TKO indices


Well-Known Member
I have been using TKO for awile now and using REKO-f indices from QFIT's online book Modern BJ. I convert them to TC by assuming the index is at the mid way point in a shoe (ex. 3/6) then calculate the TC. For example, A8v5 (6d h17) is a double at 18 RC (irc-0). I calculate 18RC at the 3/6 point in a shoe to be T2 exactly. So I would make this double at 14 after 1 deck, 16 after 2, 18 after 3, 20 after 4 and 22 after 5. Is this method accurate?



Well-Known Member
It may be simplistic, but, depending on your unit/spread, you are taxing your brain for pennies on your ev...


Well-Known Member
IMHO, the simplest way to use TKO is to set your IRC at -4 (number of decks you are playing against). Using that assumption, the TC is calculated in the usual way, RC divided by number of remaining decks. The odd thing in doing it this way is a TC of -4 is the neutral deck condition, and it isn't obvious unless you practice it alot!

There was a thread in August of 2010 where I discussed this. Please search for it in the archives for more info.