What do You Consider a Session?


Well-Known Member
What do most here consider a "session" when they go to a casino. Is it a certain amount of hours to play? Or do you set a cap on your amount to lose or even win?

I guess this question would be more geared to players who are able to play daily than those who only play weekly or less. But I'd like to hear everyones opinion.



Well-Known Member
Your lifetime play is one long session. Unless you are using something along the lines of Oscars Grind, your day to day results are next to meaningless.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Your lifetime play is one long session. Unless you are using something along the lines of Oscars Grind, your day to day results are next to meaningless.
Thats what I keep telling myself on all those "investment" losses :grin: But true, one long session. Was curious if just anyone would call it a day, after having one great shoe, either early on or especially if it was towards the end of your day. Now you have me interested in this Oscars Grind.


jerseyshop101 said:
What do most here consider a "session" when they go to a casino. Is it a certain amount of hours to play? Or do you set a cap on your amount to lose or even win?

I guess this question would be more geared to players who are able to play daily than those who only play weekly or less. But I'd like to hear everyones opinion.

A session begins when you sit at the BJ table, buy in, and go to Battle.:cool:

A session ends when you color up your chips from above, call an end to that Battle, and walk from the table.;)

The "Long Run" is an excuse gamblers use so they can keep feeding their addiction while they are losing their ASS.:yikes:



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
A session begins when you sit at the BJ table, buy in, and go to Battle.:cool:

A session ends when you color up your chips from above, call an end to that Battle, and walk from the table.;)

The "Long Run" is an excuse gamblers use so they can keep feeding their addiction while they are losing their ASS.:yikes:

Couldn't have said it better myself. If you use the excuse "the long run" you're covering your azz for someone....JtMM


Well-Known Member
jerseyshop101 said:
What do most here consider a "session" when they go to a casino. Is it a certain amount of hours to play? Or do you set a cap on your amount to lose or even win?

I guess this question would be more geared to players who are able to play daily than those who only play weekly or less. But I'd like to hear everyones opinion.

Similar to CP, I count a session as the stay at one joint. From the time i sit down to the time i finish, that may vary from 15 minutes to 4+ hours. I log the results for each 'session' along with the playing conditions that existed for that session. In the long run the number of sessions dont matter but just the net hours and the net theoretical EV.


Well-Known Member
A session for me is the same, buy in to color up. A trip may be made of many sessions if I am out a week or so. In that week I try to get between 30 to 40 hours of play in. I do about half and half of what I call hop and pop, meaning sitting down, buying in for XX, and leaving once I make a predetermined amount at that table and going down the road for one half. The other half is grinding, sitting down and "going through the gears" (the positive and negative counts, along with the wonderful weird variances). I win most of my $$ from the hop and pop, and earn most of my comps with the grind.

My results may not be typical, and may not even be smart, but they work for me. I usually come back with more than I left with after expenses (25% to 50% more on average) and have a lot of comps at my home bases.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Shadroch.

I try hard not to focus at all on "sessions"
It provokes anxiety, tension, and uncertainty.

I do keep an eye on my yearly cumulative profit/loss.
Resetting that balance sheet to zero every New Year
is not an idea that I can justify, but I do it anyway.
Last year was profitable but my hours were limited.
This year I am playing a lot and doing quite well.
I'm currently way to the right of the curve, deep in the black.



Well-Known Member
i allocate the same amount of cash for any given 'session'. if i bust out of that amount of cash then that session is over, or i might lose some of that cash and decide to call it a session, or i might win some additional cash and call it a session. so if i lose that allocated cash or just quit for the day behind or ahead that's what i call a session. i've played very short sessions of less than a half hour and the longest i've played has been about 21 hours straight.
how it is that i decide to end a session has a lot to do with personal psychology, wrong headed as that may be. i just plain don't like the experience of a losing session, but feel happy if i just break even or get ahead. so usually the longer sessions i play are the result of my wanting to play until i break even, get ahead or as unfortunately sometimes happens bust out.
also i'm goal oriented, again wrong headed as that may be. like pretty much for me about three hours play on any given day trip is plenty. i know what the expectation (ev) is for a perfect card counter for three hours of play for a given game, so me if i happen to reach that expectation in three hours or less i'll probably call it a session and suspend play until i decide i want to start another session.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, very good information and opinions.

And sagefr0g, you played 21 hours straight? :eek: You must of been popping some serious no-doz to keep the correct count :) Playing that long, the casino should definitely comp you a room for the night err day. :)


shadroch said:
Your lifetime play is one long session. Unless you are using something along the lines of Oscars Grind, your day to day results are next to meaningless.
Typical BJ book answer.


creeping panther said:
A session begins when you sit at the BJ table, buy in, and go to Battle.:cool:

A session ends when you color up your chips from above, call an end to that Battle, and walk from the table.;)

The "Long Run" is an excuse gamblers use so they can keep feeding their addiction while they are losing their ASS.:yikes:

Agree. If you used the long run you might be broke that session.
Funny incident

jerseyshop101 said:
Thanks guys, very good information and opinions.

And sagefr0g, you played 21 hours straight? :eek: You must of been popping some serious no-doz to keep the correct count :) Playing that long, the casino should definitely comp you a room for the night err day. :)
Several years ago I hit the casino after work on a Friday began playing at about 5pm, 6d. I played non-stop all night till about 7am and as I was ready to leave the casino, managment pulled me off the table took me to a private office. There,,, they asked if I would be willing to play BJ at a private table with a Hollywood celebrity, a female, who wanted to play BJ but not alone and wanted another player who was skilled to help her. She was there as a special guest to a huge Beer Distributors Convention that was being held at the casino that weekend. The celebrity was Peter Fondas daughter, Brigette
Fonda. Being very exhausted I asked for a room to shower and rest for a while as they told me she wanted to begin play at 9.30am. She would be alone with her travelling asistant.

I took a rest, cleaned up, had a bite, and made my apperance at the appointed time. There was a private ropped off table in the high limit area and I requested a rules change after consulting with her and it was granted. She was very nice, very pretty and not made up at all or phony in any way. We had a very good time playing till 12 noon when she had to depart for her 1pm apperance. I was allowed, expected, to coach her in her play as she was not very knowlegable in Basic but really enjoyed the game, even though by the end of play I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open.:sleep::sleep::sleep:



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
I played non-stop all night till about 7am and as I was ready to leave the casino, managment pulled me off the table took me to a private office.
What was going through your mind at this point? If that was me my paranoia would have had me heading for the nearest exit!

SystemsTrader said:
What was going through your mind at this point? If that was me my paranoia would have had me heading for the nearest exit!
As a regular at this casino I really had no fear of what was going on. The approach was not at all threatening. I think one can easily sense the difference.;)



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
As a regular at this casino I really had no fear of what was going on. The approach was not at all threatening. I think one can easily sense the difference.;)

Just out of curiosity, since they obviously know you are a skilled player, how do you manage to be a regular at that place?

DonR said:
Just out of curiosity, since they obviously know you are a skilled player, how do you manage to be a regular at that place?
That will be "one" of the topics of Round Table Discussion held in the Private and Secure Hospitality Suite at the upcoming "09 BJ BASH"... which shall be attended by a great many of the BJ luminaries of this fine site. Some coming from half way around the world to attend.:):celebrate:toast:
