Upping your stakes


Well-Known Member
I am ready to get a little more money out on the table. Is it safe to assume that it is no less volatile to make a small increase in wagers at the low end of the TC spectrum vs. the high end? I was thinking of upping the bet at TC 2 a little sooner but keeping my max bet the same. No difference, right?


Well-Known Member
Dopple said:
I am ready to get a little more money out on the table. Is it safe to assume that it is no less volatile to make a small increase in wagers at the low end of the TC spectrum vs. the high end? I was thinking of upping the bet at TC 2 a little sooner but keeping my max bet the same. No difference, right?
No difference in what? If you bet more money anywhere, you increase variance. If you increase on the high end, you increase variance more than on the low end. That should be obvious.

So, it isn't quite clear what you are asking.



Well-Known Member
Increase your bet proportionally to unit size, with the hopefully ideal ramp you now use. Don't overdo it, as it's not hard to take a big hit with a max bet out, associated with some splits and doubles, as the dealer pulls that all-too-common 5 card 21 with a 5 or 6 up :( I know you've over bet your BR before.


Well-Known Member
I should have thought it out better before I posted I suppose. I appreciate your feedback though. My gut instinct is to move the bet up a little at the lower end.


Well-Known Member
Dopple said:
I was thinking of upping the bet at TC 2 a little sooner but keeping my max bet the same.
Dopple said:
My gut instinct is to move the bet up a little at the lower end.
Before you consider anything like that you need to know what the built-in upfront house advantage is first. The worse the house rules the less edge you will have in those lower positive true counts and possibly adding too much-unrealized risk. A rule that could help with some of that risk is if you have the late surrender option available to you.


Well-Known Member
If you arbitrarily raise your bets towards the lower end of your betting ramp and not at the higher end, you aren’t betting proportional to your advantage. If you aren’t betting proportional to your advantage, you aren’t betting as efficiently as you could be. You might still have an advantage, but you’re not maximizing your risk adjusted return. I agree with gronbog; CVCX has the answers you seek.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking just the opposite, raising a bit at the higher end. Since most of us cap our spread, fairly early (I max bet by TC +4), you could add an even higher bet, which I refer to as Super Max bet at a higher TC and advantage. This will increase you win rate some, not a great deal, because of the low frequencies this opportunity will occur. It really isn't proportionally adding higher risk, since the optimal spread really already allows for this. Most of us just don't do it...we cap instead.

The down side is this larger spread at the times you hit the super Max Bet count will likely draw more attention. I, myself exit after showing my regular max bet, so it goes without saying that I would exit after showing this "super Max bet". Trying to go back to a small bet after max bet is problematic enough, attempting to do so after playing a "super Max bet"....might as well tattoo card counter on yourself. :D


KewlJ said:
I was thinking just the opposite, raising a bit at the higher end. Since most of us cap our spread, fairly early (I max bet by TC +4), you could add an even higher bet, which I refer to as Super Max bet at a higher TC and advantage. This will increase you win rate some, not a great deal, because of the low frequencies this opportunity will occur. It really isn't proportionally adding higher risk, since the optimal spread really already allows for this. Most of us just don't do it...we cap instead.

The down side is this larger spread at the times you hit the super Max Bet count will likely draw more attention. I, myself exit after showing my regular max bet, so it goes without saying that I would exit after showing this "super Max bet". Trying to go back to a small bet after max bet is problematic enough, attempting to do so after playing a "super Max bet"....might as well tattoo card counter on yourself. :D
That's Vegas for you. You would be amazed at some of the stuff I get away with in other parts of the country.


Well-Known Member
Pretty common is the case you have 3 bets out on a high count near the last 1/3 of the shoe and you score big and the count tanks. Good go time.