Vegas single deck


Are all single deck games dealt face down?
For a beginner counter will face down games make it tougher to learn?
Don't some bust hands get thrown in without being turned over?


Well-Known Member
Face down games are usually easier to count because you don't have to race to count all the cards at the beginning of the round. Just count the cards as they are revealed to you. When a player busts the dealer will always turn over the cards to check them.


Well-Known Member
SD games in Las vegas are generally those that pay 6 to 5 for Blackjacks.
As such they are unplayable.

The very few places that offer a real 3 to 2 for Blackjack payoff (read downtown) are so sweaty that you may be 86'd for playing Basic strategy with red chips, spreading 2 to 1.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:

The very few places that offer a real 3 to 2 for Blackjack payoff (read downtown) are so sweaty that you may be 86'd for playing Basic strategy with red chips, spreading 2 to 1.
you're joking, right?

downtown games are sweaty, but not that sweaty, i have the logs to prove it!


Well-Known Member
I've played EC for years, spreading $5-40 with no heat. Just be careful how you do it. Don't jump from $5 to $40 and don't pull a $40 bet back when a shuffle comes. If I have a $40 bet out and a shuffle comes, I'm betting at least $25 the first round.
There are a couple of PBs to avoid, and I'd skip the swing shift at the Ec entirely.


Well-Known Member
You said: you're joking, right?

NO, I kid you not !

I said "may"; and in some joints like The Plaza, The Four Queens, etc .
you are an odds-on favorite to get 86'd if your average bet exceeds $10 and
you use your brain, especially if you camp out for more than an hour.


Well-Known Member
I always play at 4 Queens when I'm in Vegas I usually do well at their sd but only play for .75 hour max. Spreading $10-40 or 15-60 It isn't the best sd game as they use a cut card but I always go back cause I do well there.


Well-Known Member
Hey Rams,

I have played BJ for two years, all 6 deck and 8 deck.

Recently I took a trip to two casinos where they deal 2 deck, and I can say that going from all shoe to hand dealt is tough at the beginning.

In addition to counting, I had to learn how to play these rules! (tuck your cards under your chips to stay, flipping to double and such), but you get used to it.

I just count the cards as I saw them and it worked out


Well-Known Member
rams said:
Are all single deck games dealt face down?
For a beginner counter will face down games make it tougher to learn?
Don't some bust hands get thrown in without being turned over?
As far as I'm aware, "Busted Hands" are seen as well, as the player turn's them over.

As far as it, being tougher to count? That just depend's on how you've trained yourself. Face-up, is tougher for me, because most of my practice, has been face-up.

For the Majority, "pitch games", are dealt face-down.jj


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
You said: you're joking, right?

NO, I kid you not !

I said "may"; and in some joints like The Plaza, The Four Queens, etc .
you are an odds-on favorite to get 86'd if your average bet exceeds $10 and
you use your brain, especially if you camp out for more than an hour.
I should think that no one anywhere would play a SD game for more than an hour except a very skilled AP.Keep SD sessions short


Well-Known Member
No, your assessment is a bit off.

Ploppies will play SD until the cows come home,
or their money runs out; whichever occurs first.