I DO know of one person who was busted at a Harrahs' property in A.C. after the third time of trying EXACTLY this move on three different shifts within a weeks' time. He was backroomed and read the trespass act. The police were called and he was arrested and charged with possession of a fake government document. $2500 worth of attorneys' fees later; the charges were dropped, so I guess you COULD say that a prosecution actually DIDN'T take place.FLASH1296 said:Facts on the ground are that prosecution has never occured.
I also know of another person who was caught at the airport with a fake I.D. and all of his players' cards in his luggage. They confiscated said material and did NOT arrest him or charge him with anything - however; a couple of weeks later, an I.R.S. agent came knocking on his door with release forms, for the casinos in question to provide them with win-loss statements for all of his players' cards. This problem cost him over $10K in attorneys' fees, and two years later; the case is STILL not completely resolved.
Moral of these stories: If you're going to break even a MINOR law, don't get stupid with it. And BTW - bragging about it on a public message board such as this one, IMO is probably not all that smart of an idea either.