepared for this sort of thing. Live and learn, right?


Well-Known Member
Weren't we all "ploppies" once? I know I was! The difference is that very few people move past being a ploppy and others remain ploppies forever. I have been probably the worst ploppy you can imagine - I didn't get serious about BJ until about a year ago, at which point I started really practicing bs and counting (still can't get the counting - but I practice).

Now, I look at this way. It's fodder for my blog, where I can dissect and bitch and complain to my heart's content. At the table, I don't say a thing. The weird things people do is one thing that makes the game interesting, IMO.

As a woman, I probably don't get the abuse the men do. And I pull the "mama" card - "does your mama know you say things like that to people?" "didn't your mama bring you up right?" "Hon, if you got something to say, be a man and say it out loud." Nobody disrespects Mom. :grin:


Well-Known Member
not necessarily the worst people i ever played with but i found them to rather interesting. There was a husband and wife who were both in their mid 60's or so. The husband sat to my left and the wife(complete with her basic strategy card) sat to my right. I had been the only person at the table with one other older guying coming and going. anyhow, they were talking to the pitboss about some other table they were on and how poorly the other players played at that table(it was a 25 i guess, both husband and wife seemed to think the players at that table were dumb). At some point during a positive count i got a 16 vs 10 and i decided to stand. The old guy looked at me weird and hit his 13, took a 10 and busted. Then dealer turns over a 6, and hits it with an 8. He mumbled something about me messing it up. A little later, i get 16 vs. a 10 and stand. Old guy grumbles and hits his hand and busts with a 10. Dealer again pulled a card that would have given him a 20 and a win if i had not "broken" the table. he says to his wife, "that's twice now". she says, "well, what can you do, but he should have hit that". I assume them to be just BS players so i can see where they would think i was retarded.

The best part came later when i was dealt A, 7 vs. 10. I hit and i swear they both crapped their pants. The old lady starts telling me how horrible of a play that was because i ended up getting an 8 and then busted on my next card. She said, "18 is a hard hand to get and you just can't throw it away like that, you really shouldn't have done that". I just smile and hold back the urge to tell her to consult her little cheat card she has laying on the table.

They weren't overly jerks or anything, but i could tell that any index play was irritating them. The fact that the old lady was giving me a speech on what my correct play should have been(according to her) when her cheat card would tell her to do exactly what i did was simply hilarious. And the fact that they were complaining about the quality of other players in the casino made for an incredible irony.


Well-Known Member
I had this one guy that got the BS half memorised. And playing some horrible BJ. and he was telling me how he was going to get a bunch a girls together and teach them the "semi count" and start his own card counting team. And he also mentioned you don't need to know the count exactly to become a winning player.

What a ****ing mongo, but he sure did have a large wallet to waste!



Well-Known Member
I've come to the conclusion that grumbling and kibbitzing is part of the game. Some people wallow in it without having a clue how stupid they make themselves out to be.

Last week, I split 3s against a dealer 3. Ended up with 4 hands and 3 DD.

The idiot in the #4 spot - who hadn't hit 12 against a dealer 2-7 all night and only occasionally hit 14-16 against a dealer 7-10 - decided to hit his 12. Now, I don't call him an idiot for hitting the 12 - he's an idiot because up to that point he'd acted like busting would cause a bomb to go off under his seat and when I have 4 hands out with 3 DD he finally decides to hit a stiff hand. He drew a 9 and made 21 but the next 2 cards were small cards and the dealer made 18. I lost 2 DD and pushed the other 2 hands.

You would've thought the woman next to me had put out the chips herself. She went on a rant about him hitting that 12. She lit into him, told him how wrong he was, and finally turned to me and said "I can't believe you're not upset that he hit that and took the dealer bust card." I told her I would've loved to win all 4 hands, but hitting the 12 was the right thing to do - I would've done the same thing. That only shut her up until the next time I had 12 and the dealer had 2. :laugh: ("You're not really going to hit that, are you?")


Well-Known Member
cc218 said:
not necessarily the worst people i ever played with but i found them to rather interesting. There was a husband and wife who were both in their mid 60's or so. The husband sat to my left and the wife(complete with her basic strategy card) sat to my right. I had been the only person at the table with one other older guying coming and going. anyhow, they were talking to the pitboss about some other table they were on and how poorly the other players played at that table(it was a 25 i guess, both husband and wife seemed to think the players at that table were dumb). At some point during a positive count i got a 16 vs 10 and i decided to stand. The old guy looked at me weird and hit his 13, took a 10 and busted. Then dealer turns over a 6, and hits it with an 8. He mumbled something about me messing it up. A little later, i get 16 vs. a 10 and stand. Old guy grumbles and hits his hand and busts with a 10. Dealer again pulled a card that would have given him a 20 and a win if i had not "broken" the table. he says to his wife, "that's twice now". she says, "well, what can you do, but he should have hit that". I assume them to be just BS players so i can see where they would think i was retarded.

