Trigger Happy Dealer


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creeping panther said:
.. but she was so very nice I wimped out.
I confess too in the past I also may have been mesmerized by "very nice" dealers whose personalities were the absolute best :grin:

I guess even a Creeping Panther gets caught in the headlights once in a while unable to make brain make body do anything lol.

Geez - didn't she even at least ask "Insurance anyone" before blowing by everyone lol?


Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
In this case, my excuse is that the card the dealer gave me was a great. It would have been a bit weird to object, at least at that point, I'm thinking.
Hey SD, that's OK - I get a little extreme sometimes in my replies lol.
Still, maybe a perfect time to take advantage of the opportunity of getting the best of both worlds - do it right and she won't take it back anyway or even wait until round over to bring it up.

Barney Frank - what's to not like about him? lol - he's the only sane enough Senator to actually propose bringing back internet gambling lamenting how ridiculous it is that us American's "freedoms" should be so arbitrarily limited.
When it will eventually be legalized for US citizens to bet on the internet, I think we will have him to thank for it.

OK - I probably hate more than dealer's playing my cards, people who feel they must stop 30 feet before the intersection so that, eventually, when they think it might be clear, go the 30 ft and eventually actually stop at the intersection only to look again :grin: Usually they have managed to block both lanes in the process so I can't even make my "Right on Red" lmao.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Hey SD, that's OK - I get a little extreme sometimes in my replies lol.
Still, maybe a perfect time to take advantage of the opportunity of getting the best of both worlds - do it right and she won't take it back anyway or even wait until round over to bring it up.

Barney Frank - what's to not like about him? lol - he's the only sane enough Senator to actually propose bringing back internet gambling lamenting how ridiculous it is that us American's "freedoms" should be so arbitrarily limited.
When it will eventually be legalized for US citizens to bet on the internet, I think we will have him to thank for it.

OK - I probably hate more than dealer's playing my cards, people who feel they must stop 30 feet before the intersection so that, eventually, when they think it might be clear, go the 30 ft and eventually actually stop at the intersection only to look again :grin: Usually they have managed to block both lanes in the process so I can't even make my "Right on Red" lmao.
What about the guy who jumps into the right lane, then slows down to a crawl. My wife noticed that many foreigners like to ride slow in the right lane, or is her perception just coincidental? lol What do they say--the driving in front of you is driving so slow he's an idiot and the guy passing you is driving so fast he's a maniac? lol


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
What about the guy who jumps into the right lane, then slows down to a crawl. My wife noticed that many foreigners like to ride slow in the right lane, or is her perception just coincidental? lol What do they say--the driving in front of you is driving so slow he's an idiot and the guy passing you is driving so fast he's a maniac? lol
On a highway, I'm ecstatic if a slow guy moves into right lane. I give him full marks for looking in his rear-view mirror and being aware of the guy behind him. If he moved into a right-hand lane, there is a left-hand lane that he moved from.

If only a one-lane rd, I accept there is nothing I can do anyway about the guy in front of me. In that case, I only go berserk should he be driving at less than the posted limit. Berserk mentally, I don't honk or tailgate - what's the point?

If a 2-lane highway, I love it when a guy passes me, the faster the better.
First, I am already in the right-hand lane anyway becasue I had no cars to pass anyway. If in left-lane, I see him closing fast and can't wait to move over to right-lane and let him pass me.
Second, once he passes me in left-lane, I accelerate to his speed, keep in right-lane if possible, keep him in eye-sight as far as the horizon, and have less fear of a ticket becasue he will get picked up on the radar first.
I'm almost never in the left-hand anyway unless I am already exceeding the limit.
When I'm a passenger in my wife's car, who won't get into the left-lane come hell or highwater, I'm extremely uncomfortable. I push imaginary floor pedals from the passenger seat. She'll pull up right behind a semi in the right-hand lane and just stay there for miles, apparently as happy as a pig in mud. She can't see the traffic beyond the truck, she won't move to left-lane even below speed limit, and she's tail-gating the truck anyway.
I don't know - am I a "control freak"?
Now that I said it, come to think of it, I hate being a passenger in my wife's car more than Barney Frank or a guy who stops before an intersection.
But, now knowing that, I either drive if using her car or use my car. If she's driving while in her car and I'm a passenger, I'm not conscious :grin:

Your wife says "foreigners", I say "cadillacs". You haven't noticed how screwed up Cadillacs drive? lmao.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
On a highway, I'm ecstatic if a slow guy moves into right lane. I give him full marks for looking in his rear-view mirror and being aware of the guy behind him. If he moved into a right-hand lane, there is a left-hand lane that he moved from.

