This board is OPEN! Please read!

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Moderation Guidelines

This board is semi-moderated. What this means is the following:

1) This board will remain open to all for viewing. If you want post, you are welcome to do so.

2) For those who do not have "bypass moderation status" your posts will go into a holding area and be reviewed for content before they are placed on the board. This is not fun, so you want to get "bypass moderation status" just as soon as you can. Typically this review will take less than 24 hours.


4 All those who had created profiles before 11/25/02 have automatically been granted bypass moderation status. You are allowed to post freely.

5) All those I know personally will be automatically granted bypass moderation status. Just create a profile and request the bypass via email ( [email protected] ).

6) All those who are referred to me personally by someone else who is an established poster on this site will automatically be granted bypass moderation status. Again, have the established poster send me email requesting bypass moderation status for this individual.

7) All posts by those without a profile will be have each post reviewed before it is posted.

8) Those who create a profile and have not otherwise been referred, will have a 2 week waiting period before they can by-pass moderation. For those two weeks, your posts will continue to be moderated.

9) After you have had your profile for two weeks, you must send email to me at [email protected] requesting that you be allowed to bypass moderation. At that time, you will almost automatically be granted bypass status.

10) The only cause for not being granted bypass-moderation status is that you post in continuing violation of the posting rules. Likewise your status allowing you to bypass moderation will be revoked if you continue to violate the posting rules.

11) There is no cause for appeal. All decisions regarding moderated status are my own and are final. I can and will use whatever security tools I have available to determine in advance if posters and profiles are legitimate.

Now, lets get back to the fun!


learning to count

Well-Known Member
Oh I almost forgot Happy thanksgiving to all. Dont eat too much turkey eliot! I'm going to play on a cruise boat this weekend I will have a trip report. Happy T-DAY to all!!!!! LTC


Well-Known Member
Welcome back, Mayor

Glad to see my favorite board back up. Hope everything works better this time. Good luck...
