what is the craziest move you have made at the table?


Well-Known Member
since I am a rather new player, I don't have too many crazy tales to tell. I have doubled for less w/ 12 against 12, split 10's and doubled 10 vs 10 (once only for both of the last two plays, there are a few other times I could have done it but I'm still working up the nerve). What is the craziest move you have ever made? Hitting hard 17+ etc?


Well-Known Member
I've doubled 14vT, A8v8 and even a hard 20 vs some dealer upcard. Amazingly I hit 21 each time ...
Meistro said:
since I am a rather new player, I don't have too many crazy tales to tell. I have doubled for less w/ 12 against 12, split 10's and doubled 10 vs 10 (once only for both of the last two plays, there are a few other times I could have done it but I'm still working up the nerve). What is the craziest move you have ever made? Hitting hard 17+ etc?
Splitting 10's and doubling 10 vs. 10 are actually standard index plays. At high counts I do those things all the time. As you progress as an AP you'll discover the pleasure of doing things like that which are perceived as crazy by the unskilled but actually high level play.


Well-Known Member
Crazy as in reckless, or crazy as in "as it might appear to someone"?

Doubling a 12 for (a lot) less is always amusing.
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Once there was a female at my table who was always "doubling for less". (a concept I have never understood btw) I had out $150, received a doubledown hand and put out 2 black and exclaimed "doubling for more". To my great shock, the dealer hit my hand, moved on and broke and paid me $350.


Well-Known Member
Craziest move was probably the time I was hitting on the hot girl ploppy in front of her big boyfriend. She got a blackjack and was excited. I said "you like BJs? I like BJs too." she didn't like that comment. and her boyfriend didn't hear or didn't get it.


Well-Known Member
Playing in the IP with the worlds most obnoxius dealer, she bypassed me at first base with my hard 17, dealing a 4 to the guy next to me. I yelled out that she had skipped me. She said " you have 17, you stand". I told her it was my choice and not only was I going to hit it, but I'd wanted to double it.
Pitboss got involved and let me take the hit, but not the double, and was clearly annoyed at the dealer for making him work. My mission accomplished,I colored up and left.


Well-Known Member
I split 10s to 6 hands one time. I even got another 10 on my last one and it was so close to the index play that I probably should have split them again. I could have got up to 10 hands too since 10s kept coming out. Luckily the dealer bust.


Well-Known Member
Hit a hard 18 and pulled a two. Knew the dealer had pat 19 so wouldnt exactly call it crazy... Lucky, yes. But not crazy ;)


Well-Known Member
Craziest thing I've ever done

Came to the table and on the very first hand, bet the table max and won :)

Everyone's jaw there dropped including the dealer's! I colored up after that and moved on :)


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
Came to the table and on the very first hand, bet the table max and won :)

Everyone's jaw there dropped including the dealer's! I colored up after that and moved on :)
More details thunder. Did you back count and jump in at a plus count? and if so why only only hand? If you weren't backcounting and just jumped in blind....well they yes, thats crazy...to crazy for me. lol


Well-Known Member
When you find a holecarding dealer, everything I did was out of whack. Needless to say I went back about 20x during her shift to try and get her again, and she has never dealt bj again...always roulette. I was down a lot of units and was making some pretty "dumb" moves. I did get all of it back though.

One cool thing that happened to me...I'm walking by a game, and this gentleman has a $200 bet out against a dealer 5 or 6, cant remember, but I saw that he was nervous to pull out the extra money so I pulled out a $100 and we went in halves. We broke even, but it was a great opportunity. I love being the scavenger.


Well-Known Member
I got a hand replayed after the dealer skipped my S18 (was a double 9-11 only game) and a 20 the woman on third had, to hit his 16 (6 up) with a 5. I complained took the 5 for 13 and watched the dealer bust with a 10. I had to leave shortly after that, as the woman kicked up a stink about how I had messed up the flow of the cards and all that bulls**t, even thou I turned her $50 loss into a $50 win, ungrateful B**ch!


