crazy. What if i'm a new york resident?shadroch said:Actually....
If you are a NJ resident and are caught gambling in a casino underage,you have a very good chance of being arrested.
If convicted,you lose the right to drive until you are 21 and any and all state financial aid you might be eligible for to go to college. In or out of NJ.
The same laws apply if you are caught drinking in a licensed bar or club.
Yeah, crazy. Do you mean to say you cannot wait 6 frigging months until you can do this legally? If you can't do that, you don't have nearly enough discipline to be an advantage player.oblate said:crazy. What if i'm a new york resident?
gimme a freaken break, just cause you weren't cool enought to play underage. It's not like i'm dieing to go and I can't wait till I'm 21. I just feel like going.Automatic Monkey said:Yeah, crazy. Do you mean to say you cannot wait 6 frigging months until you can do this legally? If you can't do that, you don't have nearly enough discipline to be an advantage player.
I did everything underage, and it wasn't cool.oblate said:gimme a freaken break, just cause you weren't cool enought to play underage. It's not like i'm dieing to go and I can't wait till I'm 21. I just feel like going.
Probably nothing. You could get arrested, which may lead to a serious criminal record, ruin your life, and you could end up getting raped in jail. It's your life, do what you want. You asked us what would happen, and we've told you.oblate said:I've played under age before at ac and foxwoods. I'm now about 6 months away from being of age, but what would happen if they suspect me of being underage?
Are you cool enough to smoke, too?oblate said:gimme a freaken break, just cause you weren't cool enought to play underage. It's not like i'm dieing to go and I can't wait till I'm 21. I just feel like going.
alright everyone here mistook my too cool comment as if i actually meant it like im cool i gambled underage. I just asked a simple question and got answers but i just thought it was unnessecarry to throw in a lack of discipline comment and all these other comments filled with fluff. All i needed to know is what can happen and thats it.Automatic Monkey said:I did everything underage, and it wasn't cool.
Look you asked what would happen, we told you what would happen. If you still want to do it, I guess you're going to do it, but if you do I don't think you have the command of risk vs. profit theory necessary to play blackjack successfully, which is the purpose of this site.
Just wondering if you knew if the casino would be required to report it and likely or automatically be fined.shadroch said:Actually....
If you are a NJ resident and are caught ...
Oh they care, a 20 year old doesn't have enough money to lose to be worth the fines and the bad press if he gets caught in there. It's all tied up with the hysteria about underage drinking fueled by MADD and their politician clients, and there is no penalty that they believe goes too far when applied to anything that involves people underage.rollem411 said:Casino's are too greedy to care if you are 20 or 21 as long as you losing. Keep the profit small and you will blend in. As far as the consequences go...I wouldn't want to be in the situation to find out.