Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory


Active Member
well i came back from my first trip to vegas (or any real casino for that matter) and my first stab at counting. All I can say is that I have a long way to go!

I was kind of expecting the dealer to say "18" when my cards totalled 18, and hadn't really practiced the addition + counting, which is to say my practice was virtually useless. If I'd been prepared for that, I think I would have been fine.

Anyhow - the trip was more holiday than counting trip, w/ the wife and another couple. My first soujourn to the table I made the mistake of going very tired, somewhat drunk, and disoriented from US Airways trip that left me in a plane for 7 hours without moving off the runway, and without food or drink (before a 6 hour flight to Vegas). And since there were no good games for less than $50 a hand, which is more than I should have been playing, I sat down and lost about $650 in 15 minutes. This was a 2-deck game and if I'd had my wits about me I think I could have done some damage, but even my basic strategy was off. The dealer had to tell me to double A-7 vs. 6, I think I split against a 2 when I shouldn't have, etc.

Some guy was at the table who I think must have been counting, and seemed to be known to the casino. He was changing his bets pretty obviously, and nobody seemed to care. The second I sat next to him, a pit boss came over and started asking me questions. I realize now that I was the "typical" counter, white male, young-ish, and very underdressed. When the dealer asked me what I did for a living, I mumbled "I'm a banker" and she said "You play blackjack for a living?" So that wasn't a good start. In general, playing at the Bellagio is either very expensive, or very crowded/poor rules.

Anyhow apart from that, I was having a tough time keeping the count at multiple-deck games, so I tried the Flamingo and Harrah's and maybe Bally's single deck games and actually had some success counting at those places. The best part was the first attempt when I looked like a moron cuz I haven't ever played single deck and wasn't anticipating, so I was making all kinds of protocol mistakes, but at the same time my betting was working miracles. The drunk next to me was def confused that I didn't know how to ask for a hit, but was tripling my money. I'd say I profited about $300 in 20 mins or less there, playing a 1-4 spread of $25 units.

Unfortunately, my friend didn't bring his ID and so we ended up leaving. The single deck games there are ok, dealer hits soft 17, other than that everything seemed to be in good order. Also, there are dealers at all those places who expose their card on the single deck games. I haven't practiced this but I'm pretty sure it was enough exposire that with a little experience I could have cleaned up in that regard too.

Tried counting on a mix of MDMA, dexedrine and Percocet, not really recommended. Just ended up in confusion and jaw-clenching.

Apart from the gambling, vegas was pretty hot last week. The wind felt like a hair dryer in your face. Oh and Excalibur is a total dump. The bathrooms are like what you'd expect at grand central station.


Well-Known Member

Playing at a 6:5 game (unless you're spreading HUGE (ask zg) or seeing flashed hole cards), is sort of a cardinal sin of card counting. Actually, it's the thinking it's a good game that's the sin, it's the thinking it was a good game that's bad. I mean, I missed a sign and found myself sitting at a superfun21 game one time, but after a few hands I realized what was up, and got the hell out of there.

And actually, some of the other mistakes I can sympathize with. I was about to get all superior and say that you should be table to add up your own hand before you learn to count cards (or even mess with basic strategy). But then again, I remember it being a distracting element when I got a really "tough" hand (3-4 cards) to be able to add it up but not forget the count. And heck, I would sometimes get distracted by a dealer announcing a number that was near my running account. Those problems go away with practice and experience. Also, not knowing the procedure when sitting at your first pitch game is common, too.

Are you really a banker?

I'm glad your heart didn't stop during the trip.


Active Member
yeah, it was def a flop for my first try. thanks for the sympathy.....

I wasn't playing with money that was going to break the bank so some of the time i played i just tried to practice counting in a real environment. I even played on some $10 games that were either CSM or ASM with basically zero penetration, and just pretended that it was a good game and tried to keep the count to see if I could.

(Speaking of which, I don't know what an ASM vs a CSM looks like, another thing to look up.)

My main problem adding hands was when there are two or more aces and some small cards, figuring out what was happening.

All in all I only even began thinking about card counting when I joined this board, which was probably two months ago (?) so I'll take it all as a learning experience.