In 1987 I was playing at the Riviera and had just placed two max bets, the PC informed me as I placed the bets that it was my last hand, I flipped over two BJ's and proceeded to double down both, won both doubles, and told the PC "Thats what i call good to the last drop," and took a bow. zg


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
More details thunder. Did you back count and jump in at a plus count? and if so why only only hand? If you weren't backcounting and just jumped in blind....well they yes, thats crazy...to crazy for me. lol
It was several years ago when I was a little crazier and before I knew how to count and only knew BS. I had been getting killed at Bally's all night long. (This was before they went H17) After playing for 12 hours or so straight from after dinner time to the next morning, I was thoroughly exhausted and felt that my luck was finally starting to change. I was down about 400 units and knew I had to catch up soon since I had to leave to go drive to an engagement in upstate NY.

I started betting betting more and more until soon I was about half way to the table max and was steadily coming back. Then I left the table when the dealer was shuffling and knew I was already running really late. I already had broken a few cardinal rules to this point, playing when I was extremely tired which obviously affected my judgement and having withdrawn more money from the atm, not once but a few times. I also did just about the dumbest thing ever when I took out a cash advance without even knowing really what it was since it was my first time and nobody had taught me about it. The casino sure as heck didn't bother to explain it to me. All I was thinking in my dazed state of mind was, I'm so deep in a hole that I have to make it back or I'm f-cked. Again I was extremely tired so my judgement was affected and I obviously had a lot to learn. Anyway I digress.

After leaving the table where the dealer was shuffling, I was on my way out and I noticed one table that seemed pretty happy and people seemed to be winning. I then figured ok I'll bet the table max and if I win I should be at the most, 40 units down and could leave knowing I had made a tremendous comeback in a short time. Again, for any newbie who is playing, I DO NOT ADVISE DOING THIS!!!! So I place a shiny orange chip on the table for the table max and was asked if I was sure I wanted to do that. I said yeah and of course got immediate heat. I was dealt a 6,2 and the dealer had 2. I hit it but wound up with 13 I think. I stood and now was extremely nervous knowing my chances of winning were very slim. As it turned out, the dealer drew to her hand twice and still had not gotten to 17. She now had 13. I was about shitting my pants in anticipation of what was going to happen next and prayed she'd bust. I couldn't look but then turned my head around and saw that she did indeed draw the prettiest looking face card ever. I must have jumped about 3 feet in the air screaming outloud, YEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! and slapped hands with all of the players at the table. I then quickly gathered my chips and cashed out.

Even though it ended a whole lot better than it could have, I still draw on that experience, vowing to never play when tired again. Now, I'm an AP and have learned to be far more disciplined in my play and to change tables if I feel things aren't going well over a few shoes if for no other reason, than to just take a break and gather myself. Now being able to count, has changed everything because I no longer sit through bad shoes inviting myself to get destroyed. I could probably write a book on all of my experiences in Atlantic City, but I'll save that maybe for a later date. While I ended up a lot better than I could have, I have since learned to never ever ever chase losses and hope this story will provide a sober reminder to all on the board of the dangers of gambling and why it is important to be alert at all times.
I think mine came this last weekend.

I was playing 3 spots of table max, and was dealt 88, 66, 44 against a 5 up. I had been getting heat for the entire stay so far, so I figured, heck, why not go for broke here.

So I split the 88s first, hit another 8, as well as an 11. I split the 8's again, to draw yet ANOTHER 8, as well as a 7. Stay on the seven, split the 8's to get 2 stiff's. Stay, and double the 11 to hit a 14 off it. So far, not good!

I split the 6's next, a 16 and 9. Double the 9, hit 19.

Split the 4's now, and at this point, I am probably the most nervous and excited person ever to play that table. I hit a 7 off one 4 for the 11 double, and a 10 for 14. Double the 11 to hit ANOTHER stiff.

Table is now electric, with everyone cheering. Dealer pulls her hole card, and hits the dreaded 6 to pull 11. She draws the next card overly dramatic, and I am literally sweating at this point. She pulls a.. A. Thank goodness this table is H17! She draws a 9 after the A, to have 16. Last card, King.

This is probably my most intense moment I have ever witnessed on the felt.


Well-Known Member
Quite some years ago I bet the table max off the top.
It was $2,500. I lost. Took all day to break even after that.