Theoretically, should playing as a counter be automatic?


Well-Known Member
Theoretically, should playing as a counter be automaticL

p8ntballsk8r said:
Ok so obviously BS should be automatic, but is it also true that a skilled counter should have no difficult decisions to make? The counter should always have only 1 right play and should only do that play?

I'm talking, betting amount, taking insurace, playing a hand/ anything else that can happen at the table. Not refering to recognizing heat, or anything else at the table that one notices.

i believe there are two answers to this question.

first answer: yes theoretically playing as a counter should be automatic.

second answer: may be not. it is known that with in the limits of one's risk of ruin that a card counter can play a winning game. this fact is known because we can simulate various scenerio's that are successful. we can employ various mathematical techniques to show that thoughtless automatic methods of play and betting can in the long run yield positive money winning results.
what the simulator's and mathematics can not show us is the results of a thoughtful application of such techniques by a knowledgeable player. so it is not out of the realm of possibility that the employment of human thought, ingenuity and insight might enhance the application of card counting techniques.
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Bojack1 said:
Yes it is true that once you have completely grasped the concept of counting there are no difficult decisions to make. The problem lies with the psychological aspect of it, which if you want to excel at being an AP you must separate from mathematical fact. The whole basis of counting is based on a math premise, which leaves no room for interpretation. There are different methods people use but once that is all set up, which should be done way before you step foot in a casino, thats it, all decisions are made for you before you actually have to make them. If you have done everything correctly leading up to your actual playing, then there should be no apprehension about what play to make or how much to bet. Where one runs into problems is when they have fooled themselves into thinking they're ready but true lack of confidence makes them question their decision making. I see this and hear this with a lot of even experienced APs. It does not take a great deal of nerve or balls, as some have said to make a decision on something there is only one right answer to and you know it. If you had to bet a million dollars that 2+2 =4 would you be scared to do it? Of course not, it will always be that regardless of outside distractions. Of course with counting there is variance that will not always make the correct answer seem that way at the time, but again if you believe in the math, and that you have studied it well, you still know you were right and eventually you will win. That is why I stress perfection, it lessens the stress of the game. You know you are right even if at the moment the game is beating the hell out of you. With time and practice everything becomes automatic. Counting becomes as easy as reading a stop sign, you see and it registers without having to truly read it. For hi lo, TC calculations and bet sizing come as more of memory recall than actually trying to figure them out. And if you are using indices they will come as easy as basic strategy. Its like a boxer that goes in and delivers a 1st round knockout in a fight. Every one says wow what any easy way to make a buck, but what they don't see is the months of training it took to be able to perform in such a way. Same thing in blackjack, train hard to make your fights easy, make your skills training as difficult as possible, so that the casino actually runs in slow motion for you. Of course you need to log some casino time to get comfortable with the atmosphere, but if you train well the casino will be nothing but a bigger living room to you. So if you call yourself an AP and find yourself stressing while you're playing, its either you are playing with money you can't afford to lose, even betting properly can't fix that, or you aren't truly confident in what you are doing. Whether it be your skills or the fact you're not truly sold on if the whole card counting thing is true. If its either one, stop playing and evaluate yourself truthfully.
You should publish this somewhere Bojack. People just cant seem to grasp the concept. I try to explain this to people yet, they get defensive and fail to realize that the math is built into it all. No need to split hairs while you are at the table. Also, if you could explain more about how getting Casino Heat is more of a myth than a reality.

For hi lo, TC calculations and bet sizing come as more of memory recall than actually trying to figure them out."
This is a huge statement!
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Well-Known Member
But you are not betting a million dollars that 2+2=4,its more like you are betting a million dollars that the four year old sitting across from you knows that 2+2=4.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I would take the bet that 2+2=4. Certain rules governing the bet should first be discussed. IF we are talking pure mathematics, it would be a safe bet. However, if engineering or physics has anything to say about it...

If you think I'm talking nonsense, check out the link below...some people do actually discuss it.



Well-Known Member
weavin42 said:
I'm not sure I would take the bet that 2+2=4. Certain rules governing the bet should first be discussed. IF we are talking pure mathematics, it would be a safe bet. However, if engineering or physics has anything to say about it...

If you think I'm talking nonsense, check out the link below...some people do actually discuss it.

err, yea like for example if yer adding one rabbit and another rabbit well you might just find your unexpectedly multiplying :p