Valley Forge, PA - Chip Change


Well-Known Member
I’ve been notified that Valley Forge in Pennsylvania replaces their chips. If you’re holding an inventory, you have until March 17 to redeem!
dang Ryemo? where ya at? thought you would be in the LV area maybe we should team up some in sands pa? hardly ever see a backing off there actually never you could blast all day long there guilt free w/ there god like rules

so how about it? pm me!

i will bring atleast 3 grand


Well-Known Member
I’m not from LV. But I’m also not from the East Coast either. I network with many others, so when I hear that casinos are changing chips, I like to pass on the information. I used to hold a pretty big chip inventory from various different casinos in different markets. So if any of those casinos ever changed their chips, I’d hope someone would notify me too. I try to encourage others to make these type of posts, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with you.

For the record, I’ve never been to Valley Forge. I’m just passing on the info.