Use of matchplay coupons with blackjack


Well-Known Member
You know, Ken, I've seen this described about 3 times from 3 different sources (including Shackleford), and this is the best way of breaking it down. Thank you for taking the time to spell it out.

I hated the direction FLASH's and my discussion was going: in circles. He's a good guy, but the internet can be a difficult way to communicate at times! :joker:

good luck


Well-Known Member
Keep up the good work, dudes

ChefJJ said:
What are you apologising for Chef? You are certainly no idiot when it comes to craps. I enjoy reading back-and-fros between idiots, or non-idiots, experts or non-experts. Whatever. It is usually at least entertaining, in the least. :cat:


Well-Known Member

Expectations on various bets when treated as one-rollers (take wager down after one roll if allowed) are on p. 470.