Well-Known Member
BFC sounds like a tough trip. Think you need to get your basics down better before you go back, but keep trying. Might suggest you learn to count when sober rather than learning on drugs. Tough enough to keep track of the numbers bouncing around your head much less having multiple chemicals bouncing around in there at the same time.LOL
Come on man. Before you go on a trip: know what games you are going to play, have enough money to play them, know how to play them, and if you can't refrain from poisoning yourself long enough to get in and out of there with some positive EV you do not have the discipline to play profitably.

Also, if you are foolish enough to have anything to do with illicit drugs while you are both walking around with your bankroll and challenging the casino on their home turf, you are setting yourself up for a terrible fall. Prison or worse.


Active Member
like i said, it was also a vacation, and the bankroll i was using wasn't the rent. It wasn't smart, but i still had fun. Not sure the same could be said if I left my wife and friends for hours at a time while I wonged myself.

i was only high once out of several attempts at playing.

last i checked, possession of drugs was illegal; being on them wasn't. I've done enough drugs to know how to handle them.

that said, thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
To answer one of your questions

The difference between a CSM and an ASM.
With an ASM you generally have two stacks of cards, one red, one blue. While the dealer is dealing the blue stack, the red one is being shuffled. The dealer will deal the blue stack down to the cut card while putting the used cards in a discard rack. You can count against an ASM stack without any problem.

With a CSM, there is one stack of cards. After each hand or every few hands, the dealer will place the discards back into the machine to be mixed in with the cards that have yet to be dealt. It is a never ending stack of cards. You can not use cardcounting against a CSM.



nc-tom said:
Might suggest you learn to count when sober rather than learning on drugs. Tough enough to keep track of the numbers bouncing around your head much less having multiple chemicals bouncing around in there at the same time.LOL
Hey, if you can count on drugs, counting straight is a snap... I call it the ACID TEST! zg
Dyepaintball12 said:
Monkey the guy was just tryin to have fun and give it a go for his first time, dont be hatin'! ;)
I'm not hating. It's just that the potential pain from screwing around with drugs in a casino when counting is much greater than the potential pleasure ever could be. I like to spare people from pain.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully,the guy learned that he is a long way from being good enough to beat the casinos,saw where he was weakest and will regroup and go forward.


BFC said:
Tried counting on a mix of MDMA, dexedrine and Percocet...
Not a good mix. Dex can keep you counting well for several hours. X is a good kickstart for the Acid trip. Percs are for toothaches.

Basically, you are a refined ploppy - we enjoy your joining in the community here, you know a little more than most what the game is about, and then you plan the big trip to Vegas on a peak busy holiday with family and friends and come to town without a clue as to where you'll play, how much you'll bet, which games are which, and you're spinning on multiple substances while your wife and friends are watching you to see if you can really beat the game!

Were they impressed? zg


Automatic Monkey said:
I'm not hating. It's just that the potential pain from screwing around with drugs in a casino when counting is much greater than the potential pleasure ever could be. I like to spare people from pain.
what about "no pain, no gain"? zg


Active Member
zengrifter said:
Not a good mix. Dex can keep you counting well for several hours. X is a good kickstart for the Acid trip. Percs are for toothaches.

Basically, you are a refined ploppy - we enjoy your joining in the community here, you know a little more than most what the game is about, and then you plan the big trip to Vegas on a peak busy holiday with family and friends and come to town without a clue as to where you'll play, how much you'll bet, which games are which, and you're spinning on multiple substances while your wife and friends are watching you to see if you can really beat the game!

Were they impressed? zg
My wife actively dislikes gambling, so I don't think anything would have impresed her. But it wasn't really about impressing anybody- I'm not sure my friends had any real idea what I was doing beyond playing blackjack. They're jokers and I didn't want them going "Hey - How's the card countinig going?" At the tops of their lungs.

And at the end of the day, the trip wasn't a total failure. I did have some success counting - maybe it was at a single deck game with bad rules - but it was good practice and showed me that it works.

Once I found out that I wasn't going to be able to count sucessfully at a good game - I wasn't going to play $100 a hand for practice - I had to change my plan of attack. If that makes me a ploppy so be it - I wouldn't claim to be anything but. Where I live there are no casinos that can be reached by land, so it's going to be hard for me to get much real-life use out of this for now anyways.

And it wasn't a year in the making, lol! Just a couple months.