the basic strategy engine in this website and the Casino Verite blackjack software has different basic strategies.
Filter's for both engines: 2 deck, Double on any, double after spit, early surrender, hit soft 17 and dealer peeks
on this website it says surrender 14 vrs dealers 10, but on the BJ software it told me i was incorrect for surrendering,
btw i've noticed that this sites basic strategy changed about last month, like treating a 14 like a 15 on the surrenders, and double a soft 18 v 2?
not feeling comfortable to first being under the impression that "THIS IS THE OPTIMAL BASIC STRATEGY" then later on... "OH UMM... I MEAN THIS IS THE OPTIMAL BASIC STRATEGY" if it was the best there wouldn't be any leaks to change in the first place.:whip:
Is there any reliable credible resources any one can guide me too?
Filter's for both engines: 2 deck, Double on any, double after spit, early surrender, hit soft 17 and dealer peeks
on this website it says surrender 14 vrs dealers 10, but on the BJ software it told me i was incorrect for surrendering,
btw i've noticed that this sites basic strategy changed about last month, like treating a 14 like a 15 on the surrenders, and double a soft 18 v 2?
not feeling comfortable to first being under the impression that "THIS IS THE OPTIMAL BASIC STRATEGY" then later on... "OH UMM... I MEAN THIS IS THE OPTIMAL BASIC STRATEGY" if it was the best there wouldn't be any leaks to change in the first place.:whip:
Is there any reliable credible resources any one can guide me too?