Thrashed again!


Well-Known Member
In everyone's carear as an ap they get the tar beat out of them. Well it finally happend with the biggest one day loss of my playing bj. I lost one hundred units in one day and couldn't recover but a small amount at the bitter end. The bj gods were mad at me and was cursed shoe after shoe and it never changed. I had to reasses bankrolls a few times throughout the day just to keep within my limits. I personally hate days like this because it makes you wonder what in the heck you walked into. The worst part of the ordeal was it didn't matter the table or dealer I was destined to never get a hand above 16 and loss every double or split. I'll be numb for a good long while and shall not harken on the door of destiny for a while. blackchipjim:cry:


Well-Known Member
You are correct...we all have days like that. Learn that if you are mentally beat...there is always tomorrow and other casinos. I justify it by telling myself that I just put the money on deposit with blank casino and I will withdraw it from another. Disipline is the key, you may have to take a break or even quit for the day regardless how difficult it may be not to play.

Richard Pugh

Active Member
eandre said:
You are correct...we all have days like that. Learn that if you are mentally beat...there is always tomorrow and other casinos. I justify it by telling myself that I just put the money on deposit with blank casino and I will withdraw it from another. Disipline is the key, you may have to take a break or even quit for the day regardless how difficult it may be not to play.
I do the same - I was beaten all ends up in one casino a while ago, so I opened a new account somewhere else and made it all back plus more over a couple of sessions.

It doesn't make it any easier for you today but just remember if the bad shoes are in front of you, then someone else somewhere else is having the session of a lifetime as the ying/yang overall variance thing happens.

...and sooner or later you'll be ying and not yang - now can someone tell me where to play today? ;)
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Well-Known Member
I lost 140 units in 2 hours last Saturday. Actually, quite a bit of it was due to my unlucky table partner. He was the kind of guy who liked to double down for less, so I always "had his back" when he had a good hand. Unfortunately, we both lost a lot of hands that day. Still, thank goodness for high roller ploppies!

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Well-Known Member
I won't bore you with what you already know-variance, swings, ev etc., just wanted to say: I feel you pain! When you're ready you'll get back on the horse!



Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
how the heck do you deal with it psychologically :confused:
I went back to my room, looked at the rest of my bankroll and felt much better. I was pretty frustrated at all the bad hands I was getting but the money doesn’t really bother me anymore. A loss like this is small enough that I don’t lose any sleep over it. During the session it seemed like I was just burning through cash the whole time, but after the session I could see that it was just a small piece of my total bankroll and I felt very relieved. I’ve had worse losses than this (although never in one session!) and I always get the money back by the end of the year. I have complete confidence in the Law of Large Numbers, especially when it is paired with the Law of Large Bankrolls. :grin:

I've been very fortunate to never lose a significant portion of my bankroll (50% or more). If (when) that happens I'm sure I will handle it much less gracefully.:flame:



Well-Known Member
the house didnt back me off when I lost on saturday either. :rolleyes:

I was only down 6 units though.


Well-Known Member
The only serious time you feel down and want to quit blackjack is when you lose your complete bankroll. This is why bankroll management is key to any successful gambler, whether it card counter, pro poker player or a 'The No Retreat Blackjack System' player :)
The key is to just keep playing, and make sure you are playing perfect :cool:


