This site is GREAT


I just registered. I've been using the strategy engine to practice counting and researching rules and odds for a while now. I want to thank Ken Smith for this site. I am about to throw my hat in to the ring and try to count for real in Atlantic City. I live in N.Y. not to far away from A.C. or the Connecticut casinos.
The Ct. casinos have slightly better odds, offering surrender, but the cost of the commute to A.C. is almost nothing (3 times less than going to Ct.).
My strategy is going to be a simple 1,-1 count with 7,8 and 9 neutral. I'm going to start out with a $1,000 bankroll and try to make a $100 profit with min bet $20 or $25. My plan is to do this a few times, gain some confidence and casino experiance, than if it works try to up the profits a little at a time, adding 50 to 75% of the profit to the bankroll each time.
It's a simple plan, but I think those are the ones that work. Would some of the veterans here, including Mr. Smith, please tell me if my plan is sound. Thank you,
Glen Russ
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I'm new here too, but IME if you want to play atlantic city you better be ready for some single deck games unless you want to spend half your night looking for a real blackjack table. You'll have to be fast to count cards because it's played face down. I'm not planning to go back for the next few months untill I have the count down cold unless it's to watch the games again to get more details of the rules they are playing by so that I can modify strategy to compensate.

I don't know if they will still have it or if they move it but at the sands hit the fourth floor and ask around untill you get to the low limit blackjack tables. It's the only decent blackjack I found in atlantic city (granted I hit a total of 3 casinos and only really searched two of them).

Your money strategy might work but don't forget, bankroll and profit all spend the same. IMHO you shouldn't value bankroll differently than profit. It's an emotional connection with your money that you don't want to have, especially when it's time to walk away.

I'm off to work on memorizing basic strategy now so take all this with a grain of salt.

~~ Good Luck! ~~


Single deck in A.C.?

Thanks for the reply, but I've gambled in A.C. plenty of times, I've never seen a single deck BJ game there. The only place I have seen single deck games is in down town Vegas.


Staff member
GlenRuss said:
I'm going to start out with a $1,000 bankroll and try to make a $100 profit with min bet $20 or $25. My plan is to do this a few times, gain some confidence and casino experiance, than if it works try to up the profits a little at a time, adding 50 to 75% of the profit to the bankroll each time.
It's a simple plan, but I think those are the ones that work. Would some of the veterans here, including Mr. Smith, please tell me if my plan is sound.
A $1000 bankroll with a minimum bet of $25 means you'll have a very high risk of losing the entire bank. The main problem is the poor six-deck games you'll find an Atlantic City. To beat those games requires a decent bet spread. I'd guess you need at least 8 to 1 to beat that game with any kind of decent win rate. Betting up to $200 per hand would require a long-term bankroll of around $20K.

My advice is to learn as much as you can about the game, and once you have a good idea about how much profit you can reasonably expect at low limits (think minimum wage!), get some experience playing the game. Once you have a feel for it, you can reconsider how much bankroll you're willing to commit to your efforts.


Staff member
Single deck in Atlantic City

There are a few single deck games in Atlantic City these days, but they're all the awful 6:5 Blackjack games.

These games are the worst blackjack games in a city where mediocre games are the best you'll ever find.

6:5 Single deck, Just say No!


6 to 5

I would never play the 6 to 5 games. I was in Vegas not to long ago and was very happy to see lonely dealers at the 6 to 5 single BJ tables on the strip. No one was playing these games at many different casinos. I haven't seen them in AC, but I'm sure people will play them there. Gamblers here (in NY) just don't care about the odds it seems.


Active Member
That is encouraging news about 6-5 tables going unplayed in LV. The last time I was out there, they had plenty of players. Hopefully, as the word is spread about the awfulness of these games, even the less knowledgable players will get this information and refuse to play these tables. One thing that will help them continue to exist is that so many people gambling in the casino really don't care about getting the best odds. They are there purely for entertainment and one game is just as good as another for their purposes.
Friends don't let friends play 6-5 blackjack :laugh:

SoBu Mike

I'm not a counter, but a profit of 100 dollars with a bankroll of 1000 seems incredibly simple to me. I never count, and the past 7 times I've played, I profited more than 100 on 6 of them and up to 1100 profit. And I bought in at 200 every time but once I bought in 100. It's rare to get your butt kicked right away. You will usually have a streak somewhere that will put you ahead a couple hundred, and if you pocket that profit, you will have it almost every time.



SoBu Mike said:
I'm not a counter, but a profit of 100 dollars with a bankroll of 1000 seems incredibly simple to me. I never count, and the past 7 times I've played, I profited more than 100 on 6 of them and up to 1100 profit. And I bought in at 200 every time but once I bought in 100. It's rare to get your butt kicked right away. You will usually have a streak somewhere that will put you ahead a couple hundred, and if you pocket that profit, you will have it almost every time.

But then there are the times where you just lose, and lose, and lose. I have gone to the casino twice in the last couple weeks and have lost around 4000... =/ the dealers just kept getting miraculous hands!! on every table i played at. I have never seen it that bad. I would have to agree with you in most cases though. I have almost always had at least one good streak which put me ahead.... and almost every time i have at least hit even at one point if i am down.. only time that didn't happen was this past monday where all the tables were hungry.


Well-Known Member
Vegas Strip

I was in Vegas this past weekend (May 11-15) and there was no lack of players at the 6:5 tables on the Strip. There is another game rule popping up...or maybe I just hadn't seen it before. The dealers do not peek at their hole card unless their up-card is an Ace. Sort of like a modified European rule game. Lots of people playing that one too. Most all of the Downtown casinos still have traditional Blackjack though. Binions has a few 6:5 tables but right next to them are 3:2 tables....unbelievable! People were playing at the 6:5 tables when seats were open at the 3:2 tables!