Value of "Current Blackjack News"


New Member
New to the board and was wondering what people here perceive in the way of value of "Current Blackjack News"?

Like traditional print news, I recognize that some of the information contained in a monthly publication can be dated and thus the advantage of online content delivery (like these message boards).

What I'm trying to find is rules of the games at various properties around the country. I'd prefer not to reinvent the wheel and search Strip casinos to find the "best" games if there's a resource (CBJ or equal) that can at least save the hunting. Once you're in the "best" environment, then you can pay attention to the nuances such as penetration, sloppy dealers, etc. So, my question essentially CBJ still relevant for this type of information and are there any other sources that are equal to or better than to try to obtain this information?

Didn't know where else to post this type of question so if it's in the wrong forum, let me apologize in advance.

Looking forward to getting back in the BJ world!




Well-Known Member
As with alot of things, I think the answer is, "it depends."

If you are an amateur like me who plays at the tables less than once a year, having a run down of where some of the best games are located is invaluable, even if some of the information is slightly dated. The half dozen times I've ordered the most recent month's version of CBJN, typically it is extremely accruate with regard to the games that are available, with the only variable being penetration. I typically go to Vegas for a 3-4 day trip less than once a year, so scouting around for the best conditions would easily eat up half my trip for Vegas alone. For someone in my situation, I think CBJN is very valuable.

Now, if I gambled more frequently and had more extended trips, I'm not so sure I would come to the same conclusion. There it probably would be worth my time to find the best games on my own.


Well-Known Member
As far as strip (and all LV) casinos go, has some great information.

It doesn't list pen, but that's highly variable anyway, and in my experience not all that accurately noted in CBJN.

But CBJN is somewhat useful for noting number of tables, limits, and rules at various casinos around the country, at least when illustrating which to avoid.


Well-Known Member
It depends on your betting level, as well. If you are a red chipping BS player,I'd suggest you stick to the wizardofodds. If you are a serious counter
thats going to put thousands of dollars at risk,a half a green chip is a good investment.


New Member
Thanks for all of the replies so far. I live around Tampa, FL so there are some local options here but from what I've read briefly on the southeast message board, it's 8D with not great rules. I'm not sure what that means in EV. As I recall from a previous subscription to CBJN, they gave you the games, rules, number of tables, denom and pen. I would agree that the pen is very variable so I take that with a grain of salt. I first want to find the most favorable rules so that the disadvantage is smaller to overcome. From there, you can hunt to find a "good" dealer with pen and perhaps sloppiness.

I guess what I'm really asking is whether there's any other source that's a bit more "real time" than CBJN for finding games around the country? For example, next week I'm heading to Biloxi and New Orleans for a few days. Would prefer to know in advance where the best games are as opposed to spending a great deal of my short visit there hunting them down myself.

It's not a question of money....if CBJN is the best source today, I'll gladly pay for the subscription. If there's a "better" source (i.e. more accurate, cheaper, etc.) that I should consider, I'd like to know about it.

Thanks again!
CBJN is as good as you can expect to get, certainly worth it for any traveling player.

Wait until after tomorrow when the new issue comes out if you are going to subscribe or buy a copy.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
It depends on your betting level, as well. If you are a red chipping BS player,I'd suggest you stick to the wizardofodds. If you are a serious counter
thats going to put thousands of dollars at risk,a half a green chip is a good investment.
Thank-you. Assuming your advice is accurate (sorry, had to say that), it is great!