Vegas shows


Well-Known Member
I really liked "O" at the Bellagio. I don't know of discount brokers, but if you have a host you're friendly with they may be able to help.


Well-Known Member
I would rank Ka WAY above O. The stage for Ka is amazing. O just didn't have any wow factor for me. Maybe I went in with too high expecations ... but I was very unimpressed.


Well-Known Member
Cirque is having a 25th Anniversary sale right now. Many shows are buy one ticket, get the second for $25. You need a code word- summer, and it's easier to do by phone 866 998 4830.
I'd say Love, Ka and Mystere, in that order.


Well-Known Member
Love is new and fresh. They do some things with Rollerblades too.

Believe the latest has gotten mixed reviews to put it kindly.

You can get a lot of shows at discount. "O" though being the exception.

Check TravelZoo. They have quite a few discounts.


Well-Known Member
I thought O was very entertaining. Haven't seen the others. Penn & Teller's show is fun too.


Well-Known Member
KA and Mystere are both really good. I have heard O is good as well. Zumanity sucked. You can't even compare it to Ka or Mystere. You can go to half price tickets and get good deals on either of the first two shows. I've heard from hundreds of people that the mindfreak's show sucked it up bad, so don't waste your money. One of my friends got comped tickets to his show and they went and asked their host for the credits to be put back in their account after the show because of how dumb it was. The host gratiously did so.
Off the cirque shows topic, I saw Terry Fator at the Mirage and he was really good. I had low expectations about a guy who plays with puppets, but was very impressed. My wife wanted to see Criss Angel, but my host talked us out of it and we had also heard that Criss Angel sucked. I thanked my host whole hearted after the Fator show.


Active Member
Ka was more "action packed" lots of running around compared to the others, probably my number one choice. Mystere wasn't too bad, got the crowd involved a bit, comes in second. "O" was good, but I'd say Ka and Mystere were better. Haven't seen Love or Zumanity yet, maybe next time.

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
I have seen O and La Reve. Both shows were spectacular but La Reve was not as long.

Seating wise La reve has an amazing stage where you can not get a bad seat in the house. The crowd surrounds the entire stage.

There are discount brokers on the strip where you can find tickets really cheap however its a gamble whether or not you will get the one you want.

If you are interested in David Saxe Productions I am an authorized broker and can get you in for next to nothing.

The shows I can get are
V Ultimate Variety Show
Stripper 101
Sin City Comedy Show
American Storm
Fab four LIVE
Comedy Pet Theater
Mark Savards Mezmerized
The Mentalist LIVE

Pricing for those shows are basicly half off anything you can find elsewhere