

Well-Known Member
For our members who understood Ken's "crossroads" reference
I will gift you with a collection of Robert Johnson recordings.

Just ask me.


Active Member
I have been to Vicksburg before and Flash's comments are pretty much on point. If you want to skim a few hundred you're ok but green chips will get you in trouble if you're there for several days. Spending several hundred on transportation to get there is not a good idea if you go strictly to make $$$.

As to the comments regarding the pullover and police misconduct I would say that is not acceptable under any circumstances and I would be upset as well. However, the comments regarding the locals in general seem to be a little over the top and simplistic in my opinion. In my experience there is a certain percentage of cops in every state and region that applied for the job to intimidate and belittle other people. I do not think that the South has a monopoly on that.

On the bright side, you very lucky that it was a cop that pulled you over with visible money in the car and not one of the more enterprising locals who saw the money driving by. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
If you are referring to the "crossroads" of highways 49 and 61 made famous in blues songs, it's not near Vicksburg. Try Clarksdale.
You really think ole Beezbob only hangs out at one crossroads? Listen to Duane Allman long enuff and you'll see there was one right outside Macon,as well. Besides,every one knows Lucifer's really a Yankee.


Well-Known Member
vingtetun said:
I do not think that the South has a monopoly on that.
You don't live in the south. Period. Come live near the big easy. More corrupt, more angry, more aggressive, and the biggest assholes you will ever meet are the cops. It only gets worse with the further east you go, until you hit FL.


Well-Known Member
ive noticed that too UncrownedKing depending on the city, i got stopped in bay st. louis last week on my way to the casino and ended up getting a ticket and a job interview. The closer you are to the bigger cities the more jerks the cops seem to be, NOPD are horrible in my dealings with them downtown.



Active Member
UncrownedKing said:
You don't live in the south. Period. Come live near the big easy. More corrupt, more angry, more aggressive, and the biggest assholes you will ever meet are the cops. It only gets worse with the further east you go, until you hit FL.
Actually I do live in the south. I've lived in the deepest of the deep south my whole life, however, I have traveled quite extensively. My alma mater's theme song is Dixie for god's sake. Cajun Country is the south in location but not people. Coon Asses are not the same thing as southerners. If you are from there I think you would agree. That being said, my point was that a certain percentage of cops are a$$holes EVERYWHERE.


Well-Known Member
I traveled the south a fair bit and I don't find the cops there any different from anywhere else.A certain percentage are on a power trip but thats true in NY or in Peoria.
shadroch said:
I traveled the south a fair bit and I don't find the cops there any different from anywhere else.A certain percentage are on a power trip but thats true in NY or in Peoria.
It's not the individual cops as much as law and justice in a more general sense. What would be handled with a summons and fine in NYC will get you a week in jail in AL or MS.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
It's not the individual cops as much as law and justice in a more general sense. What would be handled with a summons and fine in NYC will get you a week in jail in AL or MS.
If you're talking about marijuana, maybe. Otherwise, I would disagree.

Some of the nicest cops I ever ran into were from Mississippi. I was a lost tourist in Kosciuszko MS, pulled over by the side of the road, and the local constabulary went far out of their way to help me and provide a good impression of their local community.

If you tool around with a big bankroll of cash visible in the front seat you will attract attention from any cop from Yakima to Miami, from Portland, Maine to Portland Oregon. It shouts drugs. In particular if you are out of state, there is a possibility that you are a mule.

I have traveled all over Mississippi, from Tunica to Vicksburg to Natchez to Biloxi to Hattiesburg to Tupelo to Jackson. I have to say the people I've run into during my travels were friendly and inviting, almost without exception.


Well-Known Member
i agree with vingetun about the people, coon asses and southerners are different, rednecks have nothing on coon asses even i think from living here the last few years. never heard the term till i met my wifes relatives and i see instantly who they are talking about when they do.
Doofus said:
If you're talking about marijuana, maybe. Otherwise, I would disagree....
What I had in mind particularly was disorderly behavior like drunkenness, littering, loitering/trespass, heated arguments w/cussing, anything that could be construed as disrespect for society or the cop. I would expect to be more likely to be arrested for something like that in the South than the North. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just something to be aware of.


Well-Known Member
UncrownedKing said:
You don't live in the south. Period. Come live near the big easy. More corrupt, more angry, more aggressive, and the biggest assholes you will ever meet are the cops. It only gets worse with the further east you go, until you hit FL.
actually I travel to Floriday anywhere from 7 to 10 times a year and find that the cops are worse there than they are in other southern states (or at least Georgie, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama). I admit I am a speed demon and I used the recreational drug in my past. I was pulled over 13 times for speeding before I ever received a ticket and busted multiple times by cops for smoking. I have never been to jail. Now if you are smoking and driving, or drinking and driving, you will spend the night in jail. However you can post bail and get out in a couple of hours if you want to spend the money. The only case that I know of anyone going to jail for misorderly conduct, or public drunk, was with one of my friends. However, he was caught climbing a fence to go behind a public bar and ended up cussing out the guards. He spent about 6 hours in jail.

