voodoo vs fact


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
So you are sitting at the table three other players right. The count does not justify upping you bet but the others are betting one,two,three hundred a hand and we are killing the dealer. You are playing your min bet and not budging from your min bet because the count says no. You are winning like everyone else just not as much. The hooting and hollering doesn't bother you because you are winning even if it isn't the thousands the others are pulling right. I know that I can stop this run of luck for these guys by just putting my hundred dollar bet out and it will come to an abupt halt. blackchipjim
I couldn't agree more! Put that hundred dollar bet out there and the bj gods will snatch it up in a New York second. The man who knowingly bets against the odds knows there will be no mercy. Only the ignorant survive. Figure that little piece of voodoo out. I can't. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Convergence in opinion

aslan said:
Two comments: When you stated that in certain voodoo situations a lot of profit was made there, you failed to mention that a lot of losses were made there as well. If they weren't, you simply haven't done it enough, because they will surely come.

Second, your mental attitude and emotional state can influence your play and cause you to make errors and inappropriate decisions. I don't think it is possible that they cause losing when you play perfect and make all the right decisions. That would defy logic, at least, based on any known facts.
Known facts are grist for the mill, down here in the Land of the Voo, where the currency is very often unknown facts.



Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Known facts are grist for the mill, down here in the Land of the Voo, where the currency is very often unknown facts.

Just trying to save you from yourselves! It's instinctive. :rolleyes::grin::cool::cool2: A word...should be sufficient. The rest of you, call 1-800-GAMBLER.


Well-Known Member
Remove Hoodoo, Call Voodoo now

aslan said:
Just trying to save you from yourselves! It's instinctive. :rolleyes::grin::cool::cool2: A word...should be sufficient. The rest of you, call 1-800-GAMBLER.
Do you have the number for 1-800-call-VOO? :p


Well-Known Member
voodoo factors

I'm sitting here contemplating the latest observation of voodoo over facts. Sitting at the table the other day and playing a casual game of bj when mr witch doctor shows up with all the facts of winning. He goes by feelings not facts and was right. He's third basing me to death with his logic and was killing them.
The counts were good but he was catching a higher percentage of wins with his feelings count. I just played the game the way I always play but it wasn't working too well for me. His voodoo medicine was much stronger than my logical count the cards and apply index plays medicene.