Too Easy? What am I missing?

White Guy

Well-Known Member
My guess is something to do with SCORE, or some other term I don't understand but playing with the CVCX I found this, using Hi Lo fab 4 Ill 18:

BR: 50k
GAME: S17 LS DD 70% pen
ROR .1%
Hourly Rate: $102


<0 $50
0 $100
1 $100
2 $100
3 $150
4 $200
5 $250

This way you would bet $100 off the top for cover, and lower to $50 only if it goes below 0. It seems like a great hourly rate and very low ROR plus a low chance of getting any heat because a lot of the time it will look like a 3-1 spread or on shoes if the count doesn't go above 2 a 2-1. ???

Another Note:

Double those bets, play the $100 minimum tables, probably average 140 Hands per Hour at the very least, per hour would be $288.. ROR on 100k would be .2%. on 125k would be virtually 0%??

I would think you could get away with 15-20 hrs a week at this due to the cover betting if you spread it out??

Okay, what am I missing?



Well-Known Member
White Guy said:
My guess is something to do with SCORE, or some other term I don't understand but playing with the CVCX I found this, using Hi Lo fab 4 Ill 18:

BR: 50k
GAME: S17 LS DD 70% pen
ROR .1%
Hourly Rate: $102


<0 $50
0 $100
1 $100
2 $100
3 $150
4 $200
5 $250

This way you would bet $100 off the top for cover, and lower to $50 only if it goes below 0. It seems like a great hourly rate and very low ROR plus a low chance of getting any heat because a lot of the time it will look like a 3-1 spread or on shoes if the count doesn't go above 2 a 2-1. ???

Another Note:

Double those bets, play the $100 minimum tables, probably average 140 Hands per Hour at the very least, per hour would be $288.. ROR on 100k would be .2%. on 125k would be virtually 0%??

I would think you could get away with 15-20 hrs a week at this due to the cover betting if you spread it out??

Okay, what am I missing?

I think it is a great idea and it is very similar to what I do on DD.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
Edit game rules

EDIT: I put LS S17 and DD in there. Forgot there is virtually no DD with these rules. But the results are pretty close to the same with H17 LS, Or S17 No LS.

$100 min bet. 125k BR. ROR is Nil and hourly is $238. Not bad.


Well-Known Member
Very few places offer LS on DD games for one.

I also think you're overestimating how rarely you'll be betting $50. So you'll still be spreading 1-5 very frequently.

And don't forget, CVCX assumes perfect betting. How often do you want to jump from min to max? Or more importantly, how often will they let you do it???


Well-Known Member
Well, S17, 70% games don't grow on trees. :rolleyes: If you do find one and can get 100 hands an hour, you might achieve these results for a very limited time, but you will not be able to play 15-20 hours per week, every week for long. I doubt you will make it through the first week. :eek:

The spread may be minimum, but at the levels you are talking, the game will be monitored and you won't be able to hide the fact that you are playing a winning game for very long.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
I have played quite a bit of DD. My guess based on experience is it would look less than 5-1 more often than not.

KJ. That right there is my worry too. Not so much the spread as it is if you consistently win they will probably just want to stop you because they assume you're doin something. One would think 10 hrs a weeks would be attainable though spread out at different shifts/games?

There is a H17 LS game within driving distance of my home I could drive to right now. Only prob is I will get half shoed at the very least. Ha ha.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
fantasy land

ROR on 100k would be .2%. on 125k would be virtually 0%?
The above probably a bit overstated. Table min probably raises the ror.

50k to 100k 1/4 Kelly resizing would have a high certainty of winning

This game is not readily available, if at all.

The N0 would be high with this betting style.
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