I went to New Orleans, was pulled over for running a red light, the next thing you know the cops gave us a map of NO and showed us where the hotels were. Maybe it is luck, but my encouters of about 30+ times with southern cops have been only the nice cops, but you do the math, thats not likely.

Same thing happened in Washington DC (in defence for Northern States) I ran a red light and the cop ended up showing me how to get to the Washington Memorial. However he did see I was from the south and explained to me how they just got this system where they can check any state to see if you have any tickets (he said it in a way as if the South did not have this kind of technology). He said they just started using it a year before I was pulled over, and we had been using it for over 5 years. And by the way he was wrong about the number of tickets I had. I went and had my friend check it (a police officer) and the DC cop was one ticket short.


Well-Known Member
I got to check out a couple of the riverboats, only briefly.

Not as bad as I expected. Some of the "fancy" places (e.g. Ameristar) had a different vibe than the "unfancy" (e.g. Rainbow) places, but nothing was truly horrible. Managed to play a little bit and was molested by neither employees nor patrons.

Most folks were playing table mins, but I saw a couple guys averaging around $100 per hand, and going up to $200 or so when going "all-in".

The biggest problem as crowding, unless it's a weekend night, it seems like a lot of the pits get closed off, and there aren't that many tables to start out with! So you may be down to like 2-3 tables during a slow time.

... btw has anyone been to Choctaw, MS? It sounds like the Indian casinos there (Silver Star/Golden Moon) is ENORMOUS, although half of it is only open on weekends.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
I got to check out a couple of the riverboats, only briefly.

Not as bad as I expected. Some of the "fancy" places (e.g. Ameristar) had a different vibe than the "unfancy" (e.g. Rainbow) places, but nothing was truly horrible. Managed to play a little bit and was molested by neither employees nor patrons.

Most folks were playing table mins, but I saw a couple guys averaging around $100 per hand, and going up to $200 or so when going "all-in".

The biggest problem as crowding, unless it's a weekend night, it seems like a lot of the pits get closed off, and there aren't that many tables to start out with! So you may be down to like 2-3 tables during a slow time.

... btw has anyone been to Choctaw, MS? It sounds like the Indian casinos there (Silver Star/Golden Moon) is ENORMOUS, although half of it is only open on weekends.

I disagree. I play red chips and go to Vicksburg some times, however I had a friend get kicked out of one casino with a max bet of 100 in 45 minutes. He played a couple of days and was asked to leave at all but one casino. The only reason he never was kicked out of that casino was because it only had one table with 50% pen at the Horizon. Its an ok place if you use a 4-1 spread with a 5 dollar unit. Now they have actually changed many of the DD games to a 3 dollar minimum and a 100 dollar maximum. there is only one casino that has higher than a 300 dollar maximum and it is always packed with only 3 or 4 decent tables. People literally line up to play at those tables.


Well-Known Member
I can confirm that cciball is 100% accurate in his report.

I would add that the tiny stores of rural Vicksburg have very little to offer in the way of accommodations or comps that are worthwhile.

Certainly not worth a trip as your e.v. will not cover your expenses.

Also note. Low minimum craps is available but with absurdly "bouncy" 14 foot tables. One to a store, and never open in the mornings.



Well-Known Member
Response to Easy Rhino,

"has anyone been to Choctaw, MS? It sounds like the Indian casinos there (Silver Star/Golden Moon) is ENORMOUS, although half of it is only open on weekends."

Here is what you want to know:

The following is NOT to be construed as racist.

I have this info' first hand from a real-life friend who has gone there and he is local resident.

The local sovereign Chocktaw establishment has created a nightmare for themselves, to the point of virtual bankruptcy.

What they have done is to mandate that it is (literally) impossible to discipline or terminate the employment of any employees, dealers included, who are Native Americans. So ... if a dealer wants to stand around chewing tobacco and deal < 20 hands an hour, there is nothing that can be done. That is but one example.

They also appear to be unable to "market" their casino effectively because they cannot make their property attractive to players. There is no incentive. Some of the excellent tribal benefits, e.g. free college education, that the Choctaws supply are noteworthy. The biggest problem though, that cannot be overcome, is that the casino is really located in a severely impoverished area that is "in the middle of nowhere." No city. No airport. No alternative resort activities.



Well-Known Member
Yes the Choctaw tribe is going bankrupt. I work in the medical field, and the Choctaw tribe has not cut off its insurance for its tribe members. The casinos would pay for any native member's health care, but now has deemed it will only pay for emergencies such as car wrecks etc. It will not pay for broken bones, only life threatening instances.