Trip Report

There is a fine thread at "Card Counting" labeled "Interesting point Of View", that is in direct correlation to what I am going to write about, so you should read that first.:)

I often play at a casino that adheres to the Zender approach to BJ table games and to that of the author of the above article, it is amazing to play under such conditions.

I usually play the regular tables at this casino due to the fact that in the HL game they trade features, offering one thing but dropping one thing from the regular tables, I value one of those things over the other, even though the math is better on the HL game. I stick with the $200 max game, and for another very good strategic reason beyond the feature differences.

At my latest stay there I decided to alter my pattern as to buy in, color up etc. I usually buy in for $200, this time I bought in for $400. I usually color up after my session, and then cage those chip into cash and repeat at the next session table. This time I did not color up after the session, did not hide the chips, just brought them to the next table session. Things were going very well but I was noticing alot of attention from pit and floor, as I now was taking around $5000 in chips in the large slot coin container and my pouch from table to table, session to session. There was no attempt to cut back on the game I was getting, in fact it was F'n fantastic, but I only picked the best tables for the session, geez were they good!! The reason for my changing my normal routine was because every time I was to make my move it usually called for digging into my pocket for cash, cash coming in delay, pit boss watches, attention etc, thought I would cut some of that out.

It is very late now and this killer table I was on was on the last shu of the night, the pit boss here I know, a female, very nice and also very experienced around the U.S. I helped her a few months earlier contain a very ugly situation at the table I was on, she seems to have taken a liking to me after that always going out of her way to smile at me and say hi,, and talk,,, very nice. Anyways this table is down to 2 deck of the 6 and the great things are going hot now, I switch from greens to blacks on muti spots when she walks up to the table, I am on third, stops play and says, "CP".."if you want to continue to play we want you to color up all those chips, you cannot leave this table with them, if you co-operate with us we will co-operate with you, then you win and we win, we will be like a team, all happy". I say "of course", how could I tell her no? I then play out this monster situation, "checks play" being called out and she could seem to care less, as I trade blacks back and forth until winning a max on the final hand and a max double down, she then oversees my color up and it is over, all is well.

It is now time to wander over to another part of the casino where another pit is open, buy in for $500 and get another unbelievable game, as I tip the female dealer good, it, the game, gets so good to be shocking!!:grin: I am pounding away with one other player when I notice the Floor and the pit realizing that I am back in action and they are literally frantic on the phone running in circles, gawking etc...WTF? So in the third shu I get what I wanted, heads-up and great things again start happening around 3 decks in, again trading greens and blacks, back and forth until I luck out on the final 2 hands, 2 spots with max out, win a double and a straigh up rings, mine, the wife, "where are you, it is late", me "no honey playin BJ, not with some casino hottie",:laugh:,,,"get back to the room CP":laugh:,,,good time to go.

Why so freaked about the chips from various tables? Could be a few reasons, :confused:,uncomfortable with me being able to fire away with no warning.....collecting chips for a BP, wonging situation??? Or,,just simply wanting their chips back for accounting,,,even though they came off many tables....I was unprepared for this development.



Well-Known Member
I knew when there was a Trip report from the great one, it would not disappoint, and it delivered!

The site is an amazing game CP and they must just like to keep you around so they can watch you run laps around the casino floor!

Keep it up! Hope to get with you sometime in the need future.


Well-Known Member
wtf? why did the other posts on here get deleted?

Also, good times at that place. Can't wait till the next bash


Well-Known Member
Jack_Black said:
wtf? why did the other posts on here get deleted?

Also, good times at that place. Can't wait till the next bash
Yo, Jack. Did you get my PM from about 2 weeks ago?
creeping panther said:
... Or,,just simply wanting their chips back for accounting,,,even though they came off many tables....I was unprepared for this development.

That's the most likely situation. In a place with $200 max tables $5K is too much for them to have rolling around the casino without people getting in trouble. Just my opinion, it probably was not a great idea to let it get to that point, walking around with enough cheque to cause comment.

Glad to see you took a game into MonkeySpace though! Hope the good feeling stays with you.


