TV show 60 Minutes (superhuman memory)


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Not for each play. At least not to start -
just for the wide-border coin-toss zone departures where it matters not, count wise.

However, once the intuition skill has been sufficiently developed it may very well begin to assert itself
contrary to the count. That would be a highly advanced use of intuition. Let us crawl before we walk. zg
IMHO, we have not yet begun to drool, yet alone crawl!


Well-Known Member
ArcticInferno said:
On 12/19/2010 Sunday, the TV show 60 Minutes featured a story about a group of people who have superhuman memory.
You can go to the CBS website for a synopsis of the story.
They can remember everyday of their lives.
They can recall every event of everyday of their lives.
In one of the tests to confirm their super ability, they were given cards with pictures.
They had to remember the order of the cards and then sort them from memory.
One of the subjects actually did mention Dustin Hoffman’s character in the movie Rain Man.
However, they didn’t talk about applying their superhuman abilities.
How would YOU use such super ability? LOL!
There could have been trickery involved. If not, are these people under constant study in some science lab? On the lighter side, Congress could use such persons to read 2,000 page bills and then field questions from Congressional staffers and news reporters.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
They are like savants.

Here is that segment >>
Part 1
Part 2
Impressive. I believe it's true. Savants, except perfectly normal otherwise.

They might be slow using this gift at blackjack, but they would be utterly devastating if given enough time to figure out the best play from memory of every card that has been already played. Eventually, casinos would bar them, being able to spot them from their accuracy and slow play. Also, they would get barred if they did bizarre things like successfully hitting hard 18s. If they could train themselves to remember faster and avoid telltale plays, they would only get barred because they won too much.

I wonder how well they would do shuffle tracking, since they could remember every card played in perfect order.
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aslan said:
Impressive. I believe it's true. Savants, except perfectly normal otherwise.

They might be slow using this gift at blackjack, but they would be utterly devastating if given enough time to figure out the best play from memory of every card that has been already played.
They never could. Memory, even perfect, would not yield strong winning play of itself. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
They never could. Memory, even perfect, would not yield strong winning play of itself. zg
Not of itself, but it wouldn't take a rocket scientist either.