what became of parpaluck's post


me thinx its abou the casinos and their ads and their fear of maths streaks

thats how cowards fight - hide their heads in the sand

g'luck mates!


Parpaluck said:
me thinx its abou the casinos and their ads and their fear of maths streaks
& because of this link


thats how cowards fight - hide their heads in the sand

g'luck mates!
Parpa, YOU are welcome to post and initiate discussion here in BJINFO ANYTIME. Just try to keep it in Voodoo section when appropriate. zg


Well-Known Member
Parpaluck said:
me thinx its abou the casinos and their ads and their fear of maths streaks
g'luck mates!
when refering to maths streaks is the idea below what you mean? :

we have the gamblers fallacy, the sort of thinking that for independent events such as say coin flipping, that say just because you got a bunch of heads results in a row that the probability of getting tails has changed, gotten greater because of the history of getting so many heads, sort of thing.
clearly a fallacy as the probability of getting heads has not changed as a result of history, no?

but on the other hand, we have the question of what is the probability of getting say, four heads in a row, or five heads in a row sort of thing.

is that the sort of maths streak fear or question you are refering too?


Well-Known Member
Ion, I deleted your post because it broke several of the posting guidelines we have on this website. I have been following your trollings on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites as well. Based on your posting history I can see that you are not interested in discussing your systems, only in insulting people and hawking your software. Since you cannot behave appropriately on any other website I have no reason to think that you will contribute anything here. If you continue to post I will delete them and you will be banned from this site. We do not allow known trolls on this website.

If any current members wish to discuss Saliu’s systems they are welcome to start a new thread in this forum. Only legitimate posts from currently active members will be permitted. I would first suggest that anyone interested in Saliu’s systems should read his threads on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites. Responses from ETFan and Don Schlesinger (and the lack of relevant responses from Ion) should tell you everything you need to know. For a glimpse into the mind of the man himself (and his incredible claims), check out his personal website. It would be more appropriate to discuss his systems directly with him on his website.

I am more than happy to discuss his theories on this website, but only in an appropriate and constructive way. The last thing we need is another Cipher fiasco.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
Ion, ... I would first suggest that anyone interested in Saliu’s systems should read his threads on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites. Responses from ETFan and Don Schlesinger (and the lack of relevant responses from Ion) should tell you everything you need to know. .....

do you have any starter links?


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
do you have any starter links?
It looks like most of the threads from Wong's site have already been deleted, but here is what I could find:



Like any good troll he posts under several different handles. Look for anything by Parpaluck, Neutron Bomb, North Wind, Ion, Katweezel, or anything else that has "BUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" in the message somewhere.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
It looks like most of the threads from Wong's site have already been deleted, but here is what I could find:



Like any good troll he posts under several different handles. Look for anything by Parpaluck, Neutron Bomb, North Wind, Ion, Katweezel, or anything else that has "BUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" in the message somewhere.

thank you Sonny. read some of those posts. lot of arguing, little else.
looked at Parpaluck's site as well. not sure what to make of it but the stuff about lottery software likely tells the tale.:eek:
pity as the site is a kind of a neat concept, philosophy, uncertainty and gambling musing.
some how the idea of half truths comes to mind. :(


Sonny said:
Ion, I deleted your post because it broke several of the posting guidelines we have on this website. I have been following your trollings on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites as well. Based on your posting history I can see that you are not interested in discussing your systems, only in insulting people and hawking your software. Since you cannot behave appropriately on any other website I have no reason to think that you will contribute anything here.
I disagree - anyone can make a meaningful contribution in the VOODOO forum.
Certainly he showed enough respect and presence of mind to post in Voodoo.

Voodoo needs more action like his, and to discuss the various fallacious Voodoo systems.
Please let him repost what he previously placed for all to see and discuss.

Remember, some posters just can't get along at those other stodgy BJ sites - thats why we have BJINFO! zg


This could be bigger than FractalClump! zg
BJ21: Fundamental Formula of Gambling

Posted By: Neutron Bomb
Date: 20 Sep 08, 11:00 pm

author Ion Saliu returned here recently (20 Sept) after an apparent long break. His formula and software is said to apply to all forms of gambling, including the stock market and Blackjack.

I have not seen his book, but it does look intriguing.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Voodoo needs more action like his, and to discuss the various fallacious Voodoo systems.
Please let him repost what he previously placed for all to see and discuss.
I'm not trying to discourage discussion, I'm just trying to keep it focused and productive. That won't happen when a troll is involved. Any member who wants to discuss his systems in detail can start a new thread. I have copied the relevant part of his previous post below if anyone is interested.

Gambling mathematics can be defined as the science of streaks. A session at the blackjack table can be recorded as a succession of streaks. For example, from the Player's perspective –


The streaks can be also viewed as skips between hits; e.g. how many hands the Player skipped between two hits (wins). The underpinning of the streaks is undeniably mathematical. If you don't believe me, take Warren Weaver's word on it. The title of the book is: "Lady Luck — The Theory of Probability". The streaks can be calculated precisely and real events concur with the formulae.

