What is my Edge


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the boards, but a long time lurker. I'm having trouble figuring out the playability of this game, and my advantage over the house. I was wondering if you guys could share some info.


6 decks
ENHC (player is refunded lost doubles or splits should dealer make BJ)
Early Surrender vs 10 (No late surrender against A)
Double any 2 cards
Double after split
Only 1 split allowed
No resplitting aces
Dealer Stand on soft 17
Penetration is ~70-75%
I'm using 1-9 spread, hi-lo, full indexes.

Is this a worthwhile game to play? What's my longterm EV?
Thanks very much in advance.



New Member
FLASH1296 said:
With such poor penetration and such a light spread this game is all-but-worthless.
What kind of spread would you recommend to make this game playable? 1-12?
From what I can tell, that would yield ~1% advantage over the house. Is that not considered good for a shoe game?


Well-Known Member
That pen' is marginal at best.

You do not have a 1% edge with a slim 9-1 spread.

The minimum that I would even consider would be 12-1; with 18-1 preferred.

Of course, the greater the spread the greater your risk for whatever size bankroll you have.

In all likelihood, with such poor penetration you'll not experience much in the way of heat at low stakes.



Well-Known Member
Actually, you have an amazing game.

The key is to wong out at negative counts. Better yet, wong in at positive counts only.

EDIT: ENHC is the key here. Without it, I standy by what I said. I'm not sure how this affects the edge.
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New Member
I'm at bit confused. Flash thinks this is a pretty marginal game, but others are saying it's an amazing game.

From what I can tell, based on the fact that the house refunds all secondary bets lost vs dealer BJ, this game is virtually identical to a dealer peek game, except with ES10, which from what I can tell, is a pretty advantageous rule.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? All feedback is appreciated. Thanks guys!


Jb85 said:
I'm at bit confused. Flash thinks this is a pretty marginal game, but others are saying it's an amazing game.

From what I can tell, based on the fact that the house refunds all secondary bets lost vs dealer BJ, this game is virtually identical to a dealer peek game, except with ES10, which from what I can tell, is a pretty advantageous rule.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? All feedback is appreciated. Thanks guys!
More cards are eaten when dealer has a BJ.


Jeff25 said:
True, but NHC works both ways. Many cards are saved when playing heads-up and using es-10 properly.
I wasn't trying to say a better or worse by the card eating effect only a difference. I used to play in AC when the dealer didn't peek and you got refunded your double or split when the dealer had a BJ. That was after warping cards from peeking was discovered and befoer peeking devices were used.