The first thing I offered was dumb and I realized it immediately. The second thing I offered and stand behind to this day, and have played through thousands of cycles of losing and recouperating my losses without fail was my 1st Strategy as I called it. The 2nd strategy which I thought I could apply to both Poker and BJ, didn't work.
I already explained why it isn't a progression system, because it has an Outside Indicator. Card counting, Hole-Carding, etc.. are strategies which use Outside Indicators. It's a point apart from wins and losses that tells you when to increase or decrease your bet.
If you read that thread above you will see clearly that I know full well what Surrender is and that the games I play offer Early Surrender vs a 10. Depending on how I play my system I can use Surrender.
It is not a progression system, it works endlessly. Even if it could possibly fail after repeated thousands of cycles I would be so far ahead now money wise in testing that I could cut my losses and play another 100,000 hands and go through another 10,000 or so cycles without fail.
Like I said, the cycle I went through yesterday, using Early Surrender vs a 10 went through a loss win cycle from $1000 down to $150 and up to $1400. I have repeated the experiment of losing and regaining losses with a profit on top probably 10,000 times by now without it ever failing once.
A cycle in 6 deck at it's worst takes about 1000-1500 hands to complete - like the nasty cycle I played through yesterday - but the cycles are usually done in many less hands, like 200-300. That is a cycle and the cycle is complete. There is no long term with a cycle. 10,000 cycles of dropping below $1000 and recouperating all losses with a profit on top. How in the world that can fail long term is beyond my comprehension! It makes no sense!
lose money
win more money than I lost
cycle complete
lose money
win more money than I lost
cycle complete
lose money
win more money than I lost
cycle complete
lose money
win more money than I lost
cycle complete
very simple, has never failed, no possibility of failing long term because the cycles are very, very short term.