i don't care for the OP's stated approach.
bjstud's approach (even if he is pulling our leg) is more interesting. but of course flawed in the long run as he's playing a negative expectation game with no way of making for some positive expectation unless he starts using real advantage techniques.
i ran some way too small sims (so take this with a grain of salt) on the approach of just trying to make one unit, sort of thing. it's an interesting concept because experientiallly we all know it's not too darned hard to make at least one unit in a given session.
well, problem is what my sims showed, was that ( i guess just like any progression) yeah, you'll win at least one unit circa 90% or more of the time, but that small 10% or even smaller percent of the times will really, really kill you big time, talking large loss's here.
what ever, you guessed it ladies and gentlemen, when you add up all those sessions, you come out a loser at just about the amount of loss you'd expect for the given game and number of hands played.
one interesting aspect of the sims showed that for the most part if the approach was going to do you in, it would do so after about fifty hands or so and if you was going to succeed in making the unit you would usually do so before fifty hands or so.
so bjstud's approach is going after four units instead of just one.
really if bjstud had cvcx he could run some sims for flat betting and see what his odds would be for making those four units and his risk of ruin over a given amount of time played sort of thing.
bjstud walking away for the day after winning four units has some element of wonging out to it, albeit he's doing so blindly. like for instance just like only trying to make one unit and quitting has a high success rate, probably that's true for going after four units as well. so for your typical six deck game, you can expect to be playing under disadvantageous conditions about 70% of the time, while having a relatively high success rate of getting those four units. so he'd be in effect wonging out of a fair amount of disadvantageous play (with out even knowing it). perhaps this is better than if he kept playing and playing. when he starts to play anew, or another session or another day, he can at least know at the start of a shoe that he's playing at the best expectation he can know, albeit a negative expectation. that's the problem, this negative expectation, along with the fact that in the long run one just has to have a bet spread tailored to advantage and disadvantage in order to beat that negative expectation.
the other aspect of bjstud's approach that has some merit is it's similarity to a 'hail mary' approach. the point being since the approach has a relatively high short term success rate the money possibly earned could be viewed as equated to a successful 'hail mary' approach that had some initial really scary risk of ruin associated with it. but assuming success and hopefully the use of genuine advantage techniques in the future, that money could give one a real leg up.