Ultimate Blackjack Tour Info


Active Member
For all who have been waiting on additional info for the first 2 tour stops Aruba and St Kitts here it is

In addition to the main event which has the 2,500 + 200 entry fee.

There will be two 500+40 tournaments held during the week in both locations . Rumor has it that these two events will be filmed also and shown on a cable network

In addition to these 3 tournaments there also will be multiple 1 table satellites held during the week to win your seat into the 2500 +200 event.If you have already paid for the main event seat and win these tournaments you will receive the cash.

All these tournaments are in addition to the on line events that will also be offered to everyone .

So as you can see winning your UBT Tour seat is not only open to all but affordable to everyones bankroll.

This is going to be a great year for blackjack tournaments and we have UBT to thank for this .

Aruba Dates Sept 23-Oct 1

St Kitts Dates Oct 28- Nov 4

Lets not let this great opportunity pass us by .You all saw what happened to poker once it received TV coverage.It looks like 6 blackjack tournaments will be filmed and shown on TV in 2 months between these 2 UBT Tour stops.
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