The best part came later when i was dealt A, 7 vs. 10. I hit and i swear they both crapped their pants. The old lady starts telling me how horrible of a play that was because i ended up getting an 8 and then busted on my next card. She said, "18 is a hard hand to get and you just can't throw it away like that, you really shouldn't have done that". I just smile and hold back the urge to tell her to consult her little cheat card she has laying on the table.

They weren't overly jerks or anything, but i could tell that any index play was irritating them. The fact that the old lady was giving me a speech on what my correct play should have been(according to her) when her cheat card would tell her to do exactly what i did was simply hilarious. And the fact that they were complaining about the quality of other players in the casino made for an incredible irony.
Too funny. Totally ironic also because that just happened to me yesterday. A guy had a cheat sheet in front of him and still deviated from it. I told him he made a wrong move hitting his 12 vs the dealer 6 and he admitted he had but just "felt it." The only problem was, I was then faced with the exact same situation later and I hit it only because the count was -. All the players demanded to know why I hit it. How do you answer this without a. revealing that you're counting or b. looking like a total fool? Needless to say, I'm done giving advice!!!

JulieCA said:
I've come to the conclusion that grumbling and kibbitzing is part of the game. Some people wallow in it without having a clue how stupid they make themselves out to be.

Last week, I split 3s against a dealer 3. Ended up with 4 hands and 3 DD.

The idiot in the #4 spot - who hadn't hit 12 against a dealer 2-7 all night and only occasionally hit 14-16 against a dealer 7-10 - decided to hit his 12. Now, I don't call him an idiot for hitting the 12 - he's an idiot because up to that point he'd acted like busting would cause a bomb to go off under his seat and when I have 4 hands out with 3 DD he finally decides to hit a stiff hand. He drew a 9 and made 21 but the next 2 cards were small cards and the dealer made 18. I lost 2 DD and pushed the other 2 hands.

You would've thought the woman next to me had put out the chips herself. She went on a rant about him hitting that 12. She lit into him, told him how wrong he was, and finally turned to me and said "I can't believe you're not upset that he hit that and took the dealer bust card." I told her I would've loved to win all 4 hands, but hitting the 12 was the right thing to do - I would've done the same thing. That only shut her up until the next time I had 12 and the dealer had 2. :laugh: ("You're not really going to hit that, are you?")
People say that to me all the time, "your not REALLY going to split those tens...are you?!:grin:

And then I doit!:laugh:



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
People say that to me all the time, "your not REALLY going to split those tens...are you?!:grin:

And then I doit!:laugh:

I would love this. It gets rid of the other people at the table. Dude was doing this at a table I was at and it chased everyone away.


New Member

What I do when other players complain about my play is tell a joke to the table and dealer." Do you know how to tell the difference between a puppy and a blackjack played??? eventally you can get the puppy to stop whinning.
usally works to shut them up.


mac said:
What I do when other players complain about my play is tell a joke to the table and dealer." Do you know how to tell the difference between a puppy and a blackjack played??? eventally you can get the puppy to stop whinning.
usally works to shut them up.




Well-Known Member
Lesson learned

Thunder said:
Too funny. Totally ironic also because that just happened to me yesterday. A guy had a cheat sheet in front of him and still deviated from it. I told him he made a wrong move hitting his 12 vs the dealer 6 and he admitted he had but just "felt it." The only problem was, I was then faced with the exact same situation later and I hit it only because the count was -. All the players demanded to know why I hit it. How do you answer this without a. revealing that you're counting or b. looking like a total fool? Needless to say, I'm done giving advice!!!
The problem with giving advice and especially the unsolicited advice that you gave the guy after he hit his 12 vs 6, is that later at a different count you made the same play. You have no answers for the other players but the good news is that to the pit and dealer you look now exactly like their average player.


ihate17 said:
The problem with giving advice and especially the unsolicited advice that you gave the guy after he hit his 12 vs 6, is that later at a different count you made the same play. You have no answers for the other players but the good news is that to the pit and dealer you look now exactly like their average player.

I never give advice unless it is in my own self interest.

I actually enjoy seeing non-ap's get smashed.



Well-Known Member
No this guy had no clue what he was doing. He constantly had to check his cheat sheet and I know for a fact he wasn't counting. He had been asking me all night what to do and to explain stuff like why he should hit his soft 18 and etc. probably because I was the only person at the table winning. I kind of feel bad when I see nice people getting killed in the casinos which is why if they ask I'll try to help them out but at the same time, I'm starting to realize it only makes me stand out more and it is just one more distraction.