If only a one-lane rd, I accept there is nothing I can do anyway about the guy in front of me. In that case, I only go berserk should he be driving at less than the posted limit. Berserk mentally, I don't honk or tailgate - what's the point?

If a 2-lane highway, I love it when a guy passes me, the faster the better.
First, I am already in the right-hand lane anyway becasue I had no cars to pass anyway. If in left-lane, I see him closing fast and can't wait to move over to right-lane and let him pass me.
Second, once he passes me in left-lane, I accelerate to his speed, keep in right-lane if possible, keep him in eye-sight as far as the horizon, and have less fear of a ticket becasue he will get picked up on the radar first.
I'm almost never in the left-hand anyway unless I am already exceeding the limit.
When I'm a passenger in my wife's car, who won't get into the left-lane come hell or highwater, I'm extremely uncomfortable. I push imaginary floor pedals from the passenger seat. She'll pull up right behind a semi in the right-hand lane and just stay there for miles, apparently as happy as a pig in mud. She can't see the traffic beyond the truck, she won't move to left-lane even below speed limit, and she's tail-gating the truck anyway.
I don't know - am I a "control freak"?
Now that I said it, come to think of it, I hate being a passenger in my wife's car more than Barney Frank or a guy who stops before an intersection.
But, now knowing that, I either drive if using her car or use my car. If she's driving while in her car and I'm a passenger, I'm not conscious :grin:

Your wife says "foreigners", I say "cadillacs". You haven't noticed how screwed up Cadillacs drive? lmao.
Stupid me. I don't know my left from my right. I meant left lane. My bad! :sad::whip::laugh:


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
On a highway, I'm ecstatic if a slow guy moves into right lane. I give him full marks for looking in his rear-view mirror and being aware of the guy behind him. If he moved into a right-hand lane, there is a left-hand lane that he moved from.

If only a one-lane rd, I accept there is nothing I can do anyway about the guy in front of me. In that case, I only go berserk should he be driving at less than the posted limit. Berserk mentally, I don't honk or tailgate - what's the point?

If a 2-lane highway, I love it when a guy passes me, the faster the better.
First, I am already in the right-hand lane anyway becasue I had no cars to pass anyway. If in left-lane, I see him closing fast and can't wait to move over to right-lane and let him pass me.
Second, once he passes me in left-lane, I accelerate to his speed, keep in right-lane if possible, keep him in eye-sight as far as the horizon, and have less fear of a ticket becasue he will get picked up on the radar first.
I'm almost never in the left-hand anyway unless I am already exceeding the limit.
When I'm a passenger in my wife's car, who won't get into the left-lane come hell or highwater, I'm extremely uncomfortable. I push imaginary floor pedals from the passenger seat. She'll pull up right behind a semi in the right-hand lane and just stay there for miles, apparently as happy as a pig in mud. She can't see the traffic beyond the truck, she won't move to left-lane even below speed limit, and she's tail-gating the truck anyway.
I don't know - am I a "control freak"?
Now that I said it, come to think of it, I hate being a passenger in my wife's car more than Barney Frank or a guy who stops before an intersection.
But, now knowing that, I either drive if using her car or use my car. If she's driving while in her car and I'm a passenger, I'm not conscious :grin:

Your wife says "foreigners", I say "cadillacs". You haven't noticed how screwed up Cadillacs drive? lmao.
Years ago everyone used to say "Women drivers!" lol Cadillacs is a good one. It's true. They think they make the rules.

I disrespected a semi once on the Penn Turnpike, or at least they thought I did. They got me pinned between two rigs, then one in front and one behind. Scared the $*#@&$ out of me! I finally was able to get off the road and I just sat there and counted my blessings. They didn't have to let me go. They could have ended me rught there. :(:whip:It wasn't funny!:laugh:

Even on a long trip I'd rather fight sleep than let my wife drive. I have been know to bite my fingers, open the window, turn up the AC, stick my hand out the window, turn up the radio, and if nothing works, pull over and take a power nap before letting her take over, but never saying so. lol If somehow I fall into her hands, I am afraid to open my eyes. I close my eyes and imagine everything is fine. I reason that I have more close calls and fender benders than she does. That's because I do virtually all the driving. lol The only bad thing she ever did was on an icy day she went straight, but the road curved to the left. lol I had to get her towed out of the woods. haha If I had been in the car they probably would have taken me to the hospital with a heart attack. lol On balance, she is probably a better driver than me, however. She generally drives really slow. It's only when I am in the car that she decides to speed, and I really don't think she has the ability as a driver to escape any close calls--like the time she slid off the road--so that's what really scares me. Also, she does tend to drive too close to the car in front making me constantly apply the imaginary brake on the passenger side. lol