I present here only the result of discarding the pushes. The approach considers the blackjack probabilities as follows:

~ Dealer: p = 52% (or 0.52);
~ Player: p = 48% (or 0.48).

Number of hands: 1000 (uninterruptedly; you should always play shorter sessions, under 100 hands).

~ Dealer: 120 single-win streaks and 128 multi-win streaks;
~ Player: 130 single-win streaks and 118 multi-win streaks.

Following is the total number of streaks for the Dealer and the Player in 1000 hands, from single streaks and 2 to 8 multiple like-streaks.

~ Dealer: 120 (single), 62 (double streak), 32, 17, 9, 5, 2, 1: A total of 505 winning hands;
~ Player: 130 (single), 62 (double streak), 30, 14, 7, 3, 2, .8: A total of 475 winning hands.

I wonder why the casinos nowadays scare the players who open a notebook and write down the roulette spins? Moreover, the casinos do not want to turn on the marquees (electronic displays) at quite a few roulette tables. I wonder why the casinos impede me from playing blackjack?

Ion Saliu,
Casinobuster At-Large


Well-Known Member
The streaks can be also viewed as skips between hits; e.g. how many hands the Player skipped between two hits (wins). The underpinning of the streaks is undeniably mathematical. If you don't believe me, take Warren Weaver's word on it. The title of the book is: "Lady Luck — The Theory of Probability". The streaks can be calculated precisely and real events concur with the formulae.
how is that book "Lady Luck — The Theory of Probability" by Warren Weaver?
is it a pretty good intro sort of reading for probability. next year when i hit the big six O i'll be entitled to free courses at the local university and i plan to take a 101 probability class. would the book give me a good foundation for such a course?


Sonny said:
Ion, I deleted your post because it broke several of the posting guidelines we have on this website. I have been following your trollings on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites as well. Based on your posting history I can see that you are not interested in discussing your systems, only in insulting people and hawking your software. Since you cannot behave appropriately on any other website I have no reason to think that you will contribute anything here. If you continue to post I will delete them and you will be banned from this site. We do not allow known trolls on this website.

If any current members wish to discuss Saliu’s systems they are welcome to start a new thread in this forum. Only legitimate posts from currently active members will be permitted. I would first suggest that anyone interested in Saliu’s systems should read his threads on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites. Responses from ETFan and Don Schlesinger (and the lack of relevant responses from Ion) should tell you everything you need to know. For a glimpse into the mind of the man himself (and his incredible claims), check out his personal website. It would be more appropriate to discuss his systems directly with him on his website.

I am more than happy to discuss his theories on this website, but only in an appropriate and constructive way. The last thing we need is another Cipher fiasco.

I read the blackjack page on his website... What a joke. According to him he went to Atlantic City a few years back and lost $1000 at the tables and blamed it on not having enough bankroll, so now he is trying hawk his so called system to "high rollers" for $10,000. Any buyers?
What a genius(NOT).


Well-Known Member

Hi Y'all here,*************** I am Katweezel.* I am definitely He, and no-one else!* I am not Ion Saliu, Parpaluck, Newtron Bomb, ETFan, Don Schlesinger, North Wind, South Wind or Indigestion, Arnold Schwartsenegger, Baddog or any other silly names someone made up with fervid imaginations.*************** The moderators here need not fret about what I say next, because even they must know there is usually at least two sides to most stories.* I call Ion Saliu a friend and I am proud to know him, at least cyberally.* I know there are many who share my view.* Granted, there are many who don't, including some Head Honchos on other sites.* I even incurred the wrath of ET Khan when I defended Ion over on Arnold's site.* Yep, even Zg has some history over there, if I am right...Hi Z.*************** Few site denizens understand, or want to understand Ion.* Overlarge, fragile egos are easily bruised, especially when under perceived attack.* Even if they fired the first ignorant, ill-informed salvo.* As Baddog said, 'Butts are tight, eyes squint.'*************** Here is a different view here, now.* Ion Saliu has heart and soul - something rare in these areas - especially in those high on totems.* He has only motives for good.* His expression is always honest and forthright.* He is truthful, dependable, kind and helpful.* He has a keen sense of humor.* He is motivated by an altruistic viewpoint.* He maintains all, despite the scars of battles long and hard fought against all manner of enemies determined to silence him.* Why would they silence him?* Because he has great knowledge.* But don't take my word for it.* Find out for yourself.*************** His manner of expression can appear to be sometimes rude, impolite, even insulting, especially to those who may have become too self-important, with bloated egos about reputations and who are usually those who shot at him first.* But he cares nothing for reputations, titles, positions and so on; and that gets up dresses...************** *************** So, there is my view.* I think you could reconsider your view here, because Parpaluck can certainly liven up sites.* If he is handled sensibly by someone with class and emotional maturity, there will be few headaches, believe me.* Take him out of Voodoo.* He deserves the best.******************************************* Cheers,******* Katweezel


