Deathangl13 said:
No, if it is true that no matter what you bet, it is still subject to the house edge, why would it matter at what point the bet was placed? I was playing some months back and as I was positively progressing, After my 4th straight win I threw a $45 bet out there and caught a blackjack on the 5th win. Maybe it was a positive TC, I don't know, back then I didn't count, but whether the count was positive or negative I won "that hand" with a bigger bet. Now that I count, I've seen plenty of negative shoes that have thrown out blackjacks, and poitive shoes that didn't. What if a counter has big bets out in pos. TC and loses, then catches blackjacks at neg. TC with small bets out. Did I overcome the house on my $45 blackjack? Did the counter succumb to the house on his $10 blackjack?
I think AM's post says it all, but I'm going to try and simplify this as much as possible:
You're playing a coin toss game. Every 5 minutes, the odds change. You're assigned tails and for the first five minutes, you get paid 1:1 for every tails and have to pay 2:1 to your opponent for every heads. During the next 5 minutes, the odds are reversed. You have no option to sit out during the 5 minutes. If the limits on the game are $1-$100, how would you bet this?
During the 5 minute intervals in which you get paid even money on a win but have to pay 2:1 on a loss, you bet the minimum of $1. You expect to lose money, but it's no big deal—just a dollar here and there. Now when the next 5 minutes is up, what do you bet? Assuming you're adequately bankrolled, you bet the maximum of $100. Now you stand to make a lot of money, much more than you lost when you were playing with the odds against you. What have you done here? You've
maximized your wins when the odds favor you and
minimized your losses when the odds are against you. Card counting 101.
Now if you were a progression bettor instead, you would certainly find yourself playing during the same advantages and disadvantages as the AP coin tosser. Do you think you would make any money? Since you're playing an essentially break-even game off the top, your results are based solely on luck. You could win or lose depending on the way the coin flips. The AP coin tosser, on the other hand,
is not subjected to the negative edge like his progression-betting counterpart is because his wins will far overshadow his losses. The progression bettor's results are at the mercy of total randomness.