Top ten mistakes of counting?


Well-Known Member
Playing too many long sessions (7am-10pm marathons, surviving on water, milk shakes, and cranberry juice)... the power level in my brain goes down to "critically low". Once I was asked what the burn card was from the guy coming back to the table during the shuffle break, I said -2. :eek: (it was a king).

Now I walk away often and eat normal meals. I found out the casinos didnt close so after a bite I could go back and play some more. :rolleyes:

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Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
You can. A standard briefcase holds $1M in $100 bills, and you can surely secrete 30% of that volume on your person, especially if you are a big person.

But it would be a terribly unwise thing to do. So you can include that as one of your mistakes.
What a load lol. I can't believe you're still going!!



Automatic Monkey said:
You can. A standard briefcase holds $1M in $100 bills, and you can surely secrete 30% of that volume on your person, especially if you are a big person.

But it would be a terribly unwise thing to do. So you can include that as one of your mistakes.

What if you are not fat ? Who much can I hold at 6 ft and 190 ?


Kasi said:
How much less fat are you than the man u got's back?

Don't know never seen him or had the pleasure of meeting him. How much can you conceal ? Should one go on a eating binge before they embark on a pro carear in BJ and become fat so they can hide more money in the folds of their skin ? Is it true fat people are more successful at playing BJ then thin players ? What's your seceret ? Fried donuts and greasy food ?

InPlay said:
Don't know never seen him or had the pleasure of meeting him. How much can you conceal ? Should one go on a eating binge before they embark on a pro carear in BJ and become fat so they can hide more money in the folds of their skin ? Is it true fat people are more successful at playing BJ then thin players ? What's your seceret ? Fried donuts and greasy food ?
As to fat and thin, it has been my observations that the really outstanding AP's pride themselves in their physical conditioning.

How many true "Predators" on this Earth are fat and sloppy? I believe true AP's are Predators, in every way, Stalkers, Disciplined fit specimens ready to do battle on a moments notice...

Nice to see you active again Inplay. :)



Well-Known Member

To answer the original question....I would say the biggest mistake i made in the beginning was making up my own deviations from basic strategy. This can have huge consequences because many of the deviations are counter-intuitive. For example, before i looked at an index chart i thought that the count to stand on 16 v. 7 was lower than standing on 16 v 10; however, this could not be more wrong.

In addition, not understanding hourly EV, risk of ruin, and the effects of "play-all" in shoe games was a big mistake but luckily i figured it out before i went broke. :grin:


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
What if you are not fat ? Who much can I hold at 6 ft and 190 ?
The "Body Mass Index" for a male does define that as 10 lbs overweight which some may construe as "fat." But don't worry, I don't think you are fat.

To answer it seriously: Personally, the most amount of money that I've ever had in ACTUAL CASH was about $33,000. And to give you an idea of the space--It was about three quarters of the size of a red brick while fluffed up and about half the size of a brick while compacted (pressing it together). So, I'm guessing that $300K would only be about the size of four bricks which could conceivably "fit" inside the two inside pockets of a good suit jacket and trousers.

BTW: you mis-spelled "how"


Well-Known Member
Playing crowded tables, just to play, has got to be on most people's list. When faced with the alternative of not playing that is a tough one, but you just have to hold out. Also, when someone crowds in, just go ahead and clear out, it's not worth it to stay.


Well-Known Member
Or you can "thin out" the table by splitting tens :grin: especially if its a positive count! Even if its below the proper index for the play you aren't giving up much in EV, and will clear out the table meaning more hands in positive count and spread to two hands. This will more than make up for the slight EV lost by the move. Granted, you wont make many friends. :)


Well-Known Member

Not to mention that brand new bills that are nice and CRISP take up significantly less room than one thinks.

SD Padres

Well-Known Member
I have two major mistakes in my BJ career.

#1 Inventing heat when there really was none.

#2 Actually reading Flash1296 posts.


Well-Known Member
Relying too much upon favorable rules, and not scouting out and pursuing tables that offer the "intangibles".


Well-Known Member
Thinking that because you’ve been playing for years at low stakes you are under the radar, and will never get backed off at your home casino.


Well-Known Member
1. Not scouting enough tables to find the best penetration.

2. Playing through many negative counts.

3. Not being patient enough to wait for an empty table.

4. Staying too long at one table.
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Well-Known Member
getting ahead in a shoe, then losing it or risking it by not leaving a negative advantage shoe that has poor prospects.
gettin behind for some day trip and in a vain attempt to play more hands (hopefully at an advantage) ending up either playing all or staying too long through hopeless shoes.


Well-Known Member
not getting enough of sleep

Hard to leave the casino floor in the night and get up too ealy in the morning.