Well-Known Member
how i spent my winter vacation

two road trips totaling just about 1,800 miles to and fro
eighteen days of action (during late january & early february)
circa fifty various plays (as they might be called) machines, ocp & bj
action well over $118,000.00
enjoyed circa $520.00 worth of comped delicious meals
enjoyed circa $750.00 worth of regular and high level hotel and motel rooms
enjoyed a number (four) of trinket comps
achieved the highest level card for the joint (which means good stuff to come such as meals, rooms, trinkets and promotions) in the future.
earned $1,800.00 risk free
earned $200.00 from personal play at circa 6% ror or less
saved circa $400.00 on grocery bills
saved on home heating bill during absence
gasoline for the road trips cost circa $155.00
learned a number of various advantage areas to exploit.
and then there was the value of spending eighteen days with one of the most remarkable professional hustlers (a guy who has gone from a rag shirted young upstart to a polished professional over the years) you could ever imagine: PRICE LESS!!!

got to meet, work with and compete with quite a number of other hustlers as well, lol.
what a world it is that exists, that i never in my wildest imagination dreamed existed.
really i wont even try and tell the story, just a little summary:
great friends were made, great rivalry was played out and a manner of advantageous reconciliation, intrigue and strategy, people (players & casino employees) as pawns in a great chess game, maths penciled out to advantages against the casino and in a variety of ways i'd never dreamed of.

just i would add, this all would have never happened had it not been for the fortuitous chance meeting at the BJ BASH. Kudos Creeping Panther for fostering this great event, an event that has a story all it's own.
just got to add, there was this guy at the last bash, a guy i thought, wtf is this bird doing here, but i thought i'd talk to him just to be nice. turned out to be the real deal. surprise, surprise. :rolleyes:

again, i can't even begin to touch the surface of this experience with a story, just leave it to say, it was one of those memorable of memorable times after a life of sixty years for moi and Y.

lmao, and just one more word or so, there ought to be a movie made on this stuff, lol, for real.
New World

Wow, what can one say after that!!:1st:

A whole new world to conquer in the casino world brought to you by the Wise Won, Y and Machinists,,,a brave new world!

Sage and Y have a lot to look forward to now, in their Golden Years, new friends and opportunitys, excitment and a big world of comps and fun....livin the life, stylin and profilin,,,,so Cool and I am so happy for them:grin:

Comps, such a big part of the strategy, one can break even on a game, such as VP, but live a great life style off of it via comps, travel etc.

For those that are retired what a life it can be:)

Great trip report Wise Won and I am sure you will have many in the future especially with your new found deed to the MINE;) :toast::band2:



Well-Known Member
living a charmed life

creeping panther said:
Wow, what can one say after that!!:1st:

A whole new world to conquer in the casino world brought to you by the Wise Won, Y and Machinists,,,a brave new world!

Sage and Y have a lot to look forward to now, in their Golden Years, new friends and opportunitys, excitment and a big world of comps and fun....livin the life, stylin and profilin,,,,so Cool and I am so happy for them:grin:

Comps, such a big part of the strategy, one can break even on a game, such as VP, but live a great life style off of it via comps, travel etc.

For those that are retired what a life it can be:)

Great trip report Wise Won and I am sure you will have many in the future especially with your new found deed to the MINE;) :toast::band2:

you got it my most esteemed friend. i always say i am Blessed, it's like i'm surfin on this wave and life is good. and i know one day the wave is gonna give out, such is the nature of the universe (entropy, ya know), but man what a life, maybe it's some kind of pay back for forty five years of working my ass off and tryin to do the right thing. what ever it's like this song:

but i'm glad you mentioned Machinist. a guy who is a perfect example of what you've been trying to hammer home into the hearts and minds of our fellow membership and ended up going on a forum vacation for, lmao.
like for example dude knows and uses all the kool aide stuff, but there is no doubt he lives by his God given wits, courage and intestinal fortitude.
doubtless, minus the kool aide he'd still have three properties across the usa and a bankroll beyond imagination.