Tips to remembering ace key cards?


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Possibly, but I think that's a stretch, especially fingers and legs, and also the chips that the house gives you. :eek:
In LV, they have the right to confiscate your device, including fingers and legs. That's what the sharp knives are for in the backroom. Plus if your using your brain, they have been known to scoop out your brain with an ice cream scoop and keep it in storage.


New Member
Does anybody know of anybody that will teach Ace predictiont? I am willing to either buy a DVD to learn or take lessons.

Richard Munchkin

Well-Known Member
It is very very rare to run into a shuffle that is vulnerable enough for ace sequencing. If you are trying to do this on a Vegas type shuffle you are wasting your time.
FrankieT said:
You could have a partner and have him just min flat bet while memorizing key cards, while you just count. When he spots something and signals you, you can do the big betting.
Yes, there are a whole bunch of things a counter and sequencer can do together. As RM states, it is difficult to find a shuffle that will allow you to apply sequencing alone, but in conjunction with other things it has value.


Well-Known Member
Gamblor said:
In LV, they have the right to confiscate your device, including fingers and legs. That's what the sharp knives are for in the backroom. Plus if your using your brain, they have been known to scoop out your brain with an ice cream scoop and keep it in storage.
Shades of Hannibal Lector, shift dining room scene to back room. :eek:


Richard Munchkin said:
It is very very rare to run into a shuffle that is vulnerable enough for ace sequencing. If you are trying to do this on a Vegas type shuffle you are wasting your time.
Richard, the relative complexity of a common Vegas 6D shuffle does NOT negate Ace-sequencing with keycards.
Any 3-4 card sequence has an amazing post mixing cohesion in most modern shuffles.
The hard part is not the shuffle, its the keycards memorization. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Richard, the relative complexity of a common Vegas 6D shuffle does NOT negate Ace-sequencing with keycards.
Any 3-4 card sequence has an amazing post mixing cohesion in most modern shuffles.
The hard part is not the shuffle, its the keycards memorization. zg
It is. I have used clock dials and chips for remembering two keycards, but what I really want is a way to keep 4, 6, or 8 keycards for shoe games, half that many for pitch games.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
It is. I have used clock dials and chips for remembering two keycards, but what I really want is a way to keep 4, 6, or 8 keycards for shoe games, half that many for pitch games.
Index card and a pencil on the table :laugh:


aslan said:
It is. I have used clock dials and chips for remembering two keycards, but what I really want is a way to keep 4, 6, or 8 keycards for shoe games, half that many for pitch games.
You must use mnemonic tricks. zg

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fwb said:
It's not so bad if you can make a memory system that represents each card as a distinct object, and then combine a few of them into a scene. E.g. a king hitting an 8-ball with a shovel can represent one sequence (king of diamonds, 8 of clubs, jack of spades).


Well-Known Member
Richard Muchkin said:
It is very very rare to run into a shuffle that is vulnerable enough for ace sequencing. If you are trying to do this on a Vegas type shuffle you are wasting your time.
zengrifter said:
Richard, the relative complexity of a common Vegas 6D shuffle does NOT negate Ace-sequencing with keycards.
I will agree that an experienced ace-tracker CAN find games in Vegas; but I would not recommend for someone to try and LEARN the craft in that town. With the exception of a few of the more experienced trackers, Vegas IS pretty much a waste of time. There are MUCH better games in other locales.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
You must use mnemonic tricks. zg

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If worse comes to worst. :grin: I'm looking for a simpler solution. Trouble is, devices can be defined in a very broad manner. Has to be something that is arguably not a device.


Automatic Monkey said:
Done it! But I made sure to use only pencils and papers that were provided by the casino for gaming usage. :cool:
The casinos I have been in a really anal about any type of recording technique at the table. Didn't they quickly put a stop to it?


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Done it! But I made sure to use only pencils and papers that were provided by the casino for gaming usage. :cool:
What did you do, schlep a pad and pencil from the baccarat?


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
I know of no one who counts while ace-tracking.
iCountNTrack said:
As sucker mentioned I don't know of any person that counts and sequences the aces. It is pretty difficult if you trying to memorize 3-4 sequenzes...
Counting and ace sequenzing at the same time does seem to be very difficult.

ICNT mentioned memorizing 3 to 4 sequenzes. Using two-keys per ace, how many sequenzes can a "average" player expect to be able to remember? 3 to 4 per 6D or 8D shoe? How many is the average pro expected to remember?

I think it depends on the shuffle and playing conditions, but it appears are of the strings I remember, only 50-60% are identifiable in the next shoe; the others are either destroyed or in the cutoff.

How many correct hits should one have on average each shoe? Or each hour? To overcome the intrinsic HE.

Richard Munchkin

Well-Known Member
A good sequencer can remember all the aces they see cleanly. Some sequences are not worth remembering, and some you can't get clean because of the way the dealer picks up the cards.


Well-Known Member
Richard Munchkin said:
A good sequencer can remember all the aces they see cleanly. Some sequences are not worth remembering, and some you can't get clean because of the way the dealer picks up the cards.
Then, what exactly do you mean "see cleanly?" There are 24 aces at 6-deck. They can potentially remember 18 of them at 75% pen?

Richard Munchkin

Well-Known Member
I have often done a dozen. If I were given time I think I could do 18, but when you are actually playing the dealers sometimes mess the cards up as they scoop them and you can't tell for sure the order of the key cards. My rule is, when in doubt throw it out. And as I mentioned before some sequences are not worth remembering.


Well-Known Member
Richard Munchkin said:
I have often done a dozen. If I were given time I think I could do 18, but when you are actually playing the dealers sometimes mess the cards up as they scoop them and you can't tell for sure the order of the key cards. My rule is, when in doubt throw it out. And as I mentioned before some sequences are not worth remembering.
I use two key cards for each ace at 6-deck. Is this what you would advise? Or more?