My worst driving occurs when I am doing the speed limit. I am lulled asleep, daydreaming--I think I must suffer Attention Deficit Disorder--lol--whereas if I am over the limit I am alert, driving defensively, anticipating the other drivers' every move and always on the lookout for police including those plain cars they now use more than ever. I am trying to keep my speeding down to 5-8 miles over, but 10 is always tempting, and I know from experience that 15 will get you a ticket if you're the lead car. Also, recently I bot a $100 ticket from a camera in the District of Columbia on a deserted freeway, so to me that's a welcome new speed deterrent that will help me curb my penchant for speeding. One of my pet peeves is a local road with a dozen speed bumps that don't even allow you to go the speed limit. They should be no higher than the speed limit will allow, but instead they make them so high that you must slow down to 5 mph. That gripes me. Also, some are in neighborhoods where there are never people or kids on the sidewalks. Go figure. I guess jf you complain enough you can get them to put these road bumps anywhere. I am surprised they don't have them in the middle of a 65 mph zone yet! ALso, the latest fad is to put stop signs where they don't have to be. I would rather they put speed cameras everywhere than make you stop every block for an unneeded stop sign.

And who doesn't hate the speed trap where you can only do the 30 mph limit on an otherwise highway if you ride your brakes? There is always a cop there, and if you unconsciously do the speed that the road seems to dictate naturally you are in deep $*$)(##.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I disrespected a semi once on the Penn Turnpike, or at least they thought I did...
Ooohhh, that's a bad one. That's a really bad one. Been there and done that too.

Those semis just don't give a rat's as* anyway what the hell you do becasuse they know they won't die anyway.

You see them coming behind you,. just don't be a "As right as the day is long" -guy because you will be "just as dead as if you were wrong"-guy.

"John Day.
Died defending his right-of-way.
Though he was as right as the day is long
He is just as dead as if he was wrong".

Once those motherf*cker semis came up behind the car I was in on I-79 North on the way to Casino Niagara when there was so much snow, it was down to one-lane. The driver moved into a snow drift in the right-lane to avoid this MF semi coming up behind me with a speed he was not going to be able to stop.

Two miles later, a huge accident. State Trooper car creamed. A guy was killed. When I finally got to Niagara in Canada, I knew, absolutely, that it was that same GD semi MFer that had wrecked into a State Trooper in the right-lane after watching the news.

Basically, I never would have been on the road in the first place. The guy actually driving completely, absolutely, and for eternity, completely freaked me out when, earlier, he came to a full-and-complete stop a half-mile over a hill in the right-hand lane on a 2-lane super-highway and then get out of his car to clean the windshield. Honest-to-God, the minutes just kept going by without me knowing why I wasn't dead.

Yeah, a guy cleaning his windshield outside his car at a dead-stop in a snow-storm in the right-hand lane of I-79.

It was nuts lol.

Just rambling lol.

Driving's a bitch, ain't it, lol?


Well-Known Member
lol That it is, that it is!

A friend of mone driving a Miata up 270 North toward Gaithersburg, MD, got sideswiped by a semi. It stripped away the side of his little car and threw the entire car off the road. How he managed to survive that one without an injury is sheer miraculous. The semi didn't even slow down. I give'm a wide berth. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
What is so hard to understand about soft 18? Yesterday I was playing and had an ace and 7 while the dealer had a king. There were several other players at the table and the dealer was going to go right past me, assuming I was going to stand. I stopped him before he dealt to the next person. He gave me the card and said "yeah sometimes you have to play your hunches". I didn't feel like arguing with him, then the guy on the other side of me muttered "I don't like the way this table is playing".

It also seems like some dealers love to see how fast they can deal. I love to slow them down.


Well-Known Member
Would you rather be at a crowded chummy table or at an empty table with the chummy guys playing another table? I see no reason to make others comfortable when they play my table. At the first grumble I say I play my hunches so I am going to be upsetting you a lot. I suggest you either stop bringing negative vibes to the table or find another table. Everyone knows negative vibes brings losing cards faster than anything else.

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
Dummy said:
Would you rather be at a crowded chummy table or at an empty table with the chummy guys playing another table? I see no reason to make others comfortable when they play my table. At the first grumble I say I play my hunches so I am going to be upsetting you a lot. I suggest you either stop bringing negative vibes to the table or find another table. Everyone knows negative vibes brings losing cards faster than anything else.
Split tens the first couple of times you get them with minimum bets out. This might gets them to leave plus it might make you look like an idiot to the dealer and pit for later plays like this.