To Rob McGarvey


I took your advice on online BJ vs. counting at Foxwoods. I agree with you that with my current bankroll and Foxwoods' rules the online advantage of up to 199% is far better than the 1% I could eke out using Foxwoods' rules through simulating millions of hands.
Anyways, I thought that this correspondence from Captain Cook's Casino was over the edge (I mean "what the ****??):
"The good Captain is so sure you are going to have a big win we wanted to
get a few of the formalities out of the way first - So when you do win we can pay you immediately!

Please send us a copy of the front and back of the credit card you have
registered with us along with a recent utility bill showing your
address (as you have registered at the casino) plus some photographic ID for us
to keep on file. If you have not registered a credit card with us please just send us the photographic ID and a utility bill. These can simply be scanned and emailed to

Alternatively (in case you do not have a scanner) - you can fax these to us at this number:

Inside the USA: 3478230527;
Outside the USA: +1 3478230527

Should you choose not to send these documents now, that's ok, you can
supply these at a later date (after that BIG win which is sure to come

I actually lost the enire bonus amount and just wanted to get my initial deposit back. My result may serve as a gauge to cardcounters. Flatbetting basic strategy with a 198+% edge over a 100's of hands can return you 0! Anyways, what is up with this Rob?


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Whew! What did you start off with? $100 for $100? Were you flat betting $2 hands? If you can, go to the play check and right click it. Click view source and save that as a file and then do the same with all of the pages so we can look at them. I've played over 80 of these casinos and never had that kind of luck. When that happens at the beginning of your onLine career you may end up seeing the other side of the coin. The average return on investment clocks in around 98% or more.

John May

As I said over at the CCCafe, MG casinos have a security clampdown going on right now. Before embarking on internet blackjack its a good idea to have a fax machine or all your documents scanned and ready. If you aren't prepared to do this (which is not unreasonable considering what a bloody liberty it is) then don't play blackjack online, because you will get asked for ID at some point, and only after they have your deposit money.

Generally speaking casinos which do this are more reputable and security conscious than ones that don't. I've never had problems with misuse of this information, though casinos should not be permitted to do this without clearly informing you during the sign-up procedure.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
I have faxed all of my numbers, pictures, birth certificate, blood type, you name it to them. Bottom line is they pay you, and if I have to do a coupla back flips to get the money, it's worth it. Playing two places right now as we speak. I can't run two Micro's at the same time but I can run a Micro and a Golden Palace at the same time. I find I can play longer by switching between them than looking at the same old boring screen all of the time. Took a day off now that I have made the grade and deserve a minor break.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member

Greetings John,

This is your first post here that I recall. I am just writing to welcome you to this site. I hope you enjoy your stay.



Oline bonus grifting IS NOT BJ...

... it is something else. I suggest that discussions about scaming online casino bonuses be taken elsewhere, perhaps to CCCafe. zg


Re: Sorry Zen! MAYOR

Mayor can call it, but I don't beleive that the art and science of scamming bonuses from online casinos is BJ in the sense of this board. Done correctly you may average $50+/day though the record keeping is demanding, not at all like BJ in a casino - it might be a poor-man's way to scrape up some scratch, but really its the pits - a good board for discussing this online bonus grifting - most notably is and a good source of recon as well - a notable second MIGHT be CCCafe. zg

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Mayor weighs in

I personally made about 2K this year in online bonus hunting.

Although it is not strictly BJ advantage play, I certainly have no problem with it appearing on this site.

Anything that promotes taking $$$ from casinos playing blackjack (in whatever form) is blackjack "advantage play" to me.


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Mayor weighs in

"and in this corner" ;> 2K is a small amount, so I would think that you didn't go at it very hard. If anyone wants to check my site they can see on my Reading Room page a link called Strike. I got $100 in bonuses per day that I was off. Yesterday I took the day off and played a Micro and a Golden Palace casino and made around $600US. With casinos round trip 3 hours away its the fastest safest easiest way for me to make money.


My additional two cents

Other factors, though include the inordinate amount of recon that will insure against newbies being ripped-off, how to keep and maintain records and correspodance, and that its NOT BJ per'se - at the least it would require a seperate board or it will clog or otherwise diffuse the serious BJ discussion, for starters - I recommend AGAINST. and other venues seem to provide this discussion sufficiently whereas it will interfer with the clarity that this board should have. zg