What books would you consider the best/worst?


Well-Known Member
jessecraig612 said:
The best gambling books according to me are “A Winner's Guide to Blackjack” by Jerry Patterson, and “Gambling Theory and Other Topics” by Mason Malmuth.
Oh my!! :eek: I see this post is a month old, but how did it pass with no one making a comment. :confused: maybe everyone just assumed it was yet another case of a suspicious first time poster/promoting. Odd that he hasn't posted again since. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I assumed in was done tongue in cheek, although Patterson does have a few outstanding books. It's his later stuff that is C_R_A_P


I just picked up "blackbelt in Blackjack" from the library (searched their online site, found out they had a GOOD book, unlike the "beat the casino every time" books, went the next day, made a library account). So far im about 100 pages into it. I won't lie, I skipped around seeing as how I knew most of that stuff already (didn't really worry about the red seven card count or zen count). I can't wait to get deeper into it. Seems like it has everything about what being an AP is truely about. So far id recommend this.


Well-Known Member
Blackjack books

There are a few I am surprised did not feature more in this thread -

KO Blackjack got only one mention - although it seems that KO is quite popular out there
The Colour of Blackjack - I have to admit this was a disappointment. The idea (adding some true count power to an unbalanced count) is not really new, and was IMO poorly presented in a poorly written, thin-on-the-ground book
Getting the Edge at Blackjack (John May) - touches on many aspects of advantage play, definitely a very good read
Burning the Tables etc (Ian Adersen) - you may or may not agree with his views on cover (and the resulting costs) but it's a worthwhile read
How to detect Casino Cheating at Blackjack (Zender) - a must to round out your education - even if you can't spot it, you should at least know about it
Is Comp City still relevant ? I would have assumed that so much has changed over the years the techniques would largely no longer work ?



Well-Known Member
Playing blackjack as a business is the best blackjack book ever written. The two pages on how much making different basic stragedy mistakes alone was worth the price of the book. If you can imply you can make stragedy deviations based on the cards you see on hands where the decision is close like 16 vs a 10 not on 16 vs a 7 where the decesion is not close. The second best book is Blackjack bluebook 2 if you read these two books and follow the stragedy you will at least understand the game of blackjack. Which only 1% of players understand the game of blackjack.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
Playing blackjack as a business is the best blackjack book ever written. The two pages on how much making different basic stragedy mistakes alone was worth the price of the book. If you can imply you can make stragedy deviations based on the cards you see on hands where the decision is close like 16 vs a 10 not on 16 vs a 7 where the decesion is not close. The second best book is Blackjack bluebook 2 if you read these two books and follow the stragedy you will at least understand the game of blackjack. Which only 1% of players understand the game of blackjack.
How is it possible to spell STRATEGY wrong in 671 consecutive posts?