Harman said:
This is why bankroll management is key to any successful gambler, whether it card counter, pro poker player or a 'The No Retreat Blackjack System' player :)
The key is to just keep playing, and make sure you are playing perfect :cool:
We could argue that point all day long about 'The No Retreat Blackjack System' player :) don't believe that for one minute. In the real world everyone goes BUST at least once. You can keep playing perfect and no matter what you do you will end up a loser. The casino has one thing one it's side that's money. If he would of sat their long enough instead of 140 units it could have been 520 units. Still tihink you can sit and play with your endless bankroll all day long not in the real world maybe running sims on your computer where your only a mouse click away from replinishing your bankroll ! Their are some days no matter what you do you are going to loose. Don't ask me for the answer. I don't know when to walk away when things are going bad !
InPlay said:
We could argue that point all day long about 'The No Retreat Blackjack System' player :) don't believe that for one minute. In the real world everyone goes BUST at least once. You can keep playing perfect and no matter what you do you will end up a loser. The casino has one thing one it's side that's money. If he would of sat their long enough instead of 140 units it could have been 520 units. Still tihink you can sit and play with your endless bankroll all day long not in the real world maybe running sims on your computer where your only a mouse click away from replinishing your bankroll ! Their are some days no matter what you do you are going to loose. Don't ask me for the answer. I don't know when to walk away when things are going bad !
That's not correct. Although any player playing any bankroll has a risk of bankruptcy, if you are playing with an advantage at the proper percentage of bankroll your bankroll will increase at a sufficient rate that it will probably reach infinity before it reaches zero.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
That's not correct. Although any player playing any bankroll has a risk of bankruptcy, if you are playing with an advantage at the proper percentage of bankroll your bankroll will increase at a sufficient rate that it will probably reach infinity before it reaches zero.
I agree with Monkey here. Weird..


Well-Known Member

I just laugh to cope and then let out a silent scream. There is alot of pent up emotion that occurs with " I can't catch a damn card to save my life" sessions. Laughing it off is sometimes not easy when it may have been a significant amount of your bank. Like all disasters that happen we will build again and attack the foe. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
those gut wrenching sessions

We all have them. Those who get on these boards saying they do not ever have them simply are not telling the truth or have not been playing long at all.

For a new and some not so new players they are a test to prove if you can be a successful AP or not. Those who as a result of horrid sessions either fail to spread enough or leave a highly positive shoes after losing a few or both, will never be real AP's.

Honestly, when at the table it has no effect on me and really never has, but once the session ends I re-think it half a dozen or so times and then it is done, gone, kaput. If your bankroll has taken enough of a hit then refigure it and go back to work.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I've been very fortunate to never lose a significant portion of my bankroll (50% or more). If (when) that happens I'm sure I will handle it much less gracefully.:flame: -Sonny-
Is there any chance at all that you've been "fortunate" to never lose 50% of roll because you know you are playing at a pretty low ROR to begin with when you play and you know the chances of losing 50% of your roll before you play? :)

Is your chance of losing 50% of roll, generally speaking, perhaps, 10% or so?

I know you know :)


Automatic Monkey said:
That's not correct. Although any player playing any bankroll has a risk of bankruptcy, if you are playing with an advantage at the proper percentage of bankroll your bankroll will increase at a sufficient rate that it will probably reach infinity before it reaches zero.

Lot of IF's

Main Entry: in·fin·i·ty
Pronunciation: \in-ˈfi-nə-tē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural in·fin·i·ties
Date: 14th century

1 a: the quality of being infinite b: unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity : boundlessness

2: an indefinitely great number or amount <an infinity of stars>

3 a: the limit of the value of a function or variable when it tends to become numerically larger than any preassigned finite number b: a part of a geometric magnitude that lies beyond any part whose distance from a given reference position is finite <do parallel lines ever meet if they extend to infinity> c: a transfinite number (as aleph-null)

4: a distance so great that the rays of light from a point source at that distance may be regarded as parallel

All of which all players do not have ENDLESS BANKROLLS.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I had to reasses bankrolls a few times throughout the day just to keep within my limits.
The good news is that if you were readjusting your game plan as your bankroll was shrinking in real-time, that's good sign that you still had your head in the game, and you probably weren't steaming. Right?

InPlay said:
In the real world everyone goes BUST at least once.
Running out of cash on hand for a session, or even a trip, sure. But losing a total bankroll? It depends a lot on the game, but if you take the subset of players with a winning game and appropriately conservative BR management (admittedly, a small subset), then a higher percentage of them have never busted their entire bankroll.