This might be close to Voodoo...


Well-Known Member
Parallel and alternative universes

ihate17 said:
If you look at Ken Uston's life you can easily say the amulet did not do him much good but there again we do not know if he lost it before his demise.

Your other point about luck wearing out is debatable. Does real luck wear out? Or do we look at someone who just had a long period of positive variance and when his variance turns negative say that his luck ran out?

In real life, luck = variance but on the voodoo board you enter an alternative universe.

I'm glad you mentioned an alternative universe, because you are right now in one, down here deep in the bowels of this VD board.

As for luck wearing out; well then, tires wear out, welcomes wear out, shoes, socks and jocks wear out, cars wear out, football teams wear out, probably even Sonny wears out reading stuff like this down here on this board. So, let's face it... Just about everything wears out, so why not luck? You mentioned the vague term: "real luck"... Are you referring to good luck, bad luck, or just... luck? Or maybe: "Unreal luck?"

Then, 17, you debase the very heart and soul of the Voodoo heartbeat its sacred self by uttering a mortal sin, ie by equating variance with luck. Other sinners like you - and maybe even Uston, bless him, - have tried unsuccessfully to link science and voodoo, but it just doesn't wash down here mate! After all, they are universes apart... just ask that idiot at third base. :cat:


Well-Known Member
Third base Eternal Idiot

And speaking of idiots at third base - while I'm on a streak - The Voodoo Spirit that beats so powerfully down here, compelled me to write this brief summary of some of the known Voodoo-speak Religious Rights that are commonly widespread practices seemingly worldwide.

1 "The deuce is the dealer ace." VD folklore knows something here seeing as the deuce is the dealer up-card that attracts the most dealer 21s.

2 Some idiot will always mess up "the flow of the cards." How often have you noticed that idiot often seems to be... you.

3 This same idiot is usually present when he, as usual, takes the "dealer bust card". This idiot just never seems to learn a damn thing now, does he?

4 Voodoo knows how you should always 'go with the flow', follow advice like: 'The trend is my friend," and: "Always fit the pattern." But there is always at least one idiot at the table, isn't there...

5 Lucky tables, lucky dealers, lucky days, lucky months, years, decades, centuries; lucky moods, lucky shoes, and even lucky pitbosses, are all a know fact of VD existence that is beyond math, beyond Don and Beyond Counting. This secret, magic knowledge shall continue well into the next millenia; see if I'm right...

6 A voodooer here recently blew the lid on how important "Table Selection" is. As this very important aspect of a BJ winning game plan and strategy gains more deserved recognition, you can expect to be inundated with a staggering display of new books on this very subject anytime soon.

7 The Voodoo Beat eternally drums on...


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
6 A voodooer here recently blew the lid on how important "Table Selection" is. As this very important aspect of a BJ winning game plan and strategy gains more deserved recognition, you can expect to be inundated with a staggering display of new books on this very subject anytime soon.

Though the poster who wrote about table selection may have had his methods wrong, the idea of table selection is extremely important. From the simpliest thing as knowing the rules on a certain table, is it 6/5 can you DAS, is surrender offered and so on. Then since in many places penetration is very dealer dependent, does this dealer cut 1 deck, 2 decks, etc. Is the table crowded?



Well-Known Member
The more I think about it,

Katweezel said:
I'm glad you mentioned an alternative universe, because you are right now in one, down here deep in the bowels of this VD board.

As for luck wearing out; well then, tires wear out, welcomes wear out, shoes, socks and jocks wear out, cars wear out, football teams wear out, probably even Sonny wears out reading stuff like this down here on this board. So, let's face it... Just about everything wears out, so why not luck? You mentioned the vague term: "real luck"... Are you referring to good luck, bad luck, or just... luck? Or maybe: "Unreal luck?"