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Hi Y'all here,*************** I am Katweezel.* I am definitely He, and no-one else!* I am not Ion Saliu, Parpaluck, Newtron Bomb, ETFan, Don Schlesinger, North Wind, South Wind or Indigestion, Arnold Schwartsenegger, Baddog or any other silly names someone made up with fervid imaginations.*************** The moderators here need not fret about what I say next, because even they must know there is usually at least two sides to most stories.* I call Ion Saliu a friend and I am proud to know him, at least cyberally.* I know there are many who share my view.* Granted, there are many who don't, including some Head Honchos on other sites.* I even incurred the wrath of ET Khan when I defended Ion over on Arnold's site.* Yep, even Zg has some history over there, if I am right...Hi Z.*************** Few site denizens understand, or want to understand Ion.* Overlarge, fragile egos are easily bruised, especially when under perceived attack.* Even if they fired the first ignorant, ill-informed salvo.* As Baddog said, 'Butts are tight, eyes squint.'*************** Here is a different view here, now.* Ion Saliu has heart and soul - something rare in these areas - especially in those high on totems.* He has only motives for good.* His expression is always honest and forthright.* He is truthful, dependable, kind and helpful.* He has a keen sense of humor.* He is motivated by an altruistic viewpoint.* He maintains all, despite the scars of battles long and hard fought against all manner of enemies determined to silence him.* Why would they silence him?* Because he has great knowledge.* But don't take my word for it.* Find out for yourself.*************** His manner of expression can appear to be sometimes rude, impolite, even insulting, especially to those who may have become too self-important, with bloated egos about reputations and who are usually those who shot at him first.* But he cares nothing for reputations, titles, positions and so on; and that gets up dresses...************** *************** So, there is my view.* I think you could reconsider your view here, because Parpaluck can certainly liven up sites.* If he is handled sensibly by someone with class and emotional maturity, there will be few headaches, believe me.* Take him out of Voodoo.* He deserves the best.******************************************* Cheers,******* Katweezel
hi Katweezel
does Ion really think he can bust the lottery? lol.


Well-Known Member
Ion's Blackjack streaks

zg, your Ion post on streaks had this deleted: "The 20 extra hands are most mathematically likely allocated as 11 (52%) to the dealer and 9 (48%) to the player." It goes beneath 'Player...475 winning hands.'

This is a piece of rare gold on a hitherto taboo subject: Blackjack streaks. Soak it up, guys. K


Katweezel said:
Hi Y'all here,*************** I am Katweezel.* I am definitely He, and no-one else!* I am not Ion Saliu, Parpaluck, Newtron Bomb, ETFan, Don Schlesinger, North Wind, South Wind or Indigestion, Arnold Schwartsenegger, Baddog or any other silly names someone made up with fervid imaginations.*************** The moderators here need not fret about what I say next, because even they must know there is usually at least two sides to most stories.* I call Ion Saliu a friend and I am proud to know him, at least cyberally.* I know there are many who share my view.* Granted, there are many who don't, including some Head Honchos on other sites.* I even incurred the wrath of ET Khan when I defended Ion over on Arnold's site.* Yep, even Zg has some history over there, if I am right...Hi Z.*************** Few site denizens understand, or want to understand Ion.* Overlarge, fragile egos are easily bruised, especially when under perceived attack.* Even if they fired the first ignorant, ill-informed salvo.* As Baddog said, 'Butts are tight, eyes squint.'*************** Here is a different view here, now.* Ion Saliu has heart and soul - something rare in these areas - especially in those high on totems.* He has only motives for good.* His expression is always honest and forthright.* He is truthful, dependable, kind and helpful.* He has a keen sense of humor.* He is motivated by an altruistic viewpoint.* He maintains all, despite the scars of battles long and hard fought against all manner of enemies determined to silence him.* Why would they silence him?* Because he has great knowledge.* But don't take my word for it.* Find out for yourself.*************** His manner of expression can appear to be sometimes rude, impolite, even insulting, especially to those who may have become too self-important, with bloated egos about reputations and who are usually those who shot at him first.* But he cares nothing for reputations, titles, positions and so on; and that gets up dresses...************** *************** So, there is my view.* I think you could reconsider your view here, because Parpaluck can certainly liven up sites.* If he is handled sensibly by someone with class and emotional maturity, there will be few headaches, believe me.* Take him out of Voodoo.* He deserves the best.******************************************* Cheers,******* Katweezel
Hey Ion.... Er... I mean Kat Weazel, Why don't you go back... I mean why don't you tell Ion to go back to Atlantic city, and actually win a few hundred thousand before trying to sell a blackjack system for 10 grand?


Well-Known Member
I was afraid this thread was going to bring out the trolls from other websites. I repeat my earlier comments:

“If any current members wish to discuss Saliu’s systems they are welcome to start a new thread in this forum. Only legitimate posts from currently active members will be permitted. [Active 11/2/08] I would first suggest that anyone interested in Saliu’s systems should read his threads on the BJ21 and Blackjack Forum websites. Responses from ETFan and Don Schlesinger (and the lack of relevant responses from Ion) should tell you everything you need to know. For a glimpse into the mind of the man himself (and his incredible claims), check out his personal website. It would be more appropriate to discuss his systems directly with him on his website.

I am more than happy to discuss his theories on this website, but only in an appropriate and constructive way.”

Any posts that do not follow those additional guidelines will be removed.
