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blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Depends on Who's Law, God or Man's?

MAZ said:
Hold on there christian stone thrower, Kobe was never convicted of such an offense, and in turn neither was MAZ. As a matter of fact the preponderance of the evidence was in Kobe's favor, as a civil case was not even attempted. So no you slanderous wretch, there is no evidence to warrant the claims you make of Kobe, and in turn myself. Now get on your knees and ask your invisible friend to forgive your ignorant thoughts as well as your deviant fantasy you choose to express through false accusations of others.
Didn't Kobe admit to cheating on his wife? I think that is a rather bad thing in Christianity? Of course in California I think they have no fault divorce? So, legally it's nothing?

However, I rooted against the Lakers because of Koby for the above reason. Of course I did not like hearing that Garnet cursed loudly and often while playing so kids watching in the stadium could possibly hear? I understand he has calmed down?

The biggest thing I measure in athletes now is how good a person they are, given so much we should expect a lot from them. So, I find myself having less interest in sports! :joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
Didn't Kobe admit to cheating on his wife? I think that is a rather bad thing in Christianity? Of course in California I think they have no fault divorce? So, legally it's nothing?

However, I rooted against the Lakers because of Koby for the above reason. Of course I did not like hearing that Garnet cursed loudly and often while playing so kids watching in the stadium could possibly hear? I understand he has calmed down?

The biggest thing I measure in athletes now is how good a person they are, given so much we should expect a lot from them. So, I find myself having less interest in sports! :joker::whip:
I expect nothing from athletes but good athletic performances. If they at least appear to be good people as well, thats a bonus. But in reality they are just humans that are very good at something and thats it. Like any walk of life their are those that are good and bad. Putting athletes on pedestals and expecting them to be saintly because they can shoot a basketball and get paid millions to do it is just naive. We don't know these people personally, we know them at work. So we should admire their work if we choose to admire them at all. Tiger Woods was supposed to be this great guy, and the whole world loved him. Now it turns out he's not such a great guy, should we be surprised? We knew him as a great golfer and in turn most associated that with him being a great man. Well he's not a great man, but that doesn't lessen what he has accomplished on the golf course. We as fans need to realize that we root for a game and those that play the game, they are not heroes because of that. Don't get me wrong there are some that may be great people that just happen to be athletes as well, but thats how it should be thought as. Its not the athletes duty to be a good person for those that follow the sport, its the publics duty to be able to differentiate between reality and just fine athletic performances.

On fathers day I hope most of you don't have to look too far as to see what real heroes look like.


Well-Known Member
Well put.

The problem is NOT that athletes do not live up to the concept of a "role model." The problem is that fathers, coaches and teachers tell children that grown men playing children's games are such role models. A ludicrous concept bordering on child abuse.