What do You Consider a Session?


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Probably is a very different world requiring disciplined betting and knowing what to expect.

Or, is it maybe you mean, you apply the same discipline too except with more money? In which case it's not really a very different world, is it?

Glad you're ahead though, as luck would have it.
lmao, and i thought you was gonna say the wise one would probably call it a session if he wins or loses five bucks. :joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
lmao, and i thought you was gonna say the wise one would probably call it a session if he wins or loses five bucks. :joker::whip:
What I should have added was if The Wise One had anywhere near the implied AP roll of Frankie's, apparently in the millions somewhere, he still would call it a session after winning or losing five bucks.

And still worry about the effect of his wife playing $5/hand to that roll :grin:

Mine tried that crap with me but I told her there's no thrill unless it's your "own" money lmao.

So now she uses "her" money from a jointly-held checking account with me and I use "my" money from a different jointly-held checking account with her. The big thing is her name is listed first on one and mine is listed first on the other. This means I have to from time to time "loan" her money at a BJ table from my account to hers. And then she later pays me back from "her" account to mine.

This "separate but equal" stuff is the key to a solid "marriage". I can't imagine the hell that would ensue if we chose to run both moneys thru just one jointly-held checking account. It'd be like, totally different.

Add the fact she never changed her maiden name, it's almost like before we were married when we check into a hotel and get the knowing wink from the proprietor what with different last names and all. Except now, two queen-sized beds is preferred. For afterwards lmao.

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
A session is simply a way to measure play without having to refer to the "long run".

Sessions are also used to escape or measure heat. "Keep your sessions short to minimize heat".


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
A session begins when you sit at the BJ table, buy in, and go to Battle.:cool:

A session ends when you color up your chips from above, call an end to that Battle, and walk from the table.;)

The "Long Run" is an excuse gamblers use so they can keep feeding their addiction while they are losing their ASS.:yikes:

Theoretically, I agree with Shadroch, but practically, I agree with you. I like to leave on an upswing. If that doesn't seem to be in the cards, I pack it in after a predetermined amount of loss that I am prepared to cope with. It's important to one's psychology to control the amounts of losses to avoid falling victim to steamboating behaviors. If I have a modest loss and the cards seem to be going against me, I do something else for a while, take a swim, go shopping, try a new restaurant, do some sightseeing, whatever. A fresh mind is a valuable asset when gambling.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
A session begins when you sit at the BJ table, buy in, and go to Battle.:cool:

A session ends when you color up your chips from above, call an end to that Battle, and walk from the table.;)

The "Long Run" is an excuse gamblers use so they can keep feeding their addiction while they are losing their ASS.:yikes:

This is my take as well. I mean a certain number of shoes or hours playing is the long run, right?


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
.... I like to leave on an upswing. If that doesn't seem to be in the cards, I pack it in after a predetermined amount of loss that I am prepared to cope with. It's important to one's psychology to control the amounts of losses to avoid falling victim to steamboating behaviors. If I have a modest loss and the cards seem to be going against me, I do something else for a while, take a swim, go shopping, try a new restaurant, do some sightseeing, whatever. A fresh mind is a valuable asset when gambling.
i pretty much agree. there is a subtle trap i've far too often found myself fall into because of my wanting to finish a session on an up note or at least even, once that i've fallen substantialy behind. that being when i'm down and trying to grind back up and the session is becoming longer and longer i far to often fail to catch myself playing all, hence playing far to many negative counts, in the effort to get back even or ahead. me thinks it's far better to take breaks out of those negative count shoes and maybe wong in a bit or at least start a fresh shoe than doggedly playing all in an effort to get in more hands trying to recover.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
i pretty much agree. there is a subtle trap i've far too often found myself fall into because of my wanting to finish a session on an up note or at least even, once that i've fallen substantialy behind. that being when i'm down and trying to grind back up and the session is becoming longer and longer i far to often fail to catch myself playing all, hence playing far to many negative counts, in the effort to get back even or ahead. me thinks it's far better to take breaks out of those negative count shoes and maybe wong in a bit or at least start a fresh shoe than doggedly playing all in an effort to get in more hands trying to recover.
I couldn't agree more. A dealer in Vegas once told me, "You can beat this game, but never chase your money."


Well-Known Member
jerseyshop101 said:
What do most here consider a "session" when they go to a casino. Is it a certain amount of hours to play? Or do you set a cap on your amount to lose or even win?

I guess this question would be more geared to players who are able to play daily than those who only play weekly or less. But I'd like to hear everyones opinion.

Where i play 1 hour max win or lose.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Yep, around 1500 hours of playing time.
id consider the long run 9N0 :devil:. some good single/double deck games can get you there in under 1k hours :devil:
rukus said:
id consider the long run 9N0 :devil:. some good single/double deck games can get you there in under 1k hours :devil:
A really good SD game has a N0 of around 4500 and can get you there much quicker than that. Hard to find though.