Then, 17, you debase the very heart and soul of the Voodoo heartbeat its sacred self by uttering a mortal sin, ie by equating variance with luck. Other sinners like you - and maybe even Uston, bless him, - have tried unsuccessfully to link science and voodoo, but it just doesn't wash down here mate! After all, they are universes apart... just ask that idiot at third base. :cat:
The more I think about it, the more I know that the voodoo board is not an alternative universe but the actual place that we play blackjack in! Just watch the other players.
But if you wish to really visit an alternative universe, may I suggest the ZenZone.



Well-Known Member

ihate17 said:
The more I think about it, the more I know that the voodoo board is not an alternative universe but the actual place that we play blackjack in! Just watch the other players.
But if you wish to really visit an alternative universe, may I suggest the ZenZone.

I hear galloping hooves; it could be the zg posse...;)


ihate17 said:
Though the poster who wrote about table selection may have had his methods wrong, the idea of table selection is extremely important. From the simpliest thing as knowing the rules on a certain table, is it 6/5 can you DAS, is surrender offered and so on. Then since in many places penetration is very dealer dependent, does this dealer cut 1 deck, 2 decks, etc. Is the table crowded?

This is VOODOO, SIR... show this scientist the door, someone. zg


Well-Known Member
Revolving door

zengrifter said:
This is VOODOO, SIR... show this scientist the door, someone. zg
I tried to warn 17 but there are none so deaf as those without ear. Now, just before they string you up IH, can you please tell me the answer I've been thinking about ever since I spotted your... interesting name. Is soft 17 ok with you because after all, you get a free shot at possible improvement. If that is the case, then maybe you should insert the word 'hard' if appropriate. I guess 'hard' can be appropriate at times, sometimes not.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Never happy with a 17

Katweezel said:
I tried to warn 17 but there are none so deaf as those without ear. Now, just before they string you up IH, can you please tell me the answer I've been thinking about ever since I spotted your... interesting name. Is soft 17 ok with you because after all, you get a free shot at possible improvement. If that is the case, then maybe you should insert the word 'hard' if appropriate. I guess 'hard' can be appropriate at times, sometimes not.:rolleyes:

Granted a soft 17 is better than a hard one, you can improve it, you can double it but especially when the ace is the first card I receive and I now have a soft 17, somehow I am wondering where my paint was. Honestly, I should change my name to ihatehard17butonlydislikesoft17, but I am just too lazy to type all that bull, so I will live with my current name.



Well-Known Member
Tycoon's unique voodoo BJ style

ihate17 said:
Granted a soft 17 is better than a hard one, you can improve it, you can double it but especially when the ace is the first card I receive and I now have a soft 17, somehow I am wondering where my paint was. Honestly, I should change my name to ihatehard17butonlydislikesoft17, but I am just too lazy to type all that bull, so I will live with my current name.

During the 1990s, the late Australian multi-billionaire tycoon, Kerry Packer was known for his fondness for a bet. He often preferred to bet alone in casino reserved HR rooms and on one occasion when he was well ahead at a baccarat table in Vegas, at the close of his session he offered the table staff a tip of 40 grand. They voted to ask him to bet it all up, for just two more bets. He called correctly and they shared a much bigger tip of $160K.

On another well-known occasion at the Stratosphere, a loud Texan was badgering him for a game of poker. The Texan boasted, "I'm worth sixty million in oil and property." KP produced a coin from his pocket and said, "I'll toss you for it."

KP had a unique style of blackjack play that he liked, which included no card counting of any type... (which makes it voodoo?) He employed his style several times in both Vegas and London, but results overall, were probably inconclusive. He both won and lost large amounts, which usually received publicity back home, where church leaders would criticize his 'extravagences.'
His reply usually went along the lines of: 'I earned my money and how I choose to spend it is my business.'

He would have several BJ tables arranged in a circle, each with its own dealer. He would bet $10K on each of the 7 boxes, on each table; then he would begin at table #1, complete that, and so on, walking around the circle, back to where he started, to begin again.

He racked up some wins (and losses) of over $20M in a session with this style of play. A HR room manager was fired after one of his winning LV sessions. (How was it the manager's fault?!!)

Here is Kerry's unique style, presented for all of us tycoons here to employ, next time we are at MGM or some other large, juicy Vegas target.:cat: