What are conditions at Elgin, IL casino


Well-Known Member
# of decks, penetration, rules, mid shoe entry yes/no? Anybody know the answer

Anybody know is the deck penetration at Mystic Lake is still real good?
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Well-Known Member
FrankieT said:
# of decks, penetration, rules, mid shoe entry yes/no? Anybody know the answer

Anybody know is the deck penetration at Mystic Lake is still real good?
Chicago area is okay, but not too good. I played at horseshoe in hammond last year and it was OK>

Mystic- Pene is still unreal, heat is terrible. I hadnt been there for a few months and i showed up at 3am on a saturday morning. I sat down at the black chip 4d table. Within 40 minutes the pit got a phone call, and the pb leaned in and said angerly,"Leave all the big cards for this guy!" Next hand the count went sky high and i Put out a $800 bet. Everyone at the table had a 20 and the dealer busted. After that round there was maybe 5-10 cards left in the shoe, and it was time to reshuffle. Fortunately I was up 2k i colored up and left.


Well-Known Member
How are wonging opportunities at Mystic Lake, if you sit at a table and only play periodically do they shoo you away?
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Well-Known Member
FrankieT said:
How are wonging opportunities at Mystic Lake, if you sit at a table and only play periodically do they shoo you away?

The place is big enough that the low stakes games would be great for wonging. I think a person could spend a few hours wonging in and out of games without any heat, and avoiding ever playing a negative hand.


Well-Known Member
6 d, s17. can't remember penetration but I'm pretty sure it was around 1.5 decks. $10 min tables. Other than that usual rules.

I might be stopping by there this week.


Well-Known Member
Preston said:
6 d, s17. can't remember penetration but I'm pretty sure it was around 1.5 decks. $10 min tables. Other than that usual rules.

I might be stopping by there this week.
You must not have been there for awhile. Make sure you stop there!


Well-Known Member
Preston said:
sorry i was referring to elgin , il
Apparently not. Elgin hasn't had S17 for years.

Grand Victoria in Elgin is currently:

Six decks, H17, DOA, no surrender, no resplit aces, midshoe entry is fine.
Penetration varies by the dealer. Some are better than others.
Mostly $25 tables. If you're lucky and it's not too busy, they will have a couple of $15 tables. But they will be full.


Well-Known Member
SecurityRisk said:
Apparently not. Elgin hasn't had S17 for years.

Grand Victoria in Elgin is currently:

Six decks, H17, DOA, no surrender, no resplit aces, midshoe entry is fine.
Penetration varies by the dealer. Some are better than others.
Mostly $25 tables. If you're lucky and it's not too busy, they will have a couple of $15 tables. But they will be full.
Sorry, I was going by memory. Last time I was there I had been driving thru the midwest and stopped at a lot of the casinos in Iowa and Wisconsin.. which were pretty much exclusively s17.

I guess I should take notes :).. I travel so much I can't keep the casinos straight anymore.


Well-Known Member
I confirm.

Elgin is H17 only.

It was so crowded on a Sat around noon, that I broke down and played at a black chip table.
FrankieT said:
# of decks, penetration, rules, mid shoe entry yes/no? Anybody know the answer

Anybody know is the deck penetration at Mystic Lake is still real good?
.45% house edge at majestic star with $10 table limits all week long (sometimes $5) and u can do anything you want